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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of the Fifth Council of the Ontario College of Teachers held on July 2, 2009 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda

3. Conflict of Interest

4. Registrar’s Report

5. Nomination Committee Report

6. Address by the Minister of Education (Timed Item: 4:00 p.m.)

7. Nomination Committee Report (Continued)

8. Appointment of Presiding Officer(s)

9. Future Meetings of Council

Present: Danny Anckle, Alexander (Sandy) Bass, Gabrielle Blais, Carlo Cappello, Monique Châteauvert (until 5:45 p.m.), Irene Dembek, Gale Dores, Marc Dubois, Martha Dutrizac (until 4:30 p.m.), Dean Favero, Nick Forte, Dobi-Dawn Frenette (until 6:15 p.m.),

Clyde Glasgow, Mel Greif, Brent Hamelin, Garry Humphreys, Annilee Jarvis, Peter Joong, Bill Kirkwood (until 4:30 p.m.), Anne Marie Levesque (until 5:30 p.m.), Bill Matheson, Darlene Mead, Liz Papadopoulos (Chair), Ruth Ann Penny (Vice-Chair), Terry Price, Tanya Roberts, Susan Robertson, Robert Ryan, Pauline Smart (until 5:30 p.m.), Mara Torcaso, Jacques Tremblay, John Tucker, Henry Tyndorf (until 4:00 p.m.), Hanno Weinberger, Sharon Young Kipp, Michael Salvatori (Registrar)

Regrets: Clint Lovell

Auditor: Adina Goldstein, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Presiding Officer: Peter Lipman

Guests: Don Cattani (outgoing Chair of Council), Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Education & ministry staff (from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.)

Staff: Margaret Aubé, Kim Bauer, Francine Dutrisac, Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, Richard Lewko, Michelle Longlade, Charlie Morrison, Josie Peretti, Katherin Platt, Shirley Rodricks, Lise Roy-Kolbusz (Deputy Registrar), Linda Zaks-Walker

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, Peter Lipman, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and welcomed all present. He noted that the Minister of Education, Kathleen Wynne, would address Council at 4:00 p.m.

The Registrar provided a brief biographical introduction for each Council member.

2. Agenda (GC20090702-152, Revised)

It was moved by Brent Hamelin, seconded by Nick Forte, and


That the revised Agenda for the July 2, 2009 Inaugural Meeting of the Fifth Council be approved.

3. Conflict of Interest

No conflicts were declared.

4. Registrar’s Report

4.1 Report

The Registrar, Michael Salvatori, spoke to the 3rd International Teaching Councils’ Conference that he and the outgoing Chair, Don Cattani, had attended in Cardiff, Wales. He noted that the discussions included international credentialing and ways to continue networking among the different jurisdictions.

He also noted that he had attended the Meeting of Registrars for Canadian Teacher Certification, in St John’s, Newfoundland, with the Deputy Registrar, Lise Roy-Kolbusz and Director of Membership Services, Linda Zaks-Walker. Labour Mobility and Language Proficiency had been included in the discussions.

He advised Council members that the College Budget would need to be developed for the following year and that a number of budget briefing sessions would be held to provide Council members with information on the College’s fiscal position and various budget options in advance of the budget presentation. Members would be advised when these briefing sessions would take place.

The Registrar congratulated Joe Jamieson, on his appointment as Deputy Registrar effective September 14, 2009.

5. Nomination Committee Report (GC20090702-153)

The Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, Danny Anckle, spoke to the report and answered questions.

He noted that the Nomination Committee had met on June 22nd to review the committee membership questionnaires received from Council members. The questionnaire requested members to indicate their interest in standing for the position of Chair or Vice-Chair of Council and to indicate their interest to serve on the various committees of Council. Newly elected and appointed members were asked to consider committee options on the basis of interest, expertise and time commitment. Returning elected and appointed members were encouraged to continue their participation on previous committees in order to provide much-needed continuity.

The committee considered the following factors in its deliberations for each of the committees:

  • continuity of committee membership
  • a minimum of two committees for each Council member
  • council member prioritization
  • related experience, background and availability
  • bilingual capacity
  • gender balance
  • language
  • workload
  • new member mentoring

He noted that the Nomination Committee had chosen to release the report at the meeting in order to provide context for the recommendations made by the committee.

It was noted that although all five members of the Nomination Committee, were not present at the June 22nd meeting, input from the absent member had been considered.

5.1 Election of Chair of Council

Danny Anckle noted that expressions of interest to serve as Chair of Council had been received from six Council members:

Brent Hamelin

Annilee Jarvis

Liz Papadopoulos

Ruth Ann Penny

Henry Tyndorf

Sharon Young Kipp.

The Presiding Officers called for further nominations from the floor. No further nominations were received.

Danny Anckle advised Council members that each Chair candidate would be entitled to address Council for a maximum of five minutes. Names were drawn by Danny Anckle to determine the speaking order of the candidates.

Each of the Chair candidates addressed Council members.

Ballots were distributed to Council members. The ballot count was conducted by the auditor from PricewaterhouseCoopers, Adina Goldstein, and overseen by the Registrar and outgoing Council Chair, Don Cattani. Ballots were distributed four times to determine the successful Chair candidate. At the conclusion of each ballot, the number of votes cast, spoilt votes, and the number of votes each candidate received was announced. At the conclusion of the balloting process, Liz Papadopoulos received the most number of votes cast.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Liz Papadopoulos as Chair of the 5th Council effective July 2, 2009.

It was moved by Tanya Roberts, seconded by Terry Price, and


That Council approve that the ballots associated with the position of Chair be destroyed.

The outgoing Chair, Don Cattani, congratulated Liz Papadopoulos on being elected Chair of Council.

Liz Papadopoulos assumed the role of Chair at 2:40 p.m.

The new Chair of Council thanked Don Cattani for his commitment to the work of the College. She wished him well in his retirement.

5.2 Election of Vice-Chair of Council

Danny Anckle noted that expressions of interest to serve as Vice-Chair of Council had been received from six Council members:

Mel Greif

Darlene Mead

Ruth Ann Penny

Terry Price

Robert Ryan

Sharon Young Kipp.

The Presiding Officer called for further nominations from the floor. No further nominations were received.

Terry Price and Robert Ryan withdrew their names for the position of Vice-Chair of Council.

Danny Anckle advised Council members that each Vice-Chair candidate would be entitled to address Council for a maximum of three minutes. Names were drawn by Danny Anckle to determine the speaking order of the candidates.

Each of the Vice-Chair candidates addressed Council members.

Ballots were distributed to Council members. The ballot count was conducted by the auditor from PricewaterhouseCoopers, Adina Goldstein, and overseen by the Registrar and outgoing Council Chair, Don Cattani. Ballots were distributed twice to determine the successful Vice-Chair candidate. At the conclusion of each ballot, the number of votes cast, spoilt votes, and the number of votes each candidate received was announced. At the conclusion of the balloting process, Ruth Ann Penny received the most number of votes cast.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Ruth Ann Penny as Vice-Chair of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009.

It was moved by Henry Tyndorf, seconded by Gale Dores, and


That Council approve that the ballots associated with the position of Vice-Chair be destroyed.

5.3 Appointment of Committee Members

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Investigation Committee. The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. No additional nominations were received.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Investigation Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Carlo Cappello (e)

Marc Dubois (e)

Nick Forte (e)

Liz Papadopoulos (e)

Terry Price (e)

Henry Tyndorf (e)

Monique Châteauvert (a)

Garry Humphreys (a)

Susan Robertson (a)

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Discipline Committee.

Alexander (Sandy) Bass (e)

Brent Hamelin (e)

Annilee Jarvis (e)

Clint Lovell

Darlene Mead (e)

Robert Ryan (e)

Jacques Tremblay (e)

Hanno Weinberger (e)

Danny Anckle (a)

Gabrielle Blais (a)

Mel Greif (a)

Anne Marie Levesque (a)

Pauline Smart (a)

The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. It was requested that Dean Favero’s name be added to the list of names for elected members.

Alexander (Sandy) Bass (e)

Dean Favero (e)

Brent Hamelin (e)

Annilee Jarvis (e)

Clint Lovell

Darlene Mead (e)

Robert Ryan (e)

Jacques Tremblay (e)

Hanno Weinberger (e)

Danny Anckle advised Council members that each elected Discipline Committee candidate would be entitled to address Council for a maximum of three minutes.

Each of the members addressed Council with the exception of Clint Lovell who was not present at the meeting.

Council members were advised to vote for up to 8 of the 9 elected Council member names.

Ballots were distributed to Council members.

6. Address by the Minister of Education (Timed Item: 4:00 p.m.)

The Registrar introduced the Minister of Education, the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, who addressed Council. Her address was followed by a question and answer session.

The Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, thanked the Minister for addressing Council members.

7. Nomination Committee Report (Continued) (GC20090702-153)

7.1 Appointment of Committee Members

The ballot count for the composition of elected members to the Discipline Committee was conducted by the auditor from PricewaterhouseCoopers, Adina Goldstein, and overseen by the Registrar and outgoing Council Chair, Don Cattani. At the conclusion of the ballot, the number of votes cast, spoilt votes, and the number of votes each candidate received was announced. The candidate with the least number of votes was dropped from the list. Clint Lovell received the least number of votes cast.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and CARRIED,

That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Discipline Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Alexander (Sandy) Bass (e)

Dean Favero (e)

Brent Hamelin (e)

Annilee Jarvis (e)

Darlene Mead (e)

Robert Ryan (e)

Jacques Tremblay (e)

Hanno Weinberger (e)

Danny Anckle (a)

Gabrielle Blais (a)

Mel Greif (a)

Anne Marie Levesque (a)

Pauline Smart (a)

It was moved by Marc Dubois, seconded by Pauline Smart, and


That Council approve that the ballots associated with the positions of elected members on the Discipline Committee be destroyed.

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Fitness to Practise Committee. The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. No additional nominations were received.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Fitness to Practise Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Tanya Roberts (e)

Mara Torcaso (e)

Jacques Tremblay (e)

Hanno Weinberger (e)

Gabrielle Blais (a)

Bill Kirkwood (a)

John Tucker (a)

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Registration Appeals Committee. The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. No additional nominations were received.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Registration Appeals Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Irene Dembek (e)

Marc Dubois (e)

Dean Favero (e)

Monique Châteauvert (a)

Bill Matheson (a)

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Finance Committee. The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. No additional nominations were received.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Finance Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Brent Hamelin (e)

Darlene Mead (e)

Henry Tyndorf (e)

Garry Humphreys (a)

John Tucker (a)

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Standards of Practice and Education Committee. The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. No additional nominations were received.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Standards of Practice and Education Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Carlo Cappello (e)

Gale Dores (e)

Nick Forte (e)

Peter Joong (e)

Sharon Young Kipp (e)

Dobi-Dawn Frenette (a)

Clyde Glasgow (a)

Garry Humphreys (a)

Susan Robertson (a)

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Accreditation Committee. The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. No additional nominations were received.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Accreditation Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Irene Dembek (e)

Gale Dores (e)

Annilee Jarvis (e)

Peter Joong (e)

Ruth Ann Penny (e)

Dobi-Dawn Frenette (a)

Clyde Glasgow (a)

Bill Kirkwood (a)

Anne Marie Levesque (a)

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Accreditation Appeal Committee. The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. No additional nominations were received.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Accreditation Appeal Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Martha Dutrizac (e)

Mara Torcaso (e)

Jacques Tremblay (e)

Susan Robertson (a)

John Tucker (a)

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Human Resources Committee and noted that Liz Papadopoulos’s name would be added to the list, as the Chair of Council position. The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. No additional nominations were received.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Human Resources Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Liz Papadopoulos (e)

Marc Dubois (e)

Tanya Roberts (e)

Mel Greif (a)

Pauline Smart (a)

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Editorial Board.

Irene Dembek (e)

Dean Favero (e)

Annilee Jarvis (e)

Gabrielle Blais (a)

Bill Matheson (a)

Dean Favero requested that his name be withdrawn from the list.

A discussion ensued as to whether Clint Lovell could be nominated to the position in his absence. It was agreed that an elected member position on the Editorial Board would remain vacant and would be dealt with by the newly constituted Nomination Committee.

The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. No additional nominations were received.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Editorial Board for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Irene Dembek (e)

Annilee Jarvis (e)

Vacancy (e)

Gabrielle Blais (a)

Dobi-Dawn Frenette (a)

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Election Committee:

Clint Lovell (e)

Liz Papadopoulos (e)

Robert Ryan (e)

Mel Greif (a)

Bill Matheson (a)

Liz Papadopoulos requested that her name be withdrawn from the list.

The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. One nomination was received from Jacques Tremblay.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Election Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Clint Lovell (e)

Robert Ryan (e)

Jacques Tremblay (e)

Mel Greif (a)

Bill Matheson (a)

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Nomination Committee. The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. No additional nominations were received.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Nomination Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Alexander (Sandy) Bass (e)

Terry Price (e)

Hanno Weinberger (e)

Sharon Young Kipp (e)

Danny Anckle (a)

Monique Châteauvert (a)

Bill Matheson (a)

Danny Anckle noted the names of Council members selected to serve on the Quality Assurance Committee:

Liz Papadopoulos (e)

Ruth Ann Penny (e)

Mara Torcaso (e)

Clyde Glasgow (a)

Bill Kirkwood (a)

Liz Papadopoulos requested that her name be withdrawn from the list.

The Presiding Officer asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor. One nomination was received from Robert Ryan.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and CARRIED,

That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Quality Assurance Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Ruth Ann Penny (e)

Robert Ryan (e)

Mara Torcaso (e)

Clyde Glasgow (a)

Bill Kirkwood (a)

7.2 Appointment of Committee Chairs

Each committee met to select a chair.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint:

  1. Nick Forte as Chair of the Investigation Committee;
  2. Jacques Tremblay as Chair of the Discipline Committee;
  3. Hanno Weinberger as Chair of the Fitness to Practise Committee;
  4. Dean Favero as Chair of the Registration Appeals Committee;
  5. John Tucker as Chair of the Finance Committee;
  6. Sharon Young Kipp as Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee;
  7. Ruth Ann Penny as Chair of the Accreditation Committee;
  8. John Tucker as Chair of the Accreditation Appeal Committee;
  9. Mel Greif as Chair of the Human Resources Committee;
  10. Annilee Jarvis as Chair of the Editorial Board;
  11. Mel Greif as Chair of the Election Committee;
  12. Danny Anckle as Chair of the Nomination Committee;
  13. Clyde Glasgow as Chair of the Quality Assurance Committee;

for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009.

It was moved by Marc Dubois, seconded by Robert Ryan, and


That Council approve that the ballots associated with the positions of Chairs of Committees be destroyed.

7.3 Appointment of Executive Committee Members

Danny Anckle noted that the Executive Committee consisted of the Chair and Vice-Chair of Council and the chairs of the following committees:

  • Investigation
  • Discipline
  • Fitness to Practise
  • Registration Appeals
  • Finance
  • Standards of Practice and Education
  • Accreditation

He advised that section 19.(3) of O. Reg. 72/97 requires a minimum of two appointed members on the Executive Committee, if the Chair, Vice-Chair and committee chairs are elected members; or two elected members if the Chair, Vice-Chair and committee chairs are appointed members. He advised that in order for the Executive Committee to be duly constituted an additional appointed member of Council would need to be elected to serve on this committee.

Danny Anckle noted the names of appointed Council members who had indicated an interest to serve on the Executive Committee:

Monique Châteauvert

Dobi-Dawn Frenette

Clyde Glasgow

Mel Greif

Garry Humphreys

Bill Kirkwood

Anne Marie Levesque

Bill Matheson

Susan Robertson

Pauline Smart

The following members requested that their names be withdrawn from the list:

Dobi-Dawn Frenette

Clyde Glasgow

Garry Humphreys

Susan Robertson

Danny Anckle advised Council members that each appointed Council Executive Committee candidate would be entitled to address Council for a maximum of three minutes.

Mel Greif and Bill Matheson addressed Council; the other members were not in attendance.

Ballots were distributed to Council members. The ballot count was conducted by the auditor from PricewaterhouseCoopers, Adina Goldstein, and overseen by the Deputy Registrar and outgoing Council Chair, Don Cattani. Ballots were distributed to determine the successful Appointed Executive Committee member candidate. At the conclusion of the ballot, the number of votes cast, spoilt votes, and the number of votes each candidate received was announced. At the conclusion of the balloting process, Mel Greif received the most number of votes cast.

It was moved by Carlo Cappello, seconded by Terry Price, and


That Council approve that the ballots associated with the selection of appointed members to the Executive Committee be destroyed.

It was moved by Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Executive Committee for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009:

Liz Papadopoulos, Chair of Council

Ruth Ann Penny, Vice-Chair of Council & Chair of the Accreditation Committee

Nick Forte, Chair of the Investigation Committee

Jacques Tremblay, Chair of the Discipline Committee

Hanno Weinberger, Chair of the Fitness to Practise Committee

Dean Favero, Chair of the Registration Appeals Committee

John Tucker, Chair of the Finance Committee

Sharon Young Kipp, Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee

Mel Greif (additional appointed Council member).

8. Appointment of Presiding Officer(s) (GC20090702-154)

The Registrar noted the candidates for the roster of presiding officers for the fifth Council, noting that each of these individuals was experienced in meeting management and parliamentary procedure to assist during meetings of Council.

It was moved by Marc Dubois, seconded by Alexander (Sandy) Bass, and


That Council appoint Bob Boyle, Peter Lipman and Douglas McCarthy as Presiding Officers for the term of the 5th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers effective July 2, 2009.

9. Future Meetings of Council (GC20090702-155)

It was moved by John Tucker, seconded by Brent Hamelin, and


That Council approve the Council and Executive Committee meeting dates outlined in document GC20090702-155.

The Registrar advised Council members to note the dates in the Inaugural Council and Committee Meeting Schedule (GC20090702-156) and noted that members would be advised when the budget briefing sessions would be held.

The Vice-Chair of the Nomination Committee thanked all members of Council for making the selection of committees possible. He paid tribute to the members of the Nomination Committee who had contributed to the work of Council: Laura Featherstone (Chair of the Committee), Bill Matheson, Jacques Tremblay and Hanno Weinberger. He thanked Richard Lewko and Myrtle Herzenberg for their assistance to the Nomination Committee.

The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

Signed: Chair, Liz Papadopoulos

Signed: Registrar, Michael Salvatori



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