Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, held on April 17-18, 2000 in Council Chamber B, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto.
Table of Contents
1. Call to Order
2. Agenda
3. Finance Committee Report
4. Annual Report
5. Executive Committee Report on the Recruitment of the Registrar
6. Call to Order and Welcome
7. Executive Committee Report on the Recruitment of the Registrar continued
8. Adjournment
Session I
Present: Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair), John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair) Liz Barkley (conference call), Sandi Bell, Jackie Breithaupt (conference call), Bill Bryce (conference call later in the meeting), Sterling Campbell (conference call), Larry Capstick (conference call), Paul Charron (conference call), Wayne Cornack (conference call), Pat Daly (conference call), Margaret Dempsey (conference call), Solette M. Gelberg, Jean Hanson (conference call), Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic (conference call), Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell (conference call), Larry Mongeon (conference call), Harry Mulvale, Ron Rambarran (conference call), Cecilia Reynolds, William Rogers (conference call), John Slade (conference call), Clarice West-Hobbs
Guests: Bryan Graham (PricewaterhouseCoopers), Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tetrault)
Staff: Margaret Wilson, Joe Atkinson, Margaret Aubé, Peter Brown, Genny Humby, Richard Lewko, Patrick O’Neill, Lynda Palazzi, Lyn Voorhees
Regrets: Doug Carter, Ernie Checkeris, Allen Pearson, David Somer, Frances Thorne
1. Call to Order
The Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy, called the meeting to order at 4:05pm, called the roll and welcomed those present.
2. Agenda GC20000417-60
It was moved by Steering and
That the Agenda for the Special Council Meeting held on April 17, 2000 be approved.
Recorded Vote
For: |
Against: |
Liz Barkley |
Sandi Bell |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Sterling Campbell |
Larry Capstick |
Paul Charron |
Wayne Cornack |
John Cruickshank |
Patrick Daly |
Margaret Dempsey |
Solette N. Gelberg |
Jean Hanson |
Donna Marie Kennedy |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Kathleen McFadyen |
George Merrett |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Harry Mulvale |
Ron Rambarran |
Cecilia Reynolds |
Williams Rogers |
John Slade |
Clarice West-Hobbs |
For: 25 |
Against: 0 |
Absent: 6 |
The Chair of the Finance Committee, Solette N. Gelberg presented the report, reviewed in detail the 1999 Audited Financial Statements, and answered questions. The Executive Committee Review memo was noted.
It was moved by Solette Gelberg, Chair of the Finance Committee and
That Council accept the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 1999.
Recorded Vote
For: |
Against: |
Liz Barkley |
Sandi Bell |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Bill Bryce |
Sterling Campbell |
Larry Capstick |
Paul Charron |
Wayne Cornack |
John Cruickshank |
Patrick Daly |
Margaret Dempsey |
Solette N. Gelberg |
Jean Hanson |
Donna Marie Kennedy |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Kathleen McFadyen |
George Merrett |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Harry Mulvale |
Ron Rambarran |
Cecilia Reynolds |
Williams Rogers |
John Slade |
Clarice West-Hobbs |
For: 26 |
Against: 0 |
Absent: 5 |
The 1999 Annual Report of the College was noted.
The Deputy Registrar, Joe Atkinson, left the meeting at this time.
A revised document GC20000417-64 had been faxed to members of Council; however a number of members reported that they had not received the information in time for the conference call. It was agreed to recess until the next day, April 18 at noon, to enable the information to be recirculated to all members of Council.
The meeting recessed at 4:35 pm.
Session II
Present: Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair), John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair) Liz Barkley (conference call for part of the meeting), Sandi Bell, Jackie Breithaupt (conference call), Sterling Campbell (conference call), Doug Carter, Paul Charron (conference call), Ernie Checkeris (conference call), Wayne Cornack (conference call), Pat Daly (conference call), Solette M. Gelberg, Jean Hanson (conference call), Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic (conference call), Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell (conference call), Larry Mongeon (conference call), Harry Mulvale, William Rogers (conference call), John Slade (conference call), Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs
Staff: Margaret Wilson, Margaret Aubé, Genny Humby, Richard Lewko, Frank McIntyre, Patrick O’Neill, Lynda Palazzi, Lyn Voorhees
Regrets: Bill Bryce, Larry Capstick, Margaret Dempsey, Allen Pearson, Ron Rambarran, Cecilia Reynolds, David Somer
The Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy called the meeting to order at 12:05pm, called the roll and welcomed those present.
The Council Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy, presented the report and answered questions. Council agreed, by a call of names, to make the following changes, to the recruitment process.
It was moved by Steering and
That the recruitment process be amended by the insertion of “objects of the College” after the words “Commitment to” on page 2, Requirements of the Position, 6th point.
Recorded Vote
For: |
Against: |
Liz Barkley |
Sandi Bell |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Sterling Campbell |
Doug Carter |
Paul Charron |
Ernie Checkeris |
Wayne Cornack |
John Cruickshank |
Patrick Daly |
Solette N. Gelberg |
Jean Hanson |
Donna Marie Kennedy |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Kathleen McFadyen |
George Merrett |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
Harry Mulvale |
Williams Rogers |
John Slade |
Frances Thorne |
Clarice West-Hobbs |
For: 24 |
Against: 0 |
Absent: 7 |
It was moved by Steering and
That the recruitment process be amended by the insertion of “Council members and” before the word “employee” on page 2, Executive Search Consultant, second paragraph.
Sterling Campbell left the meeting at 12:30pm
It was moved by Steering and
That only one name be brought forward for Council’s consideration when the Recruitment Process is concluded.
Recorded Vote
For: |
Against: |
Sandi Bell |
Liz Barkley |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Doug Carter |
Paul Charron |
Wayne Cornack |
Ernie Checkeris |
Patrick Daly |
John Cruickshank |
Diane Leblovic |
Solette N. Gelberg |
Karen Mitchell |
Jean Hanson |
Harry Mulvale |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Clarice West-Hobbs |
Kathleen McFadyen |
Williams Rogers |
John Slade |
For: 11 |
Against: 8 |
Absent: 8 |
Absention: 4 |
Karen Mitchell left the meeting at 12.50pm.
It was moved by Steering and
That Council approve the process for the recruitment of the Registrar.
Recorded Vote
For: |
Against: |
Sandi Bell |
Wayne Cornack |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Harry Mulvale |
Doug Carter |
Paul Charron |
Ernie Checkeris |
John Cruickshank |
Patrick Daly |
Solette N. Gelberg |
Jean Hanson |
Donna Marie Kennedy |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Kathleen McFadyen |
George Merrett |
Larry Mongeon |
Williams Rogers |
John Slade |
Frances Thorne |
Clarice West-Hobbs |
For: 20 |
Against: 2 |
Absent: 9 |
7. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 1:00pm
Signed: Donna Marie Kennedy, Chair
Resolutions passed at the Special Meeting of Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, held on April 18, 1999 in
Council Chamber B , 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto
That the Agenda for the Special Council Meeting held on April 29, 1999 be approved.
That Council approve the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 1998.
That Council reappoint Pricewaterhouse Coopers as auditor for the 1999 fiscal year.