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Minutes of Council Meetings


Council Meeting

Council Chambers, 15th Floor,

101 Bloor Street West, Toronto

March 3-4, 2016

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on March 3-4, 2016 the Council Chambers, 15 th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto


1. Call to Order/Welcome.

2. Agenda.

3. Conflict of Interest

4. Public Presentations

4.1 Institutional Bias at the College.

5. Minutes

5.1 Meeting, November 5-6, 2015.

5.2 Special Meeting, December 3, 2015.

6. Business Arising.

6.1 Recommendations from the June 2015 Report of the Public Interest Committee – Referral to the Discipline and Investigation

6.2 Discipline Committee/Fitness to Practise Committee – Combined Committee Membership – Referral to the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees

6.3 Conference Call Protocol for Council Member Participation at Council and Committee Meetings – Referral to Executive

7. New Business

7.1 Report of the Public Interest Committee.

8. Registrar’s Report

8.1 Report

8.2 Financial Report as December 31, 2015.

9. Chair’s Report

9.1 Report

10. Committee Reports

10.1 Executive Committee.

10.2 Investigation Committee.

10.3 Discipline Committee.

10.4 Fitness to Practise Committee.

10.5 Registration Appeals Committee.

10. Committee Reports (Continued)

10.6 Finance Committee.

10.7 Standards of Practice and Education Committee.

10.8 Accreditation Committee)

10.9 Accreditation Appeal Committee.

10.10 Human Resources Committee)

10.11 Editorial Board.

10.12 Governance Committee.

10.13 Quality Assurance Committee.

11. Correspondence.

12. New Business (Continued)

12.1 Council Spokesperson Policy.

12.2 Council Communication Protocol

12.3 College Bylaws: Proposed Amendment to the Quality Assurance Committee Mandate (Section 6.07)

12.4 Amendment to Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation, 176/10 – re
Annual Membership Fee.

13. Notices of Motion.

13.1 College Bylaws – Proposed Amendment to Section 21 – Annual Membership Fees

14. Next Meeting(s) of Council

15. Adjournment

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on March 3-4, 2016 the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Session 1: Thursday, March 3, 2016

Present : Brian Beal, OCT, Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, OCT, (via teleconference), Ann Ciaschini, OCT, Angela De Palma, OCT, (Chair) Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, OCT, Tim Gernstein, OCT, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, OCT, Shanlee Linton, OCT, Colleen Landers, Myreille Loubert, OCT, (Vice-Chair), Shannon Marcus, OCT, Richard Michaud, OCT, William Ngassam, OCT, Sara Nouini, OCT, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, OCT, Tom Potter, Terry Price, OCT, Robert Ryan, OCT, Anthony Samchek, OCT, Vicki Shannon, OCT, Stéphane Vallée, OCT, Ravi Vethamany, OCT, Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT, Wes Vickers, OCT, (until 3:55 p.m.), Marie-Claude Yaacov, Michael Salvatori, OCT, (Registrar)

Regrets: Robert Gagné, James Knopp, Jennifer Stewart, OCT, Ronna Warsh

Guests: Bill Kirkwood, Chair of the Public Interest Committee
(from 3:00 p.m. to 3:10 p.m.)

Public Presentation Presenters: (from 1:10 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.)

  • Nadine Trépanier-Bisson, OCT, Association des directions et directions adjointes des écoles franco-ontariennes
  • Sarah Colman, Counsel, Ontario Principals’ Council
  • Joe Geiser, OCT, Catholic Principals’ Council of Ontario


Officers: Lori Lukinuk, Douglas McCarthy

Staff: Kim Bauer, Chantal Bélisle, OCT, Tan Crombie, Roch Gallien, OCT, Myrtle Herzenberg (until 3:15 p.m.), Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar), Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, Douglas McCarthy, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and welcomed all present.

It was noted that Marie-Louise Chartrand and Myreille Loubert comprised the Steering Committee.

The Chair introduced and welcomed newly appointed Council members, Colleen Landers and James Knopp. She noted that each of these members had been appointed to Council for a three-year term.

Council members accessed their Council documentation via eScribe.

The Presiding Officer advised that there would not be eScribe voting for procedural motions. Voting on procedural motions would be by a show of hands.

2. Agenda (GC20160303-01)

It was agreed to add an additional item to the Agenda under Committee Reports – Item 9.6 Supplementary Report of the Finance Committee.

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Agenda for the March 3-4, 2016 Council meeting be approved as amended.

3. Conflict of Interest

No conflicts were declared.

4. Public Presentations

4.1 Institutional Bias at the College (GC20160303-34)
(Timed Item: Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 1:10 p.m.)

The Presiding Officer welcomed Nadine Trépanier-Bisson, OCT, Association des directions et directions adjointes des écoles franco-ontariennes; Sarah Colman, Counsel, Ontario Principals’ Council and Joe Geiser, OCT, Catholic Principals’ Council of Ontario to the meeting.

Handouts entitled “Institutional Bias at the Ontario College of Teachers - Summary of Concerns” and “Rapport – Partialité Institutionnelle de l’ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l’Ontario – sommaire des inquiétudes” were distributed to members.

The presenters raised the following concerns:

  • Principals and vice-principals have only one representative on the College Council, making it unlikely that this representative will be elected to serve in a leadership capacity and thus, would have limited opportunity to participate actively on Council.
  • Principals and vice-principals do not see their unique voice, challenges or opportunities reflected in College publications such as:
  • The Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession
  • Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession and other member communications
  • Professional Advisories.

The College’s investigation, discipline and fitness to practise processes are neither fair nor impartial for principals and vice-principals without meaningful peer review and representation on panels of Investigation and Hearings committees.

The presenters provided examples of the measures they had taken to have peer review instituted.

The presenters recommended that at least two practising principals and/or vice-principals on the panel consider the conduct of an education leader and that this requirement be mandated by legislation.

A question and answer session ensued.

It was moved by Robert Ryan, seconded by Jane Ishibashi, and


That Council extend the discussion period by an additional ten minutes.

The Presiding Officer thanked the presenters for their presentation.

5. Minutes

The Presiding Officer noted that the Minutes would be approved by consensus if there were no objections or corrections.

5.1 Meeting, November 5-6, 2015 (GC20160303-02)

The Minutes of the Council Meeting held on November 5-6, 2015 were approved by unanimous consensus.

5.2 Special Meeting, December 3, 2015 (GC20160303-04)

The Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on December 3, 2015 were approved by unanimous consensus.

6. Business Arising

6.1 Recommendations from the June 2015 Report of the Public Interest Committee – Referral to the Discipline and Investigation Committees

Terry Price, Chair of the Investigation Committee, and Wes Vickers, Vice-Chair of the Discipline Committee, provided verbal reports on the outcome of the referral motion by each of the committees at recent meetings. It was noted that written reports will be brought forward for consideration at the June 2-3, 2016 Council meeting.

6.2 Discipline Committee/Fitness to Practise Committee – Combined Committee Membership – Referral to the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees

At its November 5-6, 2015 meeting Council referred a motion relating to the common membership of the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees for review and report to the March 3-4, 2016 meeting of Council. Wes Vickers, Vice-Chair of the Discipline Committee, and Shanlee Linton, Chair of the Fitness to Practise Committee spoke to the result of the referral motion by each of their committees.

A question and answer session ensued.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve that the following motion:

  • That Council appoint the same fifteen (15) members of Council to the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees.
  • Eight (8) of the members of each committee shall be persons who were elected to Council under paragraph 4 (2)(a) of the Act.
  • Seven (7) members of the committee shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under paragraph 4 (2)(b) of the Act.
eScribe Vote:

For: Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan Elliott-Johns, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Colleen Landers, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Vicki Shannon, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany,
Wes Vickers, Marie-Claude Yaacov

Against: Robert Ryan


For : 31

Against : 1

Abstain: 1

Absent: 4

It was noted that the effective date for the common committee membership would occur after Council members had been surveyed as to their interest in serving and the Executive Committee had met to confirm the common membership.

6.3 Conference Call Protocol for Council Member Participation at Council and Committee Meetings – Referral to Executive Committee (GC20160303-08)

The Chair advised that the Executive Committee had reviewed the Conference Call Protocol for Council and Committee Meetings at its February 11, 2016 meeting. She requested that the policy be referred back to the Executive Committee for further study and report. She requested members to email her with possible changes so that the policy could reflect their needs.

It was moved by Angela De Palma, seconded by Jane Ishibashi, and


That Council refer the Conference Call Protocol for Council Member Participation at Council and Committee Meetings as outlined in document GC20160303- 08, Attachment 1 to the Executive Committee for further study and report to the June 2-3, 2016 meeting of Council.

eScribe Vote:

For: Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan Elliott-Johns, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Colleen Landers, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Marie-Claude Yaacov


For : 33

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

7. New Business

7.1 Report of the Public Interest Committee (GC20160303-28)
(Timed Item: Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 3:00 p.m.)

The Chair welcomed Bill Kirkwood, Chair of the Public Interest Committee, to Council.

The Report of the Public Interest Committee was received. Bill Kirkwood spoke to the report and responded to questions. He noted that the committee was gratified that the Investigation, Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees had responded to the recommendations from the Public Interest Committee.

The Chair of Council thanked Bill Kirkwood for his report.

Lori Lukinuk assumed the role of Presiding Officer.

8. Registrar’s Report

8.1 Report (GC20160303-09)

The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar spoke to his report and responded to questions.

The Registrar advised that:

  • Amendments to the Accreditation and Teachers’ Qualifications Regulations were being reviewed and once these changes had been finalized recommendations would be brought forward for Council approval.
  • The results of a survey conducted on the attestation - duty to report, were being compiled and would be provided to Council at its June meeting.
  • An applicant eligibility for certification tool has been launched which includes a video dealing with the certification process.
  • To reach parents across Ontario’s diverse population, the College has created Punjabi, Tamil, Italian, Spanish and Chinese versions of its Serving in the Public Interest brochure to complement the French and English versions to raise awareness of the College’s mandate and role in public education. These brochures are available online as well as in print.

8.2 Financial Report as December 31, 2015 (GC20160303-10)

The Ontario College of Teachers Financial Report as at December 31, 2015 was received. The Deputy Registrar spoke to the report and responded to questions.

9. Chair’s Report

9.1 Report (GC20160303-11)

The Chair’s Report was received. The Chair, Angela De Palma, spoke to her report and responded to questions.

10. Committee Reports

10.1 Executive Committee (GC20160303-12)

The report of the Executive Committee was received. The Chair, Angela De Palma, spoke to the report.

The Chair advised that the Executive Committee had met prior to the Council meeting. At that meeting the committee appointed James Knopp to the Investigation and Standards of Practice and Education Committees.

It was moved by Angela De Palma, Chair of the Executive Committee, and


That Council delegate to the Executive Committee the authority to review policies impacting Council members including professional development, laptop, travel and compensation beginning in
May 2016, and make recommendations to Council.

eScribe Vote:

For: Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan Elliott-Johns, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Colleen Landers, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Marie-Claude Yaacov


For : 32

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 5

It was moved by Angela De Palma, Chair of the Executive Committee, and


That Council approve amendments to the Professional Advisory on Safety in Learning Environments as outlined in document GC20160303- 12 , Attachment 1.

eScribe Vote:

For: Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan Elliott-Johns, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Colleen Landers, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Marie-Claude Yaacov


For : 32

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 5

10.2 Investigation Committee (GC20160303-13)

The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair, Terry Price, spoke to the report.

10.3 Discipline Committee (GC20160303-14)

The report of the Discipline Committee was received. Shanlee Linton, a member of the committee, spoke to the report and responded to questions.

10.4 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20160303-15)

The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair,
Shanlee Linton, spoke to the report. She advised that the committee had not to date received a case relating to a managerial issue relating to a principal.

10.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20160303-16)

The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Chair,
Brian Beal, spoke to the report.

The meeting recessed at 5:00 p.m.

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on March 3-4, 2016 the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Session 2: Friday, March 4, 2016

Present : Brian Beal, OCT, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung (via teleconference until 11:40 a.m.), OCT, Ann Ciaschini, OCT, Angela De Palma, OCT, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT, (via teleconference), Susan E. Elliott-Johns, OCT, Tim Gernstein, OCT, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, OCT, Colleen Landers, (until 12:20 p.m.), Shanlee Linton, OCT, (until 12:20 p.m.), Myreille Loubert, OCT, Shannon Marcus, OCT, Richard Michaud, OCT, William Ngassam, OCT, Sara Nouini, OCT, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, OCT, (until 12:05 p.m.), Tom Potter, Terry Price, OCT, Robert Ryan, OCT, Anthony Samchek, OCT, Vicki Shannon, OCT, Stéphane Vallée, OCT, (until 12:15 p.m,) Ravi Vethamany, OCT, Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT, Wes Vickers, OCT, (until 11:45 a.m.), Marie-Claude Yaacov, Michael Salvatori, OCT, (Registrar)

Regrets: Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT, Robert Gagné, James Knopp, Jennifer Stewart, OCT, Ronna Warsh


Officers: Lori Lukinuk, Douglas McCarthy

Staff: Kim Bauer, Chantal Bélisle, OCT, Tan Crombie, Roch Gallien, OCT, Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar), Richard Lewko, Fred Towers (until 10:00 a.m.), Charlie Morrison, Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT

The meeting resumed at 9:00 a.m.

Douglas McCarthy assumed the role of Presiding Officer at this time.

It was noted that Council members would be entitled to a half day of preparation time for the meeting.

The Chair noted that two former Council members, Monique Châteauvert and Clyde Glasgow had been honoured at the Council dinner the previous evening.

10. Committee Reports (Continued)

10.6 Finance Committee (GC20160303-17, -33)

The reports of the Finance Committee were received. The Chair, Marie-Louise Chartrand, spoke to the reports and responded to questions.

The Presiding Officer explained that the motion contained in the supplementary report of the Finance Committee needed a two-thirds majority for it to be considered.

It was moved by Marie-Louise Chartrand, Chair of the Finance Committee, and


That the motion arising from the Supplementary Report of the Finance Committee be considered.

eScribe Vote:

For: Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan Elliott-Johns, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Colleen Landers, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Marie-Claude Yaacov


For : 32

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 5

It was moved by Marie-Louise Chartrand, Chair of the Finance Committee, “That Council approve that any restricted cash amount in excess of the $ 3-5 million range be applied toward the reduction of the current mortgage at the earliest appropriate time.”

It was moved by Tim Gernstein, seconded by Tom Potter, and


That Council approve that the above motion be amended by deleting the number 3 and by deleting the word “range”, to read:

That Council approve that any restricted cash amount in excess of $5 million be applied toward the reduction of the current mortgage at the earliest appropriate time.

eScribe Vote:

For: Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Tim Gernstein, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, William Ngassam, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Terry Price, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Wes Vickers, Marie-Claude Yaacov

Against: Brian Beal, Irene Cheung, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan Elliott-Johns, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Colleen Landers,
Richard Michaud, Tom Potter, Robert Ryan, Ravi Vethamany


For : 21

Against :10

Abstain: 1

Absent: 5

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That Council approve that any restricted cash amount in excess of $5 million be applied toward the reduction of the current mortgage at the earliest appropriate time.

eScribe Vote:

For: Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan Elliott-Johns, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Colleen Landers, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Marie-Claude Yaacov

Against: Shanlee Linton, Wes Vickers


For : 30

Against : 2

Abstain: 0

Absent: 5

10.7 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (GC20160303-18)

The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was received. The Chair, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad spoke to the report and responded to questions.

It was moved by Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, and


That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that :

  1. the French name of the Education préscolaire des élèves sourds ou malentendants Additional Qualification Course be changed to Education préscolaire des enfants sourds ou malentendants in Schedule C of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation to align with the English-language name
  2. the name of the English as a Second Language Additional Qualification Course be changed to Teaching English Language Learners in Schedule D of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation
  3. the name of the Librarianship Additional Qualification Course be changed to Teacher Librarian in Schedule D of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation
  4. an Additional Qualification Course for Teaching and Leadership: First Nations, Métis and Inuit Settings be added in Schedule D of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation
  5. the name of the Teaching First Nation, Métis and Inuit Children, Additional Qualification course be changed to Teaching First Nations, Métis and Inuit Children in Schedule C of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation
  6. the name of the Teaching Ojicree, Additional Qualification course be changed to Teaching Oji-Cree in Schedule C of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation
  7. the name of the Teaching Students Who Are Deaf-Blind Additional Qualification Course be changed to Teaching Students Who Are Deafblind in Schedule D of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation.

eScribe Vote:

For: Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan Elliott-Johns, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Matthew Kavanagh, Colleen Landers, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Marie-Claude Yaacov

Against: Jane Ishibashi


For : 30

Against : 1

Abstain: 0

Absent: 6

10.8 Accreditation Committee (GC20160303-19)

The report of the Accreditation Committee was received. The Chair,
Nicole van Woudenberg, spoke to the report.

10.9 Accreditation Appeal Committee

There was no report.

10.10 Human Resources Committee (GC20160303-20)

The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Chair,
Wes Vickers, spoke to the report.

10.11 Editorial Board (GC20160303-21)

The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Myreille Loubert, spoke to the report.

10.12 Governance Committee (GC20160303-22)

The report of the Governance Committee was received. The Chair,

Matthew Kavanagh, spoke to the report and responded to questions.

Lori Lukinuk assumed the role of Presiding Officer.

10.13 Quality Assurance Committee

The Chair, Robert Ryan, provided a verbal report of the committee’s meeting on February 17, 2016 and noted that a written report would be provided to Council at its June 2-3, 2016 meeting.

11. Correspondence (GC20160303-23 to -27)

The following items of correspondence were received for information:

  • Letter to the Minister of Education re Meeting with Representatives of the College re Bill 103 (GC20160303-23)
  • Letter to the Minister of Education re Ontario College of Teachers 2014 Annual Report (GC20160303-24)
  • Letter to and from the Minister of Education re Supplementary Compensation Guidelines (GC20160303-25)
  • Letter to Minister of Education re Amendments to the Accreditation and Teachers’ Qualifications Regulations and Response (GC20160303-26)
  • Letter to Minister of Education re Substantial Changes and Additions to Programs in the Accreditation Regulation and Response (GC20160303-27)

12. New Business(Continued)

12.1 Council Spokesperson Policy(GC20160303-29)

The Council Spokesperson Policy was received. The Registrar noted the amendments that had been made to the policy.

It was moved by Jane Ishibashi, seconded by Robert Ryan, and


That Council extend the meeting to 12:00 p.m.

It was moved by Steering, “That Council approve the Council Spokesperson Policy as outlined in document GC20160303- 29, Attachment 1.

It was moved by Terry Price, seconded by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That the Council Spokesperson Policy be referred to the Executive Committee for further study and report to the June 2-3, 2016 Council meeting.

eScribe Vote:

For: Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan Elliott-Johns, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Colleen Landers, Shanlee Linton, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Marie-Claude Yaacov


For: 30

Against: 0

Abstain: 2

Absent: 5

12.2 Council Communication Protocol (GC20160303-30)

The Council Communication Protocol was received. The Registrar noted the reasons for the establishment of the protocol.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve the Council Communication Protocol as outlined in document GC20160303- 30.

Roll Call Vote:

For: Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan Elliott-Johns, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Colleen Landers, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Marie-Claude Yaacov


For : 31

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 6

12.3 College Bylaws: Proposed Amendment to the Quality Assurance Committee Mandate (Section 6.07) (GC20160303-31)

The Registrar advised that at the November 5-6, 2015 meeting, a Notice of Motion had been read into the Minutes, which described a proposed change to the mandate of the Quality Assurance Committee, for review at the March 2016 Council meeting.

The Chair of the Quality Assurance Committee, Robert Ryan, spoke to the reasons for including the committee’s review of the College Council’s efforts to meet its Strategic Priorities as part of the Quality Assurance Committee’s mandate.

It was moved by Robert Ryan, Chair of the Quality Assurance Committee, and


That Council amend section 6.07 (f) of the College bylaws by addition to include the following words “ and its Strategic Priorities as defined by Council; after the words “as defined in the Act”; and “and Strategic Priorities”; following the words “College objectives”, to read as follows:

6.07 (f). The Quality Assurance Committee shall assess the performance of the College relative to its objectives as defined in the Actand its Strategic Priorities as defined by Council; identify opportunities to further support the achievement of these College objectives and Strategic Priorities; and report annually to Council.

eScribe Vote:

For: Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan Elliott-Johns, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Colleen Landers, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Tom Potter, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Ravi Vethamany, Marie-Claude Yaacov

Against: Ann Ciaschini, Tim Gernstein, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Nicole van Woudenberg


For : 22

Against : 5

Abstain: 1

Absent: 9

It was moved by Robert Ryan, seconded by Jane Ishibashi, and


That Council extend the meeting time to 12:30 p.m.

12.4 Amendment to Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation, 176/10 – re Annual Membership Fee (GC20160303-32)

The briefing note on the Annual Membership Fee Payment in Certification Process was received. Linda Zaks-Walker, Director of Membership Services, spoke to the requested amendment in the briefing note.

A question and answer session followed.

It was moved by Steering, and

proposed amendments to the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation, 176/10 as follows:

11. (1) The Registrar may grant to an applicant under subsection 4 (1) or section 6 a general certificate of qualification and registration if the Registrar has satisfactory evidence that the applicant has complied with subsection 4 (3) or section 6, as the case may be, and section 9, and has met the requirements set out in subsection (2), (3), (4), (5) or (5.1) , and has paid all fees required under the bylaws for the issuance of the certificate.

eScribe Vote:

For: Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan Elliott-Johns, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Marie-Claude Yaacov


For : 26

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 11

13. Notices of Motion

The following Notice of Motion was read into the Minutes for consideration at the June 2-3, 2016 Council Meeting:

13.1 College Bylaws – Proposed Amendment to Section 21 – Annual Membership Fees (GC20150604-54)

The following Notice of Motion was read into the Minutes for consideration at the March 3-4, 2016 Council Meeting:

Moved by Steering:

That Council approve that the College Bylaws Section 21 – Annual Membership Fees be amended by deletion and substitution as follows:

21.02 The first annual membership fee payable by a member shall become payable in the year of and prior to the issuance of that certificate of qualification and registration. at the time of admission of the member to the College

14. Next Meeting(s) of Council

  • June 2, 2016 Annual Meeting of Members
  • June 2-3, 2016

15. Adjournment

The Chair thanked members for remaining at the meeting beyond the allotted time.

The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.


Chair, Angela De Palma, OCT


Registrar, Michael Salvatori, OCT



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