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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, held on Friday, February 11, 2005 in the Council Chambers, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda

3. Business

4. Next Meeting

5. Adjournment

Present: Paul Brazeau (until 12:45 p.m.), Donald Cattani, Ernie Checkeris, Janet Cornwall, Ted Coulson, Patrick Daly (until 12:45 p.m.), Rosemary Fontaine, Normand Fortin, Gordon Hough, Nancy Hutcheson (Vice-Chair), Martin Kings, Marilyn A. Laframboise (Chair), Anne Marie Levesque, Gail Lilley, Elayne McDermid, Karen Mitchell, Harry Mulvale, Iain Munro, Janet Ouellette (until 12:45 p.m.), Jennifer Pitt, Patrick Slack, Jacques Tremblay, Rick Victor (until 12:45 p.m.), Hilda Watkins, Don Watson, Lila Mae (Lou) Watson, W. Douglas Wilson (Registrar)

Via Teleconference: Suzanne De Froy, Anne Vinet-Roy

Regrets: Bill Matheson, Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Presiding Officer: George Merrett

Guest: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault)

Staff: Margaret Aubé, Rosemary Gannon, Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Brian McGowan (Deputy Registrar), Charlie Morrison, Katherin Platt, Shirley Rodricks, Michael Salvatori

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, George Merrett, called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. and welcomed all present.

It was noted that Steering was comprised of Nancy Hutcheson and Patrick Daly.

2. Agenda (GC20050211-6)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Agenda for the February 11, 2005 Special Meeting of Council be approved.

3. Business

3.1 Regulation 184/97 - Ontario Teacher Qualifying Test

Review of Minister’s Proposed Regulatory Changes


The Chair provided a review of discussions relating to the qualifying test that had occurred between staff at the Minister’s Office, Ministry staff, College staff and herself.

The Chair referred to the letter received from the Minister of Education to the Chair, dated February 10, 2005 (GC20050211-7C, Attachment 2). She noted that the Minister had stated that he wanted a transitional regulatory solution in order to allow teacher candidates to be licensed in the absence of a qualifying test. She stated that she would convey to the Minister any expressions of concern or reservations the members had about the process.

The Registrar provided further historical background to the discussions on the qualifying test between Ministry staff, the Chair and College staff and noted that the proposed amendments to Regulation 184/97 had been a collaborative effort between Ministry and College staff.

The Deputy Registrar made a PowerPoint presentation relating to the Minister’s proposed amendments to Regulation 184/97 (GC20050211-7C, Attachment 1).

A lengthy question and answer session followed the presentation.

It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Ted Coulson and


That Council move into Committee of the Whole to discuss the proposed regulatory amendments to Reg. 184/97.

Roll Call Vote:



Paul Brazeau

Ernie Checkeris

Don Cattani

Patrick Daly

Janet Cornwall

Normand Fortin

Ted Coulson

Martin Kings

Suzanne De Froy

Anne Marie Levesque

Rosemary Fontaine

Karen Mitchell

Gordon Hough

Janet Ouellette

Nancy Hutcheson

Patrick Slack

Marilyn Laframboise

Rick Victor

Gail Lilley

Lila Mae (Lou) Watson

Elayne McDermid

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Jennifer Pitt

Jacques Tremblay

Anne Vinet-Roy

Hilda Watkins

Don Watson

For: 18

Against: 10

Absent: 2

Council moved into Committee of the Whole at 11:07 a.m.

It was moved by Normand Fortin, seconded by Patrick Daly, and


That Council rise and report from Committee of the Whole.

Roll Call Vote:



Paul Brazeau

Don Cattani

Ernie Checkeris

Janet Cornwall

Ted Coulson

Patrick Daly

Suzanne De Froy

Rosemary Fontaine

Normand Fortin

Gordon Hough

Nancy Hutcheson

Martin Kings

Marilyn Laframboise

Anne Marie Levesque

Gail Lilley

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Janet Ouellette

Jennifer Pitt

Patrick Slack

Jacques Tremblay

Rick Victor

Anne Vinet-Roy

Hilda Watkins

Don Watson

Lila Mae (Lou) Watson

For: 28

Against: 0

Absent: 2

Council rose from Committee of the Whole at 12:20 p.m.

The Presiding Officer reported that the following motion had been moved and seconded by Steering:

That Council approve the amendments to Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications relating to the qualifying test as outlined in document GC20050211-7C.

It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Don Cattani, and


That the question be put.

Recorded Vote:



Don Cattani

Paul Brazeau

Ernie Checkeris

Ted Coulson

Janet Cornwall

Suzanne De Froy

Patrick Daly

Rosemary Fontaine

Normand Fortin

Gordon Hough

Martin Kings

Nancy Hutcheson

Anne Marie Levesque

Marilyn Laframboise

Gail Lilley

Iain Munro

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Harry Mulvale

Janet Ouellette

Jennifer Pitt

Patrick Slack

Jacques Tremblay

Rick Victor

Anne Vinet-Roy

Hilda Watkins

Don Watson

Lila Mae (Lou) Watson

For: 20

Against: 8

Absent: 2

A voted was taken on the main motion, and it was


That Council approve the amendments to Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications relating to the qualifying test as outlined in document GC20050211-7C.

Don Watson requested a recorded vote.

Recorded Vote:



Ernie Checkeris

Paul Brazeau

Janet Cornwall

Don Cattani

Patrick Daly

Ted Coulson

Normand Fortin

Suzanne De Froy

Martin Kings

Rosemary Fontaine

Marilyn Laframboise

Gordon Hough

Anne Marie Levesque

Nancy Hutcheson

Gail Lilley

Harry Mulvale

Elayne McDermid

Iain Munro

Karen Mitchell

Jacques Tremblay

Janet Ouellette

Hilda Watkins

Jennifer Pitt

Patrick Slack

Rick Victor

Anne Vinet-Roy

Don Watson

Lila Mae (Lou) Watson

For: 17

Against: 11

Absent: 2

The Chair advised that she would convey the following concerns of Council members relating to the amendments to Regulation 184/97 to the Minister of Education:

  • The impact of the transitional regulation and future requirements on applicants who take a break before beginning to teach in Ontario or very early in their teaching career — for example, for maternity, travel, teaching in other jurisdictions, military service, graduate studies and so on.

  • The possible imposition of additional requirements on this year’s applicants, such as 194 days of successful teaching.

  • Clarification needed as to what would happen if a first-year teacher is unsuccessful in meeting new requirements.

  • Council members did not know in which direction the Minister was going with the test and wanted the Minster to share his vision with them. In addition it was hoped that the Minister would look to Council for advice on future assessment.

  • Minister to communicate soon with teacher candidates to let them know what they would be required to do to receive a Certificate of Qualification.

  • Recommend that the Minister look at the Education Act and amend the wording of Section 10.1

  • Council members would like to receive advance notice of Ministry announcements that affect teacher certification.

The Registrar noted that costing would be a factor in tracking and issuing these transitional certificates of qualification.

The Chair noted that both the Nomination and Executive Committees had met the previous day and had appointed Jacques Tremblay to the Discipline Committee, the Registration Appeals Committee and the Editorial Board.

4. Next Meeting

It was noted that the next regular meeting of Council was scheduled to be a full day meeting on March 31, 2005 from 9:00 a.m. and that a consultation session on the Teacher Qualification Review would take place on April 1, 2005.

The change in schedule was because the terms of three appointed members would end on March 31, 2005. The Chair noted that despite having sent correspondence to the Ministry on this matter, no response had been received as to these appointments.

5. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

Signed: Chair, Marilyn A. Laframboise

Signed: Registrar and Chief Executive Officer, W. Douglas Wilson



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