Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on March 25-26, 2004 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto
Table of Contents
1. Call to Order/Welcome
2. Agenda
3. Minutes
4. Business Arising
5. Registrar’s Report
6. Committee Reports
7. Correspondence
8. New Business
9. Committee Reports (continued)
10. Notices of Motion
11. Next Regular Meeting
12. Adjournment
Session I
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Present: Bernard J. Adam, Jackie Breithaupt, Ernie Checkeris, Janet Cornwall, Ted Coulson, Patrick Daly, Suzanne De Froy, Pauline Demers, Rosemary Fontaine, Normand Fortin, Gordon Hough,
Nancy Hutcheson (Vice-Chair), Marilyn A. Laframboise (Chair),
Diane Leblovic, Elayne McDermid, Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, Harry Mulvale, Iain Munro, Janet Ouellette, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, David Somer, Rick Victor, Anne Vinet-Roy, Hilda Watkins,
Lila Mae (Lou) Watson, W. Douglas Wilson (Registrar)
Present via Teleconference: Paul Brazeau (until 2:45 p.m.), Donald Cattani (from 1:15 p.m.), Martin Kings (from 1:10 p.m.)
Regrets: Jennifer Pitt, Patrick Slack
Officers: George Merrett, Douglas McCarthy
Guests: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault)
Staff: Margaret Aubé, Kim Bauer, Rosemary Gannon, Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Jane McDonald, Brian McGowan, Charlie Morrison, Lynda Palazzi, Katherin Platt, Carol Springer
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Presiding Officer, George Merrett, called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. and welcomed all present, and especially Douglas McCarthy.
The presiding officer noted the changes to the revised agenda and referenced the documents to be distributed.
The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, informed members that Lyn Voorhees, Executive Secretary to Chair and Council, is recovering from surgery, and is expected to return to work in May.
The Chair reminded members that this would be the last Council meeting for five of the appointed Council members: Jackie Breithaupt, Pauline Demers, Diane Leblovic, Larry Mongeon and David Somer. On behalf of Council, she paid tribute to these members and thanked them for their invaluable expertise, advice and contributions to Council. A special tribute was paid to three members of the inaugural Council group: Jackie Breithaupt, Diane Leblovic and David Somer.
It was noted that Steering was comprised of Nancy Hutcheson and Pat Daly.
It was agreed to deal with item 6.1.1. Minister’s Education Partnership Table after 6.7 Finance Committee Report as a timed item the following day, March 26, 2004.
It was moved by Steering, and
That the revised Agenda for the March 25-26, 2004 Council meeting be approved as amended.
Roll Call Vote:
For: |
Against: |
Bernard Adam |
Paul Brazeau |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Donald Cattani |
Ernie Checkeris |
Janet Cornwall |
Ted Coulson |
Patrick Daly |
Suzanne De Froy |
Pauline Demers |
Rosemary Fontaine |
Normand Fortin |
Gordon Hough |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Martin Kings |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Elayne McDermid |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Harry Mulvale |
Iain Munro |
Janet Ouellette |
Elizabeth Papadopoulos |
David Somer |
Rick Victor |
Anne Vinet-Roy |
Hilda Watkins |
Lila Mae (Lou) Watson |
For: 29 |
Against: 0 |
Absent: 2 |
3.1 Meeting, December 11-12, 2003 (GC20040325-12)
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the December 11-12, 2003 Council Meeting be approved.
Roll Call Vote:
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Absent |
Paul Brazeau |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Donald Cattani |
Ernie Checkeris |
Janet Cornwall |
Ted Coulson |
Patrick Daly |
Suzanne De Froy |
Pauline Demers |
Rosemary Fontaine |
Normand Fortin |
Gordon Hough |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Martin Kings |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Elayne McDermid |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Harry Mulvale |
Iain Munro |
Janet Ouellette |
Elizabeth Papadopoulos |
David Somer |
Rick Victor |
Anne Vinet-Roy |
Hilda Watkins |
Lila Mae (Lou) Watson |
For: 28 |
Against: 0 |
Abstain: 1 |
Absent: 2 |
3.2 In Camera Session, December 12, 2003 (GC20040325-14C)
It was noted that Pat Daly’s name had been misspelled on the first page.
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the in camera session held during the Council meeting on December 12, 2003 be approved as corrected.
Roll Call Vote:
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Absent |
Paul Brazeau |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Donald Cattani |
Ernie Checkeris |
Janet Cornwall |
Ted Coulson |
Patrick Daly |
Suzanne De Froy |
Pauline Demers |
Rosemary Fontaine |
Normand Fortin |
Gordon Hough |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Martin Kings |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Elayne McDermid |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Harry Mulvale |
Iain Munro |
Janet Ouellette |
Elizabeth Papadopoulos |
David Somer |
Rick Victor |
Anne Vinet-Roy |
Hilda Watkins |
Lila Mae (Lou) Watson |
For: 28 |
Against: 0 |
Abstain: 1 |
Absent: 2 |
3.3 Special Meeting, February 20, 2004 (GC20040325-15)
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on February 20, 2004 be approved.
Roll Call Vote:
For |
Against |
Absent |
Bernard Adam |
Paul Brazeau |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Donald Cattani |
Ernie Checkeris |
Janet Cornwall |
Ted Coulson |
Patrick Daly |
Suzanne De Froy |
Pauline Demers |
Rosemary Fontaine |
Normand Fortin |
Gordon Hough |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Martin Kings |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Elayne McDermid |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Harry Mulvale |
Iain Munro |
Janet Ouellette |
Elizabeth Papadopoulos |
David Somer |
Rick Victor |
Anne Vinet-Roy |
Hilda Watkins |
Lila Mae (Lou) Watson |
For: 29 |
Against: 0 |
Absent: 2 |
4. Business Arising
4.1 Status Report on the External Review of Dispute Resolution re: Sexual Abuse (GC20040325-17)
The Deputy Registrar, Brian McGowan, provided a status report on the external review of the Dispute Resolution Program re Sexual Abuse. He reported that he expected a report to be made at the June 4, 2004 meeting of Council.
5. Registrar’s Report (GC20040325-18)
The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar, W. Douglas Wilson, spoke to the report and answered questions.
6. Committee Reports
6.1 Executive/Chair’s Report (GC20040325-19)
The report of the Executive Committee/Chair was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report and answered questions.
The Chair advised members that the Executive Committee would be meeting the following day at 8:00 a.m. to discuss item 6.1.1 Minister’s Education Partnership Table, prior to the resumption of the Council meeting.
6.2 Investigation Committee (GC20043025-20)
The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair, Harry Mulvale, spoke to the report.
6.3 Discipline Committee (GC20040325-21)
The report of the Discipline Committee was received. The Chair, Bernard Adam, spoke to the report. He noted that the next meeting date should read
May 13, 2004.
6.4 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20040325-22)
The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair, Lou Watson, spoke to the report.
6.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20040325-23)
The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Chair, Janet Ouellette, spoke to the report. She noted that Janet Cornwall had been appointed to the committee.
6.6 Professional Learning Committee
There was no report.
6.7 Standards of Practice and Education (GC20040325-30)
The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was received. The Chair, Diane Leblovic, spoke to the report.
6.8 Accreditation Committee (GC20040325-31)
The revised report of the Accreditation Committee was received. The Chair, Rick Victor, spoke to the report.
6.9 Accreditation Appeal Committee (GC20040325-32)
The report of the Accreditation Appeal Committee was received. The Chair, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, spoke to the report. She reported that Ted Coulson had been appointed Vice-Chair of the committee.
6.10 Human Resources Committee (GC20040325-33)
The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report.
6.11 Editorial Board (GC20040325-34)
The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report.
6.12 Election Committee
There was no report. The Chair, Gord Hough, reported that the first meeting of this committee would be held on April 7, 2004.
6.13 Nomination (GC20040325-35)
The report of the Nomination Committee was received. The Chair, Nancy Hutcheson, spoke to the report.
6.14 Quality Assurance
The Chair, Paul Brazeau, reported that the first meeting of the committee is yet to be determined.
7. Correspondence (GC20040325-36, -37, -38, -39, -40, -41, -42, -43, -44, -45, -46,
-47, -48, -57, -58)
The following items of correspondence were received for information:
- Letter to Minister of Education re proposed amendment to Regulation 184/97 -“Acceptable University Degree” (GC20040325-36)
- Correspondence between the College and the Minister of Education re the Professional Learning Program (GC20040325-37)
- Correspondence between the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities and the College re Internationally Trained Teachers (GC20040325-38)
- Letter from Claire Button, Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship Recipient
- Letter from Premier McGuinty to the Chair (GC20040325-40)
- Correspondence between the Chair and the President of the Ontario Teachers’ Federation re Chair’s Column in Professionally Speaking (GC20040325-41)
- Correspondence from Duncan Green re Toronto Star Article “Teacher college tests Kennedy” (GC20040325-42)
- Correspondence from Audrey Hadfield re the Professional Learning Program (GC20040325-43)
- Letter to the Minister of Education re Recommendation on Professional Development (GC20040325-44)
- Letters to Minister of Education re Attendance at Future Council Meeting (GC20040325-45)
- Letter to the Minister of Education re Participation in Education Partnership Table (GC20040325-46)
- Letter to the Minister of Education re Education Partnership Table Discussion Paper (GC20040325-47)
- Letter to the Minister of Education re Participation in the Education Partnership Table (GC20040325-48)
- Letter from Independent School Associations of Ontario re Structure of Council and Response from Chair (GC20040325-57)
- Sample Letter from Member re Annual Membership Fee Reduction and Sample Response from Chair (GC20040325-58)
8. New Business
8.1 Use of Communication Devices During Meetings (GC20040325-49, -50)
The Registrar spoke to this item.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the document Guidelines for the Use of Communication Devices During Council, Committee and Panel Meetings (GC20040325-49, Attachment 1).
Roll Call Vote:
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Absent |
Bernard Adam |
Paul Brazeau |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Ernie Checkeris |
Janet Cornwall |
Ted Coulson |
Patrick Daly |
Suzanne De Froy |
Pauline Demers |
Rosemary Fontaine |
Normand Fortin |
Gordon Hough |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Martin Kings |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Elayne McDermid |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Harry Mulvale |
Iain Munro |
Janet Ouellette |
Elizabeth Papadopoulos |
David Somer |
Rick Victor |
Anne Vinet-Roy |
Hilda Watkins |
Lila Mae (Lou) Watson |
For: 27 |
Against: 0 |
Abstain: 1 |
Absent: 3 |
8.2 Regulation 184/97 — Admendments (GC20040325-51C, -52)
The Presiding Officer advised that confidential copies of proposed amendments to Regulation 184/97 Teacher Qualifications were distributed to Council members only. The Deputy Registrar, Brian McGowan, provided a page-by-page review of the document and answered questions.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the amendments to Regulation 184/97 -Teachers Qualifications contained in document GC20040325-51C.
Roll Call Vote:
For |
Against |
Absent |
Bernard Adam |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Donald Cattani |
Ernie Checkeris |
Janet Cornwall |
Ted Coulson |
Patrick Daly |
Suzanne De Froy |
Pauline Demers |
Rosemary Fontaine |
Normand Fortin |
Gordon Hough |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Martin Kings |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Elayne McDermid |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Harry Mulvale |
Iain Munro |
Janet Ouellette |
Elizabeth Papadopoulos |
David Somer |
Rick Victor |
Anne Vinet-Roy |
Hilda Watkins |
Lila Mae (Lou) Watson |
For: 28 |
Against: 0 |
Absent: 3 |
The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise advised that the Executive Committee would meet immediately following the recess instead of the meeting scheduled for 8:00 a.m. the following day.
The meeting recessed at 3:45 p.m.
Friday, March 26, 2004
Present: Bernard J. Adam, Paul Brazeau, Jackie Breithaupt, Ernie Checkeris, Janet Cornwall, Ted Coulson, Patrick Daly, Suzanne De Froy, Pauline Demers, Rosemary Fontaine, Normand Fortin, Gordon Hough, Nancy, Hutcheson (Vice-Chair), Marilyn A. Laframboise (Chair), Diane Leblovic, Elayne McDermid, Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, Harry Mulvale, Iain Munro, Janet Ouellette, Elizabeth Papadopoulos (until 9:55 a.m.), Patrick Slack, David Somer, Rick Victor, Anne Vinet-Roy, Hilda Watkins (from 9:35 a.m.), Lila Mae (Lou) Watson,
W. Douglas Wilson (Registrar)
Present via Teleconference: Donald Cattani
Regrets: Martin Kings, Jennifer Pitt
Guests: Caroline Zayid, McCarthy Tétrault, Bryan Graham, PricewaterhouseCoopers (until 9:50 a.m.)
Presiding Officer: George Merrett
Staff: Margaret Aubé, Peter Brown (until 9:55 a.m.), Rosemary Gannon, Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Jane McDonald, Brian McGowan, Charlie Morrison, Lynda Palazzi, Katherin Platt, Carol Springer
The meeting resumed at 9:05 a.m.
9. Committee Reports (continued)
9.1 Finance Committee (GC20040325-24, -25, -26)
The reports of the Finance Committee were received. The Chair, Patrick Daly, spoke to the reports.
It was moved by Patrick Daly, Chair, Finance Committee, and
That Council approve that the Unappropriated Members’ Equity account remain at $500,000 at December 31, 2003 and that the Reserve for Working Capital be increased to $4,000,000, and that any remaining amount be transferred to the Reserve for Fee Stabilization.
Roll Call Vote:
For |
Against |
Absent |
Bernard Adam |
Harry Mulvale |
Paul Brazeau |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Donald Cattani |
Ernie Checkeris |
Janet Cornwall |
Ted Coulson |
Patrick Daly |
Suzanne De Froy |
Pauline Demers |
Rosemary Fontaine |
Normand Fortin |
Gordon Hough |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Elayne McDermid |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Iain Munro |
Janet Ouellette |
Elizabeth Papadopoulos |
Patrick Slack |
David Somer |
Rick Victor |
Anne Vinet-Roy |
Hilda Watkins |
Lila Mae (Lou) Watson |
For: 28 |
Against: 1 |
Absent: 2 |
9.1.1 Financial Statements — February 2004 (GC20040325-27)
The Ontario College of Teachers Financial Report as at February 29, 2004 was received.
9.1.2. Audited Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2003 (GC20040325-28)
The Audited Financial Report for the year ended December 31, 2003, was received. The Chair, Patrick Daly, provided an introduction to the report. Peter Brown, Controller, and Bryan Graham, Auditor, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, joined the meeting for discussion of the consolidated financial statements.
Peter Brown and Bryan Graham provided a page-by-page review of the statements and answered questions.
It was moved by Patrick Daly, Chair, Finance Committee, and
That Council accept the December 31, 2003 Consolidated Financial Statements of the Ontario College of Teachers (GC20040325-28).
Roll Call Vote:
For |
Against |
Absent |
Bernard Adam |
Paul Brazeau |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Donald Cattani |
Ernie Checkeris |
Janet Cornwall |
Ted Coulson |
Patrick Daly |
Suzanne De Froy |
Pauline Demers |
Rosemary Fontaine |
Normand Fortin |
Gordon Hough |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Elayne McDermid |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Harry Mulvale |
Iain Munro |
Janet Ouellette |
Patrick Slack |
David Somer |
Rick Victor |
Anne Vinet-Roy |
Hilda Watkins |
Lila Mae (Lou) Watson |
For: 28 |
Against: 0 |
Absent: 3 |
Bryan Graham withdrew from the meeting at 9:50 a.m.
9.1.3 Appointment of Auditor
Rick Victor and Harry Mulvale made declarations of conflict of interest and abstained from voting.
It was moved by Patrick Daly, Chair, Finance Committee, and
That Council reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditors for the 2004 fiscal year.
Roll Call Vote:
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Absent |
Bernard Adam |
Paul Brazeau |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Donald Cattani |
Ernie Checkeris |
Janet Cornwall |
Ted Coulson |
Patrick Daly |
Suzanne De Froy |
Pauline Demers |
Rosemary Fontaine |
Normand Fortin |
Gordon Hough |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Elayne McDermid |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Iain Munro |
Janet Ouellette |
Patrick Slack |
David Somer |
Anne Vinet-Roy |
Hilda Watkins |
Lila Mae (Lou) Watson |
For: 26 |
Against: 0 |
Abstain: 2 |
Absent: 3 |
Peter Brown withdrew from the meeting at 9:55 a.m.
9.2 Executive/Chair’s Report (continued)
9.2.1 Minister’s Education Partnership Table (GC20040325-59, -60, -61, -62)
The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to this item and indicated that document GC20040325-59 outlined a proposed process to be used to consider the development of a response to the Minister’s discussion paper on the Revitalization of the Ontario College of Teachers (GC20040325-60). A question and answer session followed.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the process for preparing a response to the Minister of Education’s discussion paper Revitalizing the Ontario College of Teachers as outlined in document “Ad Hoc Committee on College Governance” (GC20040325-59).
Roll Call Vote:
For |
Against |
Absent |
Bernard Adam |
Donald Cattani |
Paul Brazeau |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Ernie Checkeris |
Janet Cornwall |
Ted Coulson |
Patrick Daly |
Suzanne De Froy |
Pauline Demers |
Rosemary Fontaine |
Normand Fortin |
Gordon Hough |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Elayne McDermid |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Harry Mulvale |
Iain Munro |
Janet Ouellette |
Patrick Slack |
David Somer |
Rick Victor |
Anne Vinet-Roy |
Hilda Watkins |
Lila Mae (Lou) Watson |
For: 27 |
Against: 1 |
Absent: 3 |
The Chair requested that Council members advise her of their interest in being a member of the Ad Hoc Committee following adjournment of the meeting.
10. Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
11. Next Regular Meeting
12. Adjournment
Diane Leblovic thanked colleagues and staff for their commitment to the College and commented on her seven years as an appointed member of Council.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Signed: Chair, Marilyn Laframboise |
Signed: Registrar, W. Douglas Wilson |
Dated: |
Dated: |