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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of a Meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, held on February 24 & 25, 2000, in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto.

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order and Welcome

2. Approval of Agenda

3. Minutes

4. Registrar’s Report

5. Committee Reports

6. Committee Reports (continued)

7. Correspondence

8. New Business

9. Notices of Motions

10. Next Meeting

11. Adjournment


Thursday, February 24, 2000

Present: Liz Barkley, Sandi Bell, Jackie Breithaupt, Bill Bryce, Sterling Campbell, Larry Capstick, Doug Carter, Paul Charron, Ernie Checkeris (from 3:10 p.m.), John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair), Patrick Daly, Margaret Dempsey, Solette Gelberg, Jean Hanson (from 3:15 p.m.), Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair), Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon (from 2:20 p.m.), Harry Mulvale, Allen Pearson, Ron Rambarran, Cecilia Reynolds, William Rogers, John Slade, David Somer, Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs, Margaret Wilson (Registrar)

Regrets: Wayne Cornack

Speaker: Lise St-Eloi (left at 3:18 p.m.)

Guests: Caroline Zayid (Legal Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault), Bryan Graham (Auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers, from 3:15 p.m.)

Staff: Kathy Anstett, Joe Atkinson, Margaret Aubé, Peter Brown, Linda Grant, Myrtle Herzenberg, Genny Humby, Marie-France Lefort, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Patrick O’Neill, Lynda Palazzi

1. Call to Order and Welcome

The Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The Chair reminded Council members that the Steering Committee consisted of John Cruickshank and Kathleen McFadyen.

2. Approval of Agenda (GC20000224-12 )

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That the Agenda for the February 24 & 25, 2000 meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers be approved, as amended.

3. Minutes

3.1 Meeting, November 18-19, 1999 (GC20000224-13)

It was noted that in some instances, the names of seconders to motions had been omitted.

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the November 18-19, 1999 meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers be approved, as corrected.

3.2 Special Meeting, January 10, 2000 ( GC20000224-15)

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers held on January 10, 2000 be approved.

3.3 Special Meeting, February 9, 2000 ( GC20000224-17)

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That Council move into an in-camera session, those present to include members of Council, the Speaker, legal counsel and staff.

Council moved into an in-camera session at 1:05 p.m. and moved out of the in-camera session at 1:08 p.m.

It was noted that in some instances, the names of seconders to motions had been omitted.

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the February 9, 2000 Special Meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers be approved, as corrected.

4. Registrar’s Report ( GC20000224-23, GC20000224-24, GC20000224-25)

The Registrar’s Report was received. Margaret Wilson spoke to the report. A question and answer period followed.

It was noted that Ministerial Confirmation of the Labour Mobility Agreement had not been received. Further consideration was deferred pending its receipt.

The Registrar agreed to provide information to Council members on the data transfer process between the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan and the Ontario College of Teachers. It was further agreed that staff would look at the possibility of developing a communication tool to inform teachers of membership/pension issues for those persons going on leaves of absence. It was also agreed that staff would study the feasibility of measure such as prepayment of membership fees by persons on leave.

The Registrar agreed to provide the data available relative to the Faculty of Education enrolment (for September 2000) to the Accreditation Committee.

It was agreed that staff would prepare a breakdown of new members by age and gender and that this information would be shared with the Accreditation Committee.

5. Committee Reports

5.1 Executive Committee/Chair’s Report (GC20000224-26 attachment 2, GC20000224-26C)

The Report of the Executive Committee/Chair’s report was received. The Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy, spoke to the report and answered questions.

Item 7. Proposed Amendments to Regulation 184/97.

It was moved and seconded by Steering, “that Council move into an in camera session, those present to include members of Council, the Speaker, legal counsel and staff.”

It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and


That the question be put.

The Steering motion was put, but it was


That Council move into an in camera session, those present to include members of Council, the Speaker, legal counsel and staff.

Solette Gelberg requested a recorded vote.

Recorded Vote:

For: Against:  
Sterling Campbell Liz Barkley  
Margaret Dempsey Sandi Bell  
Donna Marie Kennedy Jackie Breithaupt  

Bill Bryce


Larry Capstick


Doug Carter


Paul Charron


John Cruickshank


Patrick Daly


Solette Gelberg


Marilyn Laframboise


Diane Leblovic


Kathleen McFadyen


George Merrett


Karen Mitchell


Larry Mongeon


Harry Mulvale


Allen Pearson


Ron Rambarran


Cecilia Reynolds


William Rogers


John Slade


David Somer


Frances Thorne


Clarice West-Hobbs

For: 3 Against: 25 Absent:  3

Margaret Wilson and Margaret Aubé reviewed the proposed changes to Regulation 184/97. A question and answer period followed.

It was moved and seconded by Steering, “that Council approve the proposed amendments to Regulation 184/97 Teachers Qualifications (Document GC20000224-26C).”

It was moved by Allen Pearson and seconded by Larry Capstick, “that Council approve that the proposed amendments to Regulation 184/97 Teacher’s Qualifications (Document GC20000224-26C) be amended by the deletion of Schedules A, B, C, D and E and by the alteration to all references to these Schedules in the Regulation to “the Bylaws of the College.”

It was moved by Harry Mulvale and seconded by Clarice West-Hobbs, “that Council refer the amendment to the Executive for study and report.”

The Speaker ruled the motion out of order.

A vote was taken on the Pearson/Capstick motion, but it was


That Council approve the proposed amendments to Regulation 184/97 Teacher’s Qualifications (Document GC20000224-26C) be amended by the deletion of Schedules A, B, C, D and E and by the alteration to all references to these Schedules in the Regulation to “the Bylaws of the College”.

A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was


That Council approve the proposed amendments to Regulation 184/97 Teachers Qualifications (Document GC20000224-26C).

It was agreed that staff would prepare communication aimed at secondary schools, noting changes to Regulation 184/97, Schedule A and B.

Item 2. Report of the Workgroup on Committee Membership Review

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That Council approve that the number of members of the Investigation Committee be at least seven (7) of whom at least five (5) shall be persons who were elected to the Council under clause 4(2)(a) of the Act, and at least two (2) shall be persons who were appointed to Council under clause 4(2)(b) of the Act.

5.2 Discipline Committee (GC20000224- 27)

The report of the Discipline Committee was received. The Chair, George Merrett, spoke to the report and provided a verbal update of the report and answered questions.

5.3 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20000224-28)

The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report and answered questions.

It was agreed that members of Council be informed of any appeals to District Court that are related to Discipline, Fitness to Practise or Registration Appeals hearing decisions.

It was agreed that the Chair of the Investigation Committee would be provided with a transcript that contained a statement made by the Chair of the Fitness to Practice Panel in the Sclater hearing and which case had been appealed at the Divisional Court.

5.4 Investigation Committee (GC20000224-29)

The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair, Harry Mulvale, spoke to the report and provided a verbal update of the report.

5.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20000224-30)

The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, Jackie Breithaupt, spoke to the report and provided a verbal update of the report.

5.6 Standards of Practice and Education Committee

5.6.1 Notice of Motion — Amendment to the Bylaws to include New Section 32.01(1) (GC20000224-31, GC20000224-19, GC20000224- 20)

English and French copies of the “Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession” were distributed to Council members.

It was moved by Clarice West-Hobbs, Chair, Standards of Practice and Education Committee, “ That the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of Section 32, to read:

“Section 32. Professional and Ethical Standards

32.01. a) The following are hereby prescribed as standards of practice for the teaching profession:

i) Commitment to Students and Student Learning;

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers demonstrate care for and commitment to students. They are dedicated to engaging and supporting student learning. They treat students equitably and with respect. They encourage students to grow as individuals and as contributing members of society. Members of the Ontario College of Teachers assist students to become life-long learners.

ii) Professional Knowledge

Professional knowledge is the foundation for teaching practice. Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know the curriculum, the subject matter, the student, and teaching practice. They know education-related legislation, methods for communication, and ways to teach in a changing world.

iii) Teaching Practice

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers apply professional knowledge and understanding of the student, curriculum, teaching and the changing context of the learning environment to promote student learning. They conduct ongoing assessment and evaluation of student progress. They modify and refine teaching practice through continuous reflection.

iv) Leadership and Community

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers are educational leaders who create and sustain learning communities in their classrooms, in their schools, and in their profession. They collaborate with their colleagues and other professionals, with parents, and with other members of the community to enhance school programs and student learning.

v) Ongoing Professional Learning

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers are learners who acknowledge the interdependence of teacher learning and student learning. They engage in a continuum of professional growth to improve their practice.”

It was agreed that staff would provide members of Council with copies of the November 8, 1999 memo ”Executive Committee Review of Standards of Practice and Education Committee Report” in time for the discussion on February 25, 2000.

It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Margaret Dempsey, and


That Council postpone consideration of the above motion, and that this item be the first item of business on Friday February 25, 2000.

This item is continued under 6.1 Standards of Practice Committee — p. 8.

5.7 Finance Committee (GC20000224-33, GC20000224-39, GC20000224-48) Timed Item — 4:15 p.m.

The Chair of the Finance Committee, Solette N. Gelberg, introduced Bryan Graham, Auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Bryan Graham made a presentation to Council on, “An Introduction to the Financial Statements of the College” . A question and answer period followed the presentation.

It was moved by Solette N. Gelberg, Chair, Finance Committee, and


That Council appropriate a sum of $2,000,000 from the Members’ Equity account for a Reserve for Fee Stabilization.

It was moved by Solette N. Gelberg, Chair, Finance Committee, and


That Council amend the Statement of Investment Policies and Guidelines by adding to Section 5 Investment Quality and Diversification “No investment shall be locked in for longer than five years from the date of purchase” (Document GC20000224-33).

The meeting recessed at 5:20 p.m.


February 25, 2000

Present: Liz Barkley, Sandi Bell, Jackie Breithaupt, Bill Bryce, Sterling Campbell, Larry Capstick, Paul Charron, Ernie Checkeris, John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair), Margaret Dempsey, Solette Gelberg, Jean Hanson, Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair), Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett (from 10:45 a.m.), Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, Harry Mulvale, Allen Pearson, Ron Rambarran, Cecilia Reynolds, William Rogers, John Slade, David Somer, Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs, Margaret Wilson, (Registrar)

Regrets: Doug Carter, Wayne Cornack, Patrick Daly

Speaker: Lise St-Eloi

Guests: Caroline Zayid (Legal Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault)

Staff: Kathy Anstett, Joe Atkinson, Margaret Aubé, Linda Grant, Myrtle Herzenberg, Genny Humby, Marie-France Lefort, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Patrick O’Neill, Lynda Palazzi

The meeting resumed at 9:00 a.m.

6. Committee Reports (continued)

6.1 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (continued) (GC20000224-31, GC20000224-19, GC20000224-20)

6.1.1 Notice of Motion — Amendment to the Bylaws to include New Section 32.01(a) (GC20000224-19)

Copies of document GC1991118-105Executive Committee Review of Standards of Practice and Education Committee Report” were distributed to members of Council.

It was moved by Harry Mulvale and seconded by John Cruickshank, “That Council amend the lead-in to Section 32.01 of the West-Hobbs motion by the addition of the words: “for pre-service and in-service” and by the deletion of the words, “for the teaching profession”, so that the lead-in to the motion would read: 32.01 a) The following are hereby prescribed for pre-service and in-service standards of practice.”

It was moved by Bill Rogers and seconded by Sandi Bell, “That Council amend the amendment to the West-Hobbs motion by the addition of the words “accreditation and as” after the words “for pre-service and in-service” and by the addition of the words, “for the teaching profession”, so that the lead-in to the motion would read: 32.01 a): “The following are hereby prescribed for pre-service and in-service accreditation and as standards of practice for the teaching profession.”

It was moved by Donna Marie Kennedy, seconded by Sandi Bell, and


That the question be put.

A vote was taken on the amendment to the amendment, and it was


That Council approve that the lead-in to Section 32. be amended as follows:

32.01 a) The following are hereby prescribed for pre-service and in-service accreditation and as standards of practice for the teaching profession.

Harry Mulvale requested a recorded vote.

Recorded Vote:

For: Against:  
Liz Barkley Harry Mulvale  

Sandi Bell


Jackie Breithaupt


Bill Bryce


Sterling Campbell


Larry Capstick


Paul Charron


Ernie Checkeris


John Cruickshank


Margaret Dempsey


Solette Gelberg


Jean Hanson


Donna Marie Kennedy


Marilyn Laframboise


Diane Leblovic


Kathleen McFadyen


Karen Mitchell


Larry Mongeon


Allen Pearson


Ron Rambarran


Cecilia Reynolds


William Rogers


John Slade


David Somer


Frances Thorne


Clarice West-Hobbs

For: 26 Against: 1 Absent:  4

A vote was taken on the amendment, as amended, but it was


That Council approve that the lead-in to Section 32. be amended as follows:

32.01 a) The following are hereby prescribed for pre-service and in-service accreditation and as standards of practice for the teaching profession.

Donna Marie Kennedy challenged the Speaker. She stated that she believed that the vote was not lost and requested that there be a recount of the votes.

A vote was taken on the ruling of the Speaker. The Speaker was not upheld.

A second vote was taken on the amendment, as amended, and


That Council approve that the lead-in to Section 32. be amended as follows:

32.01 a) The following are hereby prescribed for pre-service and in-service accreditation and as standards of practice for the teaching profession.

Harry Mulvale withdrew his request for a recorded vote of the motion.

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was,


That the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of Section 32, to read:

“Section 32. Professional and Ethical Standards

32.01. a) The following are hereby prescribed for pre-service and in-service accreditation and as standards of practice for the teaching profession:

i) Commitment to Students and Student Learning;

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers demonstrate care for and commitment to students. They are dedicated to engaging and supporting student learning. They treat students equitably and with respect. They encourage students to grow as individuals and as contributing members of society. Members of the Ontario College of Teachers assist students to become life-long learners.

ii) Professional Knowledge

Professional knowledge is the foundation for teaching practice. Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know the curriculum, the subject matter, the student, and teaching practice. They know education-related legislation, methods for communication, and ways to teach in a changing world.

iii) Teaching Practice

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers apply professional knowledge and understanding of the student, curriculum, teaching and the changing context of the learning environment to promote student learning. They conduct ongoing assessment and evaluation of student progress. They modify and refine teaching practice through continuous reflection.

iv) Leadership and Community

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers are educational leaders who create and sustain learning communities in their classrooms, in their schools, and in their profession. They collaborate with their colleagues and other professionals, with parents, and with other members of the community to enhance school programs and student learning.

v) Ongoing Professional Learning

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers are learners who acknowledge the interdependence of teacher learning and student learning. They engage in a continuum of professional growth to improve their practice.”

6.1.2 Notice of Motion — Amendment to the Bylaws to include New Section 32.01(b) and Schedule 2 (GC20000224-20)

It was moved by Clarice West-Hobbs, Chair, Standards of Practice and Education Committee, “that, Whereas the standards of practice for the teaching profession may be evidenced by, but are not limited to, key elements approved by Council.

Whereas the key elements are examples that offer expansion of the five statements that comprise the standards of practice.

That the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of section 32.01 b) to read:

“b) Key elements of the standards of practice for the teaching profession are set out in Schedule 2 hereto, and are hereby deemed to form part of this bylaw.

Schedule 2 — Key Elements

Commitment to Students and Student Learning

1.Demonstration of care and commitment

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) model for students the curiosity, enthusiasm, and joy of learning

(b) help students appreciate their own identity, to learn more of their cultural heritage, and to build self-esteem

(c) demonstrate concern for student character, peer relationships, and personal aspirations.

2.Support for student learning

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) understand and use a range of teaching methods to address learning, cultural, spiritual, and language differences, and family situations

(b) develop programs for students that incorporate a knowledge and understanding of human development and learning theory.

3.Equitable and respectful treatment

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) accommodate the differences in students and respect their diversity

(b) help students to connect learning to their own life experiences and spiritual and cultural understandings.

4.Growing as individuals and as contributing members of society Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) encourage students to become active, inquisitive and discerning citizens

(b) create opportunities for students to understand, facilitate and respond to change

(c) reinforce the rights and responsibilities students have as citizens.

5.Assistance in becoming life-long learners

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) link the curriculum and learning experiences to everyday life

(b) encourage students to know about, reflect on, and monitor their own learning

(c) challenge students to the pursuit of excellence

Professional Knowledge

1. Knowledge of the student

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know:

(a) how differences arising from cultural heritage, language, family, gender, community, and other factors shape experience and impact on learning

(b) how to recognize strengths and weaknesses of students

(c) how teaching is shaped by what is known about human development and learning

(d) that teaching students with exceptionalities requires the use of specialized knowledge and skills.

2.Knowledge of the curriculum

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know:

(a) the subject matter

(b) how knowledge in their subject area is created, linked to other subjects, and applied to life experiences

(c) the curriculum relevant to their subject(s)

(d) ways to connect curriculum expectations to curriculum resources and technologies.

3.Knowledge of teaching practice

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know ways to:

(a) make knowledge and skills accessible to others

(b) shape instruction so that it is helpful to students who learn in a variety of ways

(c) motivate students

(d) establish and modify instructional settings

(e) manage time for instruction

(f) establish classroom management strategies that support learning and respect the dignity of students

(g) collaborate and structure interaction among students to ensure that shared learning, as well as individual learning, occurs

(h) assess and evaluate student learning, student approaches to learning, and the achievement of curriculum expectations

(i) communicate and collaborate with parents and others involved in the education of students.

4.Knowledge of the learning environment

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know ways to identify and respond to:

(a) change

(b) the factors in a diverse and changing society that impact on learning

(c) provincial legislation, local policies and procedures, and community norms that guide the decisions they make.

Teaching Practice

1.The student

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers planning for instruction:

(a) collaborate with professional colleagues to support student learning

(b) apply knowledge of student backgrounds, experiences, and learning styles

(c) apply knowledge of how students develop and learn

(d) apply knowledge of a student's physical, social, and cognitive development

(e) respond to learning exceptionalities and special needs

(f) adapt teaching practice based on student achievement.

2. Curriculum

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) adapt the methods of inquiry, content knowledge, and skills required in the curriculum

(b) link content and skills to everyday life experiences

(c) integrate a variety of teaching and learning strategies, activities, and resources

(d) assist students to develop and use ways to access and critically assess information.

3. Teaching and the changing context of the learning environment

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) carry out their duties as outlined in legislation

(b) establish a safe and supportive learning environment

(c) establish and maintain standards for student behaviour

(d) enhance the learning environment with a variety of curriculum resources and available technologies

(e) organize time and space to enrich the learning environment

(f) develop student activities to promote social and group responsibilities

(g) use classroom management skills to enhance learning

(h) apply teaching strategies to meet student needs.

4.Assessment and evaluation of students

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) communicate clear, challenging, and achievable expectations for students

(b) gather data on student performance using a variety of assessment strategies

(c) keep a continuous and comprehensive record of group and individual achievement

(d) report and provide ongoing feedback of individual achievement to students and parents.


Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) integrate curriculum expectations into current teaching practice

(b) reflect on current practice to determine if needs of individuals and groups of students are being met

(c) modify and refine teaching practice using a variety of sources and resources.

Leadership and Community

1.Responsibility and service

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) build trust with students, parents, and the community

(b) exercise professional integrity and judgement.

2. Creation of a learning community

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) learn with and from their students, colleagues, and others in communities of learners

(b) motivate and inspire through sharing their vision

(c) create opportunities for students to share their learning with their classmates, schoolmates, parents, and the community

(d) invite parents and members of the community to share their knowledge and skills in supporting classroom and school activities.

3.Sustaining learning through innovation and change

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) innovate and effect change through decision-making, initiating change, and evaluating and communicating results

(b) engage others through shared problem-solving and conflict resolution

(c) act both as team members and as team leaders

(d) acknowledge and celebrate effort and success

Ongoing Professional Learning

1.Teacher learning and student learning

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) understand that teacher learning is directly related to student learning

(b) act as role models who demonstrate lifelong learning

(c) engage in a variety of learning opportunities both individual and collaborative that are integrated into practice for the benefit of student learning.

2.Professional growth

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) recognize that continuous professional growth is an integral part of teaching

(b) recognize that teaching and professional growth are influenced by personal, social, and educational contexts

(c) understand that teaching practice is enhanced by many forms of knowledge, ways of knowing, and ways to access that knowledge

(d) anticipate and plan the kinds of learning they will need to respond to a variety of educational contexts.

3.Improving practice

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) demonstrate a commitment to continued professional growth

(b) know that professional learning is most effective when it is job-embedded, relevant and supported by others within the educational community

(c) reflect on their practice and learn from experience

(d) draw on and contribute, where appropriate, to various forms of educational research

(e) collaborate with colleagues to improve practice.”

It was moved by Paul Charron, seconded by John Cruikshank, and


That the question be put.

A voted was taken on the main motion, but it was


Whereas the standards of practice for the teaching profession may be evidenced by, but are not limited to, key elements approved by Council.

Whereas the key elements are examples that offer expansion of the five statements that comprise the standards of practice.

That the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of section 32.01 b) to read:

“b) Key elements of the standards of practice for the teaching profession are set out in Schedule 2 hereto, and are hereby deemed to form part of this bylaw.

Schedule 2 — Key Elements

Commitment to Students and Student Learning

1.Demonstration of care and commitment

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) model for students the curiosity, enthusiasm, and joy of learning

(b) help students appreciate their own identity, to learn more of their cultural heritage, and to build self-esteem

(c) demonstrate concern for student character, peer relationships, and personal aspirations.

2.Support for student learning

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) understand and use a range of teaching methods to address learning, cultural, spiritual, and language differences, and family situations

(b) develop programs for students that incorporate a knowledge and understanding of human development and learning theory.

3.Equitable and respectful treatment

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) accommodate the differences in students and respect their diversity

(b) help students to connect learning to their own life experiences and spiritual and cultural understandings.

4.Growing as individuals and as contributing members of society Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) encourage students to become active, inquisitive and discerning citizens

(b) create opportunities for students to understand, facilitate and respond to change

(c) reinforce the rights and responsibilities students have as citizens.

5.Assistance in becoming life-long learners

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) link the curriculum and learning experiences to everyday life

(b) encourage students to know about, reflect on, and monitor their own learning

(c) challenge students to the pursuit of excellence

Professional Knowledge

1. Knowledge of the student

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know:

(a) how differences arising from cultural heritage, language, family, gender, community, and other factors shape experience and impact on learning

(b) how to recognize strengths and weaknesses of students

(c) how teaching is shaped by what is known about human development and learning

(d) that teaching students with exceptionalities requires the use of specialized knowledge and skills.

2.Knowledge of the curriculum

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know:

(a) the subject matter

(b) how knowledge in their subject area is created, linked to other subjects, and applied to life experiences

(c) the curriculum relevant to their subject(s)

(d) ways to connect curriculum expectations to curriculum resources and technologies.

3.Knowledge of teaching practice

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know ways to:

(a) make knowledge and skills accessible to others

(b) shape instruction so that it is helpful to students who learn in a variety of ways

(c) motivate students

(d) establish and modify instructional settings

(e) manage time for instruction

(f) establish classroom management strategies that support learning and respect the dignity of students

(g) collaborate and structure interaction among students to ensure that shared learning, as well as individual learning, occurs

(h) assess and evaluate student learning, student approaches to learning, and the achievement of curriculum expectations

(i) communicate and collaborate with parents and others involved in the education of students.

4.Knowledge of the learning environment

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know ways to identify and respond to:

(a) change

(b) the factors in a diverse and changing society that impact on learning

(c) provincial legislation, local policies and procedures, and community norms that guide the decisions they make.

Teaching Practice

1.The student

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers planning for instruction:

(a) collaborate with professional colleagues to support student learning

(b) apply knowledge of student backgrounds, experiences, and learning styles

(c) apply knowledge of how students develop and learn

(d) apply knowledge of a student's physical, social, and cognitive development

(e) respond to learning exceptionalities and special needs

(f) adapt teaching practice based on student achievement.

2. Curriculum

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) adapt the methods of inquiry, content knowledge, and skills required in the curriculum

(b) link content and skills to everyday life experiences

(c) integrate a variety of teaching and learning strategies, activities, and resources

(d) assist students to develop and use ways to access and critically assess information.

3. Teaching and the changing context of the learning environment

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) carry out their duties as outlined in legislation

(b) establish a safe and supportive learning environment

(c) establish and maintain standards for student behaviour

(d) enhance the learning environment with a variety of curriculum resources and available technologies

(e) organize time and space to enrich the learning environment

(f) develop student activities to promote social and group responsibilities

(g) use classroom management skills to enhance learning

(h) apply teaching strategies to meet student needs.

4.Assessment and evaluation of students

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) communicate clear, challenging, and achievable expectations for students

(b) gather data on student performance using a variety of assessment strategies

(c) keep a continuous and comprehensive record of group and individual achievement

(d) report and provide ongoing feedback of individual achievement to students and parents.


Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) integrate curriculum expectations into current teaching practice

(b) reflect on current practice to determine if needs of individuals and groups of students are being met

(c) modify and refine teaching practice using a variety of sources and resources.

Leadership and Community

1.Responsibility and service

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) build trust with students, parents, and the community

(b) exercise professional integrity and judgement.

2. Creation of a learning community

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) learn with and from their students, colleagues, and others in communities of learners

(b) motivate and inspire through sharing their vision

(c) create opportunities for students to share their learning with their classmates, schoolmates, parents, and the community

(d) invite parents and members of the community to share their knowledge and skills in supporting classroom and school activities.

3.Sustaining learning through innovation and change

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) innovate and effect change through decision-making, initiating change, and evaluating and communicating results

(b) engage others through shared problem-solving and conflict resolution

(c) act both as team members and as team leaders

(d) acknowledge and celebrate effort and success

Ongoing Professional Learning

1.Teacher learning and student learning

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) understand that teacher learning is directly related to student learning

(b) act as role models who demonstrate lifelong learning

(c) engage in a variety of learning opportunities both individual and collaborative that are integrated into practice for the benefit of student learning.

2.Professional growth

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) recognize that continuous professional growth is an integral part of teaching

(b) recognize that teaching and professional growth are influenced by personal, social, and educational contexts

(c) understand that teaching practice is enhanced by many forms of knowledge, ways of knowing, and ways to access that knowledge

(d) anticipate and plan the kinds of learning they will need to respond to a variety of educational contexts.

3.Improving practice

Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:

(a) demonstrate a commitment to continued professional growth

(b) know that professional learning is most effective when it is job-embedded, relevant and supported by others within the educational community

(c) reflect on their practice and learn from experience

(d) draw on and contribute, where appropriate, to various forms of educational research

(e) collaborate with colleagues to improve practice.”

Harry Mulvale requested a recorded vote.

Recorded Vote:

For: Against:  
Sandi Bell Liz Barkley  
Jackie Breithaupt Bill Bryce  
Ernie Checkeris Sterling Campbell  
Margaret Dempsey Larry Capstick  
Jean Hanson Paul Charron  
Diane Leblovic John Cruickshank  
Karen Mitchell Solette Gelberg  
Larry Mongeon Donna Marie Kennedy  
William Rogers Marilyn Laframboise  
Frances Thorne Kathleen McFadyen  

Harry Mulvale


Allen Pearson


Ron Rambarran


Cecilia Reynolds


John Slade

  David Somer  

Clarice West-Hobbs

For: 10 Against: 17 Absent:  4

6.2 Accreditation Committee (GC20000224- 32, GC20000224-35, GC20000224-37, GC20000224-21)

The Chair of the Accreditation Committee, Cecilia Reynolds, presented the report and answered questions. The Executive Committee review memo was noted.

Margaret Aube reviewed the Proposed Accreditation Regulation under the Ontario College of Teachers, Act with Council members. A question and answer period followed.

It was moved by Cecilia Reynolds, Chair, Accreditation Committee, and


That Council approve the draft Accreditation Regulation (Document GC20000224-35).

It was moved by Cecilia Reynolds, Chair, Accreditation Committee, and


That section 5.03(e) of the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the removal of the words “French-speaking” and “French-language” in regard to Council members so that section 5.03(e) would read:

“5.03(e) .In the event that the Committee is unable to constitute a panel of Accreditation Committee members for the purpose of reviewing and making recommendations about the accreditation of a pre-service or in-service program or provider, at the request of the Accreditation Committee, up to three members of Council may be appointed by the Executive Committee to a panel and the panel shall meet as directed by the Accreditation Committee.”

6.3 Quality Assurance Committee (GC20000224-34, GC20000224-38)

The report of the Quality Assurance Committee was received. The Chair of the Committee, Karen Mitchell, spoke to the report and answered questions.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, and


That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that a process to facilitate the Minister’s consideration of proposed amendments to legislation and regulation be established.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, and


That the Chair and Registrar continue to identify outstanding priority issues and to pursue these with the Minister on a regular basis.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, and


That Council suggest to the Minister that College initiatives requiring legislative approval be included in each 5 year review of College legislation undertaken by the government.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, but it was


That Council propose to the Minister of Education that Section 8 (1) of the Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996 be amended to read “8(1) The Council shall meet at least once every three months.”

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, “that the Accreditation Committee include in its regular reports to Council, a summary of common issues, as identified from panel findings, and provide recommendations as appropriate.”

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That the above motion be amended by the addition of the words “on a cyclic basis” before the words “in its regular”, and by the addition of the words “that it” before the words “and provide”, so that the motion would read:

“That the Accreditation Committee include on a cyclical basis in its reports to Council, a summary of common issues, as identified from panel findings, and that it provide recommendations as appropriate.”

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That the Accreditation Committee include on a cyclical basis in its reports to Council, a summary of common issues, as identified from panel findings, and that it provide recommendations as appropriate.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, ”that ongoing training and development opportunities continue to be provided to members of the Registration Appeals, Investigation, Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees to enable them to identify and adapt to emerging issues.”

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That the above motion be amended by the deletion of the words “continue to”, so that the motion would read:

That ongoing training and development opportunities be provided to members of the Registration Appeals, Investigation, Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees to enable them to identify and adapt to emerging issues.

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That ongoing training and development opportunities be provided to members of the Registration Appeals, Investigation, Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees to enable them to identify and adapt to emerging issues.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, and


That a review process be incorporated into the implementation plan for the Ethical Standards of the Teaching Profession.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, “that the use of the Alternate Dispute Resolution Protocol continue and be reviewed annually to ensure its efficacy.”

It was agreed to delete the word “Alternate” as a friendly amendment.

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That the above motion be amended by the deletion of the words “continue and”, so that the motion would read:

That the use of the Dispute Resolution Protocol be reviewed annually to ensure its efficacy.

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That the use of the Dispute Resolution Protocol be reviewed annually to ensure its efficacy.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, and


That the proposal regarding the establishment of a roster of panellists be pursued with the Minister.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, “that the College proceed to review additional qualifications programs in addition to the Supervisory Officers Program.”

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That the above motion be amended by the addition of the words “with its ongoing “, “of” and substitution of the words “in addition to” by the word “and “, so that the motion would read:

“That the College proceed with its ongoing review of additional qualifications programs and the Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program.”

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That the College proceed with its ongoing review of additional qualifications programs and the Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, and


That the views of members of the public and other interested parties continue to be solicited with regard to College initiatives.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, “that Council develop a process to facilitate the transition to the next Council.”

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That the above motion be amended by substitution of the words “to facilitate” by the word “for”, so that the motion would read:

“That Council develop a process for the transition to the next Council”.

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That Council develop a process for the transition to the next Council.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, “that Council reconsider its decision not to meet on weekends.”

It was moved by George Merrett, seconded by John Cruickshank, and


That the question be put.

A vote was taken on the main motion, but it was


That Council reconsider its decision not to meet on weekends.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, “that those people, who access library resources for the purposes of academic research, be requested to submit a copy of their final paper to the College.”

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That the above motion be amended by the substitution of the word “requested” by the word “invited”, so that the motion would read:

“That those people, who access Library resources for the purposes of academic research be invited to submit a copy of their final paper to the College”.

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That those people, who access Library resources for the purposes of academic research, be invited to submit a copy of their final paper to the College.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, “that the next Council appoint the Quality Assurance Committee early in its term.

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That the above motion be amended by substitution of the words “early in its term” with the words ”no later than the end of the first year”, so that the motion would read:

“That the next Council appoint the Quality Assurance Committee no later than the end of the first year.”

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That the next Council appoint the Quality Assurance Committee no later than the end of the first year.

7. Correspondence (GC20000224-40, GC20000224-41, GC20000224-42)

The following items of correspondence were received:

7.1 Acknowledgement from Minister re Letters of Permission (GC20000224-40)

7.2 Letter from Judi Hanta requesting Review of Annual Fees Process, and response (GC20000224-41)

7.3 Acknowledgement from Minister of Education re Letter and Research on Teacher Testing (GC20000224— 42)

8. New Business

8.1 Notice of Motion from Doug Carter re amendment to Section 21.04 of the Bylaws (GC20000224-22)

The Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy, informed Council that Doug Carter had requested that his motion be withdrawn.

9. Notices of Motions

The following Notices of Motion were received for consideration at the June 8-9, 2000 Council Meeting.

1. Moved by Harry Mulvale

That the approval of the Ontario College of Teachers’ budget for the year 2001 be scheduled for the first meeting of the Council after the completion of the year 2000 election of Council.

2. Moved by Harry Mulvale

That the procedure for suspension of membership for failure to pay the annual membership fee be revised as follows:

a) the member from whom payment has not been received by the due date indicated on the first notice of payment due will be sent a notice in writing to inform that:

i) the payment has not been received by the due date;

ii) payment of membership fee plus late payment fee by an identified date will continue the membership;

iii) membership will be suspended if payment is not received by the identified due date.

b) the member from whom payment has not been received by the due date identified above will be sent a notice in writing to inform that:

i) the person’s membership has been suspended;

ii) the failure to pay the annual fee impacts on the person’s rights to employment and participation in the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan;

iii) specific requirements exist for reinstatement of membership.

10. Next Meeting

Council agreed to meet on the following dates:

Special Meeting, April 10, 2000

Special Meeting, April 18, 2000 by teleconference

Regular Meeting, June 8-9, 2000.

11. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.

Signed: Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy


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