Minutes of Council Meetings
Council Meeting
Council Chambers, 15th Floor,
101 Bloor Street West, Toronto
October 1-2, 2014
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on October 1-2, 2014 in the Council Chambers, 15 th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto
1. Call to Order/Welcome.
2. Agenda.
3. Conflict of Interest
4. New Business.
4.1 Appointment of French-Language Public Board Elementary or Secondary Member (Timed Item: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 1:05 p.m.)
5. Minutes.
5.1 Meeting, June 12-13, 2014.
6. Business Arising.
6.1 College Strategic Plan.
6.1.1 Vision.
7. Registrar's Report
7.1 Report
8. Deputations.
8.1 Ontario Teachers' Federation A Course Correction: A Renewed Focus
for the Ontario College of Teachers (Timed Item: Wednesday,
October 1, 2014 at 1:30 p.m.)
9. Registrar's Report
9.1 Report (Continued)
9.2 Financial Report as July 31, 2014.
10. Chair's Report
10.1 Report 4
11. Committee Reports.
11.1 Executive Committee.
11.2 Investigation Committee.
11.3 Discipline Committee.
11.4 Fitness to Practise Committee.
11.5 Registration Appeals Committee.
11.6 Finance Committee.
11.7 Standards of Practice and Education Committee.
11.8 Accreditation Committee.
11.9 Accreditation Appeal Committee.
11.10 Human Resources Committee.
11.11 Editorial Board.
11.12 Election Committee.
12. Agenda - Amendment
13. Committee Reports (Continued)
13.1 Election Committee (Continued)
13.2 Nomination Committee.
13.3 Quality Assurance Committee.
14. Correspondence.
15. New Business (Continued)
15.1 College Bylaws - Proposed Amendment to establish the Governance Committee of Council and to delete the Nomination and Election Committees.
15.2 Proposed Amendments to the Accreditation Regulation 347/02 re:
panel size and composition and changes to appeal processes.
15.3 Proposed Amendments to the Teachers' Qualification Regulation
176/10 re: process improvements and clarifications for initial teacher education
15.4 Ad Hoc Committee to Study Council Member Compensation Policy.
16. Notices of Motion.
17. Next Meeting(s) of Council
18. Adjournment
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on October 1-2, 2014 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor
Street West, Toronto
Session 1: October 1, 2014
: Stefanie Achkewich, OCT, Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT,
Christine Bellini, OCT, Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT, Ahmed Bouragba, OCT, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand,
Monique Châteauvert, Merzak Damou, OCT (from 1:10 p.m.)
Irene Dembek, OCT, Angela De Palma, OCT, Gale Dores, OCT,
Marc Dubois, OCT, (Vice-Chair), Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad,
Dobi-Dawn Frenette (via teleconference from 1:20 p.m.), Robert Gagné, Clyde Glasgow, Jacqueline Gray, OCT, Godwin Ifedi, Allyn Janicki, OCT, Matthew
Kavanagh, OCT, Monique Lapalme Arseneault,
Shanlee Linton, OCT, Myreille Loubert, OCT, Adannaya Nwaogu, OCT, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, (Chair), Terry Price, OCT, Vicki Shannon, OCT, Louis Sloan, OCT,
Pauline Smart, Kara Smith, OCT
Demetri Vacratsis, OCT, Wes Vickers, OCT, Michael Salvatori, OCT, (Registrar)
Mary Lou Mackie, OCT, Ronna Warsh
Peter Lipman, OCT, Lori Lukinuk
Rian McLaughlin, OCT, President, OTF (from 1:30 pm to 1:50 pm)
Rhonda Kimberley-Young, OCT, Secretary-Treasurer, OTF
(from 1:30 pm to 1:50 pm)
Kim Bauer, Tan Crombie, Francine Dutrisac, OCT, Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar), Michael Kaptein,
Richard Lewko, Michelle Longlade, OCT, Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT, Charlie Morrison
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Presiding Officer, Lori Lukinuk, called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. and welcomed all present.
It was noted that Marie-Louise Chartrand and Marc Dubois comprised the Steering Committee.
2. Agenda
The Presiding Officer noted that there would be only one deputation at 1:30 p.m. and not two deputations as noted on the Agenda.
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Agenda for the October 1-2, 2014 Council meeting be approved, as amended.
3. Conflict of Interest
No conflicts were declared.
4. New Business
4.1 Appointment of French-Language Public Board Elementary or Secondary Member
(Timed Item: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 1:05 p.m.)
Irene Dembek advised that the Nomination Committee had interviewed two qualified candidates for the position and that the committee recommended
Merzak Damou as the representative for the French-language public board elementary or secondary position.
It was moved by Irene Dembek, Chair of the Nomination Committee, and
That Council appoint Merzak Damou, OCT to fill the Council vacancy for the French-language Public Board Elementary or Secondary position effective
October 1, 2014.
The Chair of Council introduced and welcomed Merzak Damou to the meeting. Merzak Damou joined the meeting at that time.
5. Minutes
5.1 Meeting, June 12-13, 2014
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on
June 12-13, 2014 be approved.
6. Business Arising
6.1 College Strategic Plan
6.1.1 Vision
Council members received the Council Strategic Planning Process background document on Vision. The Chair spoke to the Vision document and noted that this
topic had been discussed during the optional briefing session prior to the Council meeting
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the following vision for the College:
Trusted to regulate the teaching profession.
7. Registrar's Report
7.1 Report
The Registrar's Report was received. The Registrar spoke to his report and advised that:
· The College had met with the Minister of Education on September 23, 2014 and impressed upon her the need for an early reintroduction of Council's
recommendations to enhance the College's investigations and hearing processes via The Protecting Students Act. (Bill 103).
· Since Council's approval of the amendments to the regulation governing certification of teachers in January 2014, the amendments have been filed and
the College has begun its communication with applicants, and both current and former members to advise them of the changes in certification requirements
that will take effect on September 1, 2015.
· At the Registrars for Teacher Certification Canada meeting, a proposal to seek funding to continue development of a language competencies profile
was approved. This next and final phase of the project would carry out the reliability and validity testing of the draft assessment tools and include a
cost recoverable business model and implementation plan.
· He would provide Council with a report measuring various aspects of the public awareness initiative in his December 2014 report to Council,
including the results of a public survey on College recognition, a report on lead generation generated through the College's event presence, the findings
from the summer focus group sessions and the results of the exit surveys following meetings with trustee and parent advisory committee representatives.
8. Deputations
8.1 Ontario Teachers' Federation
A Course Correction: A Renewed Focus for the Ontario College of Teachers
(Timed Item: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 1:30 p.m.)
The Chair of Council welcomed the two presenters of the deputation,
Rhonda Kimberley-Young, OCT, Secretary-Treasurer of the Ontario Teachers' Federation, OTF and Rian McLaughlin, OCT, President of the Ontario Teachers'
Federation, to the meeting.
The Chair of Council reminded Council members that they had received correspondence from OTF at their March 27-28, 2014 meeting entitled: A Course Correction: A Renewed Focus for the Ontario College of Teachers
Rhonda Kimberley-Young and Rian McLaughlin made a presentation on
A Course Correction: A Renewed Focus for the Ontario College of Teachers
and responded to questions of their presentation.
The Chair thanked the presenters for their presentation to Council.
9. Registrar's Report
9.1 Report
(GC20141001-74) (Continued)
The Registrar responded to questions of his report.
The Registrar advised that he would include information on the following items in his report to Council in December:
· How the College plans to allocate funding for the public awareness initiative in 2015.
· Provide snapshot information on the number of deceased members in the past five years.
9.2 Financial Report as July 31, 2014
The Ontario College of Teachers Financial Report as at July 31, 2014 was received.
The Deputy Registrar, Joe Jamieson, spoke to the report.
10. Chair's Report
10.1 Report
(GC20141001-76, -100, -101)
The Chair's Report was received. The Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, spoke to the report.
The Chair advised members of the death of former Council member
Henry Tyndorff and paid tribute to his contributions to the teaching profession and to Council.
At the invitation of the Chair, Wes Vickers made a presentation on his attendance at the IPSA 23rd World Congress of Political Science in
Montreal on the Challenges of Contemporary Governance (GC20141001-100).
The Chair advised that she would be contacting the Minister of Education to invite her to address Council at its December 2014 meeting.
The Chair made a PowerPoint presentation on her visit to the General Teaching Council of Scotland and noted the differences and similarities between that
organization and the College (GC20141001-101). Terry Price and Sandy Bass also provided insights of their attendance at the GTCS.
11. Committee Reports
11.1 Executive Committee
The report of the Executive Committee was received. The Chair,
Liz Papadopoulos, spoke to the report and responded to questions.
She noted that the committee had appointed:
· Marie-Louise Chartrand (appointed) to the Editorial Board;
· Godwin Ifedi (appointed) to the Election Committee; and
· Adannaya Nwaogu, OCT (elected) to the Investigation and Election Committees.
The Chair advised that the committee had approved the development of a professional advisory on the topic of a Duty to Report under the CFSA ( Child and Family Services Act) for consideration by Council in June of 2015.
11.2 Investigation Committee
The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair, Terry Price, spoke to the report and welcomed Adannaya Nwaogu to the committee.
11.3 Discipline Committee
The report of the Discipline Committee was received. The Chair, Robert Gagné, spoke to the report. In response to a question he noted that the
committee would provide additional information related to the number of days for contested hearings versus hearings that were not contested.
Peter Lipman assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
11.4 Fitness to Practise Committee
The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair,
Louis Sloan, spoke to the report.
11.5 Registration Appeals Committee
The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Chair,
Marc Dubois, spoke to the report.
11.6 Finance Committee
The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, Marie-Louise Chartrand, spoke to the report and responded to questions of the report.
It was moved by Marie-Louise Chartrand, Chair of the Finance Committee,
But it was LOST,
That Council
approve the purchase of floors 5 & 6 of 101 Bloor Street West in Toronto according to the terms of a purchase option received when the College
bought its existing space at the same location with the provision that the actual purchase and the operating expenses are cost neutral at the point of
Terry Price requested a recorded vote.
Recorded Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bellini, Christine
Châteauvert, Monique
Budhwani, Shabnum
Smith, Kara
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gray, Jacqueline
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smart, Pauline
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 4
: 22
Abstain: 7
11.7 Standards of Practice and Education Committee
The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was received. The Chair, Gale Dores, spoke to the report and advised that a table
containing the standards-based educative resources was on display in the Council Members' Lounge. She invited members to help themselves to the resources.
11.8 Accreditation Committee
The report of the Accreditation Committee was received. The Chair,
Angela De Palma, spoke to the report and welcomed Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad to the committee.
It was moved by Angela De Palma, Chair of the Accreditation Committee, and
That Council approve the proposed amendments to the Teachers' Qualifications Regulation outlined in the document titled "Regulatory Amendments -
Multi-session Program Requirements"
GC20141001-84, Attachment 1).
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
Damou, Merzak
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Nwaogu, Adannaya
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smart, Pauline
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 32
: 0
1 Absent:2
11.9 Accreditation Appeal Committee
There was no report.
11.10 Human Resources Committee
The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Chair,
Wes Vickers, spoke to the report and responded to questions.
It was moved by Wes Vickers, Chair of the Human Resources Committee, "
That Council amend the salary program for College staff by suspending bonus award (merit) compensation for the 2015 calendar year and that staff
provide the Committee with an impact study prior to consideration of the 2016 budget."
The orders of the day were called and it was agreed to continue the debate of the motion the following day.
The meeting recessed at 4:50 p.m.
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on October 1-2, 2014 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor
Street West, Toronto
Session 2: October 2, 2014
: Stefanie Achkewich, OCT, Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT,
Christine Bellini, OCT, Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT, Ahmed Bouragba, OCT (until 10:15 a.m.), Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Monique Châteauvert,
Merzak Damou, OCT, Irene Dembek, OCT, Angela De Palma, OCT, Gale Dores, OCT, Marc Dubois, OCT, (Vice-Chair), Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Dobi-Dawn Frenette
(via teleconference), Robert Gagné, Clyde Glasgow, Jacqueline Gray, OCT, Godwin Ifedi, Allyn Janicki, OCT, Matthew Kavanagh, OCT,
Monique Lapalme Arseneault, Shanlee Linton, OCT, Myreille Loubert, OCT, Adannaya Nwaogu, OCT, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, (Chair),
Terry Price, OCT, Vicki Shannon, OCT, Louis Sloan, OCT,
Pauline Smart, Kara Smith, OCT (until 11:45 a.m.), Demetri Vacratsis, OCT, Wes Vickers, OCT, Michael Salvatori, OCT, (Registrar)
Mary Lou Mackie, OCT, Ronna Warsh
Peter Lipman, OCT, Lori Lukinuk
Kim Bauer, Tan Crombie, Francine Dutrisac, OCT, Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar), Richard Lewko,
Michelle Longlade, OCT, Charlie Morrison, Saran Ragunathan, OCT (from 11:00 a.m.), Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT,
The meeting resumed at 9:00 a.m.
Peter Lipman resumed the role of Presiding Officer at this time.
11.10 Human Resources Committee
(GC20141001-85) (Continued)
The Presiding Officer noted that the committee had not completed their debate on the Human Resources motion from the previous day.
It was moved by Terry Price, seconded by Adannaya Nwaogu, but it was
That the Human Resources Committee motion be referred back to the Human Resources Committee with a recommendation from Council that they investigate
this issue again and report back to the December Council meeting on an alternate proposal or proposals for eliminating the merit pay without changing
the overall cost of the compensation package proposed in the 2015 budget.
Roll Call Vote:
Price, Terry
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
Damou, Merzak
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Papadopoulos, Liz
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smart, Pauline
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 1
: 31
1 Absent:2
A vote was taken on the main motion, but it was
That Council amend the salary program for College staff by suspending bonus award (merit) compensation for the 2015 calendar year and that staff
provide the Committee with an impact study prior to consideration of the 2016 budget.
Roll Call Vote:
Bass, Sandy
Achkewich, Stefanie
Budhwani, Shabnum
Bellini, Christine
Dores, Gale
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Glasgow, Clyde
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Gray, Jacqueline
Châteauvert, Monique
Ifedi, Godwin
De Palma, Angela
Janicki, Allyn
Gagné, Robert
Kavanagh, Matthew
Linton, Shanlee
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Nwaogu, Adannaya
Loubert, Myreille
Vacratsis, Demetri
Papadopoulos, Liz
Vickers, Wes
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smart, Pauline
Smith, Kara
: 12
: 15
6 Absent:2
11.11 Editorial Board
The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Christine Bellini, spoke to the report and welcomed Myreille Loubert to the committee and the
new managing editor, Kristin Doucet. The Chair noted that Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession had received 19 awards this year for
writing and design.
11.12 Election Committee
There was no report.
The Vice-Chair of the Committee, Matthew Kavanagh, welcomed Godwin Ifedi and Adannaya Nwaogu to the committee.
12. Agenda - Amendment
It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, seconded by Robert Gagné, and
That Council approve amending the Agenda to consider adding an additional item to the Agenda under New Business: Ad Hoc Committee to Study Council
Member Compensation Policy.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
Damou, Merzak
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Nwaogu, Adannaya
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smart, Pauline
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 33
: 0
13. Committee Reports
13.1 Election Committee
A discussion ensued on the budgetary impact of the voter card mail out noted in Professionally Speaking/Pour Parler Profession with respect to the
election of the seventh Council voting schedule. It was noted that the committee had approved this direct mailing in with the hope of increasing voter
participation in the upcoming 2015 Council member election.
In response to a question the Registrar advised that he would research the nomination process used by other regulators.
13.2 Nomination Committee
The report of the Nomination Committee was received. The Chair, Irene Dembek, spoke to the report.
13.3 Quality Assurance Committee
There was no report. The Chair, Clyde Glasgow, provided a verbal update of the meeting that had taken place on September 19, 2014. He advised that the
committee had received a report and presentation on object #10: To communicate with the public on behalf of the members of the College. The committee had
also been apprised of the Public Awareness Initiative's activities.
He informed members that the committee had reviewed the Conflict of Interest/ Bias guidelines and would be bringing the guidelines to Council at a future
Ahmed Bouragba, an elected member of Council for the Southeast Region (Full-Time) category, announced that he would be resigning from Council effective
14. Correspondence
(GC20141001-89, -90, -91)
The following items of correspondence were received for information:
· Letter from the OSSTF President re Annual Membership Fee Increase and Response (GC20141001-89)
· Letter of Congratulations to the Minister of Education re her Reappointment and re Bill 103 & Response (GC20141001-90)
· Letter to the Minister of Education re: Amendments to the College's Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs Regulation (GC20141001-91)
Lori Lukinuk assumed the role of Presiding Officer at this time.
15. New Business
15.1 College Bylaws - Proposed Amendment to establish the Governance Committee of Council and to delete the Nomination and Election Committees
(GC20141001-93, -98)
The Chair of the Nomination Committee, Irene Dembek, spoke to the proposed amendments to the bylaws that would establish the Governance Committee and
delete the Nomination and Election Committees. She reminded members that a Notice of Motion had been read into the Minutes of the June 2014 Council meeting
for consideration at the October Council meeting. She advised that the Chair of Council had made recommendations to the Nomination Committee at their
special meeting on September 22nd to make further amendments to the bylaws and further delineate the Governance Committee's mandate. She
referred Council members to the amendments which were outlined in document
GC20141001-98, Attachment 1.
A discussion ensued on the proposed amendments.
It was moved by Steering, "
That Council approve the amendments to the College bylaws by the addition of the establishment of a Governance Committee and the deletion of the
Nomination and Election Committees, as outlined in document
GC20141001-93, Attachment 1, effective July 1, 2015."
It was moved by Irene Dembek, Chair of the Nomination Committee, and
That Council approve that the additional terms of reference for the Governance Committee of Council as outlined in document
98, Attachment 1, be reflected in the proposed bylaw motion outlined in document
, Attachment 1.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
Damou, Merzak
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Nwaogu, Adannaya
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smart, Pauline
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 32
: 0
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve the
amendments to the College bylaws by the addition of the establishment of a Governance Committee and the deletion of the Nomination and Election
Committees, as outlined in document
-93, Attachment 1, as amended, effective July 1, 2015.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
Damou, Merzak
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Nwaogu, Adannaya
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smart, Pauline
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 32
: 0
15.2 Proposed Amendments to the Accreditation Regulation 347/02 re: panel size and composition and changes to appeal processes
Proposed Amendments to the Teachers' Qualification Regulation 176/10 re: process improvements and clarifications for initial teacher education
The Registrar and the Director of Standards of Practice and Accreditation, Michelle Longlade, spoke to the proposed amendments to the Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, Regulation 347/02 and the proposed amendments to the Teachers' Qualifications' Regulation
176/10. The Registrar and Director reviewed the side-by-side analyses of the amendments with Council members and responded to questions.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the amendments to the Accreditation Regulation 347/02 re panel size and composition and
changes to the appeal processes as outlined in document
GC20141001-94C, attachment 1, be approved.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
Damou, Merzak
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Nwaogu, Adannaya
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smart, Pauline
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 32
: 0
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the amendments to the Teachers' Qualification Regulation 176/10 re process improvements and
clarifications for initial teacher education as outlined in document
C20141001-95C, attachment 1, be approved.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
Damou, Merzak
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Nwaogu, Adannaya
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smart, Pauline
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 32
: 0
It was noted that the black-cornered regulations would be signed by the Registrar and Chair of Council and forwarded to the Minister of Education.
Ad Hoc Committee to Study Council Member Compensation Policy
The Chair recommended that an ad hoc committee be formed to study the Council member compensation policy and to bring recommendations to the December
meeting of Council.
It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, seconded by Robert Gagné, and
That Council strike an ad hoc committee comprised of the Chair of Council, two appointed members and two elected members to study the Council member
compensation policy and bring recommendations to the December 2014 meeting of Council.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Budhwani, Shabnum
Châteauvert, Monique
Damou, Merzak
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Nwaogu, Adannaya
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smart, Pauline
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 31
: 0
1 Absent:3
16. Notices of Motion
There were no Notices of Motion.
17. Next Meeting(s) of Council
18. Adjournment
The Chair reminded members of the debriefing session immediately following the Council meeting.
She also reminded members to provide feedback to Marie-Louise Chartrand re the 2015 budget by Friday, October 10, 2014.
The Chair thanked Ahmed Bouragba for his contributions to Council and to the teaching profession.
The meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.
Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT
Registrar, Michael Salvatori, OCT