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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on November 12-13, 2009 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda

3. Conflict of Interest

4. Minutes

5. Business Arising

6. Registrar’s Report

7. Committee Reports

8. Chair’s Report

9. Committee Reports (Continued)

10. Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship Award

11. New Business

12. Committee Reports (Continued)

13. Correspondence

14. New Business (Continued)

15. Notices of Motion

16. Next Meeting(s) of Council

17. Adjournment

Session 1: Thursday, November 12, 2009

Present: Danny Anckle (absent from 2:00 p.m. to 4:25 p.m.), Alexander (Sandy) Bass, Carlo Cappello, Monique Châteauvert, Irene Dembek, Gale Dores, Marc Dubois, Dean Favero (from 1:10 p.m.), Nick Forte, Dobi-Dawn Frenette (from 1:20 p.m.), Clyde Glasgow, Mel Greif, Brent Hamelin, Garry Humphreys, Annilee Jarvis, Bill Kirkwood, Anne Marie Levesque, Clint Lovell, Bill Matheson, Darlene Mead, Liz Papadopoulos (Chair), Ruth Ann Penny (Vice-Chair), Terry Price, Tanya Roberts, Susan Robertson, Robert Ryan, Pauline Smart, Mara Torcaso, Jacques Tremblay, John Tucker, Henry Tyndorf, Hanno Weinberger, Sharon Young Kipp, Michael Salvatori (Registrar)

Regrets: Gabrielle Blais, Martha Dutrizac

Presiding Officers: Bob Boyle,Peter Lipman

Guests: Joseph W. Atkinson (from 4:45 p.m.), William Stewart Snodgrass and parents (from 4:45 p.m.)

Staff: Margaret Aubé, Kim Bauer, Francine Dutrisac, Maryse Francella, Michael Kaptein (from 3:15 p.m.) Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson (Deputy Registrar), Richard Lewko, Michelle Longlade, Charlie Morrison, Katherin Platt, Linda Zaks-Walker

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, Peter Lipman, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and welcomed all present.

The Chair noted that Peter Joong had resigned from Council in August. She thanked him for his contributions to the profession and to the College.

The Registrar congratulated Joe Jamieson in his new position as Deputy Registrar and noted that the appointment was made in September. The Registrar congratulated Francine Dutrisac in her new position as the Director of Investigations and Hearings and Maryse Francella in her new position as the Director of French Language Services.

The Presiding Officer noted the documents distributed at the meeting.

It was noted that Ruth Ann Penny and John Tucker comprised the Steering Committee.

2. Agenda (GC20091112-163)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Agenda for the November 12-13, 2009 Council meeting be approved.

3. Conflict of Interest

No conflicts were declared.

4. Minutes

4.1 Meeting, June 4-5, 2009 (GC20091112-164)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on June 4-5, 2009 be approved.

4.2 Meeting, In Camera, June 5, 2009 (GC20091112-166C)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held in camera on June 5, 2009 be approved.

4.3 Special Meeting, June 19, 2009 (GC20091112-168)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on June 19, 2009 be approved.

4.4 Special Meeting, In Camera, June 19, 2009 (GC20091112-170C)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in camera on June 19, 2009 be approved.

4.5 Inaugural Meeting, July 2, 2009 (GC20091112-171)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Inaugural Council Meeting held on July 2, 2009 be approved.

4.6 Special Meeting, July 28, 2009 (GC20091112-173)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on July 28, 2009 be approved.

5. Business Arising

5.1 Amendments to the Ontario College of Teachers Act re Publication Bans (GC20091112-175, -176)

The Issue Sheet: Jurisdiction of the Discipline Committee to Issue Publication Bans was received. The Registrar spoke to this item and answered questions.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve the following amendment to the Ontario College of Teachers Act:

Order for a Publication Ban

(1) Upon request, a panel shall make an order that no person shall publish the identity, or any information that could disclose the identity, of:

(a) any person under the age of eighteen years who is a witness in a hearing or who is the subject of evidence at a hearing;

(b) any witness whose testimony is in relation to allegations of a member's misconduct of a sexual nature involving the witness; or

(c) any person who is the subject of evidence at a hearing in relation to allegations of a member's misconduct of a sexual nature involving that person.

(2) A request for an order referred to in subsection (1) may be made by any person described in subsection (1), or, where the person is under the age of eighteen years, by the College.

(3) Notwithstanding any order made pursuant to this section, the information prescribed in section 23 of the Act concerning the member whose conduct was in issue at the hearing, shall be available to the public on the register.

5.2 Ad Hoc Committee Recommendation: Expanded Speaking Opportunities for Former and Current Council Members (GC20091112-177, -178)

The Issue Sheet: College Ambassadors - Considerations and Implications was received. The Registrar spoke to this item and answered questions.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council retain the Chair of Council and Registrar as official spokespersons with appropriate Council members assigned on a case-by-case basis pursuant to the spokespersons policy.

5.3 Proposed Reframed Teachers Qualifications Regulation and Consequential Amendments to Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs (GC20091112-179, GC20091112-226 to -232)

The Registrar and Project Leader, Margaret Aubé, spoke to the proposed reframed Teachers Qualifications Regulation and the consequential amendments to Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs and answered questions. It was noted that this item was discussed during the briefing session prior to the Council meeting.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve an amendment to Regulation 184/97- Teachers Qualifications that proof of eligibility for employment as a teacher, under the laws of Canada, no longer be a requirement for registration and certification.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve an amendment to Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications that specifies the teacher education program completed in either English or French, as evidence of language proficiency, be one that is acceptable to the College.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve amendments to Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications to:

  • remove the requirement for completion of an orientation program for applicants who are certified outside Ontario
  • add a requirement that applicants certified in another Canadian jurisdiction submit an acknowledgement or attestation, in a form satisfactory to the Registrar, that the applicant has knowledge of matters applicable to the practice of teaching in Ontario, as long as providing such acknowledgement does not involve material additional training, experience, examinations or assessments
  • add a requirement that applicants certified in a jurisdiction outside Canada submit an acknowledgement or attestation, in a form satisfactory to the Registrar, that the applicant has knowledge of matters applicable to the practice of teaching in Ontario
  • add an additional qualification course to Schedule C - Orientation to Teaching in Ontario.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council direct the Registrar to develop:

  • resource materials about the practice of teaching in Ontario to assist applicants in meeting the requirement, and
  • an attestation in the electronic application form for certification.

The Registrar undertook to include the development of an attestation of knowledge of Ontario education as part of the online application process and resource materials.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve an amendment to Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications that would identify the criteria for eligibility for a transitional certificate for those completing the first session of a multi-session program in Ontario or in another Canadian jurisdiction and to provide for the imposition of terms, conditions or limitations contained in document GC20091112-226.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve an amendment to Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications to add a new Schedule F — Additional Qualification courses relatedto Technological Education and that:

  • Schedule F be comprised of courses named “Teaching (XXX) Technology”
  • Each course consist of parts that reflect the areas of emphasis in the particular broad-based technology area
  • Candidates be required to hold Technological Education basic qualifications, Grades 9&10 or Grades 11&12
  • Completion of three parts within a teaching technology area be considered as holding specialist qualifications.

The Registrar undertook to examine whether teaching experience could meet the requirement of “work experience” with respect to technological education, and to report to the March 25-26, 2010 Council meeting as part of the reframing of the Teachers Qualifications Regulation amendments.

The Registrar undertook to follow up with the Ministry re the use of Temporary Letters of Approval for use in Technological areas and Green Studies while Additional Qualifications are being developed.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve amendments to the Schedules in Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications to change the names of the qualifications in column A to the names in column B

Column A

Column B

Aboriginal Peoples: Understanding Traditional Teachings, Histories, Current Issues and Cultures

First Nations, Métis and Inuit: Understanding Traditional Teachings, Histories, Current Issues and Cultures

Teaching Aboriginal Children

Teaching First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students

Special Education — Communication - Autism

Teaching Students with Communication Needs (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Special Education Behaviour

Teaching Students with Behavioural Needs

Special Education — Communication — Learning Disability

Teaching Students with Communication Needs (Learning Disabilities)

Special Education — Intellectual — Developmental Disabilities

Teaching Students with Intellectual Needs (Developmental Disabilities)

Special Education — Intellectual — Gifted

Teaching Students with Intellectual Needs (Giftedness)

Special Education — Multiple Exceptionalities

Teaching Students with Multiple Needs

Special Education — Physical

Teaching Students with Physical Needs (Physical Disabilities)

Special Education — Communication — Speech and Language

Teaching Students with Communication Needs (Speech and Language)

Language Arts 7 & 8

Language Grades 7 & 8, or

Francais — 7e et 8e année, in French

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council direct the Registrar to consult further on:

  • Classroom Management;
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues; and
  • Safe Schools

contained in Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications (Schedule C)and report back to the March 25-26, 2010 Council meeting.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council direct the Registrar to consult further on:

  • Science and Technology, Grades 7 & 8

contained in Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications (Schedule C)and report back to the March 25-26, 2010 Council meeting.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve amendments to the Schedules in Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications to add the following qualification to Schedule A — Media Arts.

It was moved by Steering, and CARRIED,

That Council approve amendments to the Schedules in Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications to add the following qualifications to Schedule C:

Occasional Teaching

Teaching Inuktituk

Teaching Michif

Teaching Students with Intellectual needs (Mild Intellectual)

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve an amendment to Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications:

  • to enable those who hold an interim certificate of qualification with a condition to complete 194 days of successful teaching to be deemed to hold a certificate of qualification and registration without this conditions
  • to enable those who were certified in another Canadian jurisdiction and who hold an interim certificate of qualification or interim certificate of qualification (limited) with conditions to be deemed to hold a certificate of qualification and registration without conditions.

6. Registrar’s Report

6.1 Report (GC20091112-180)

The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar, Michael Salvatori, spoke to the report and noted that the report was newly structured and reflected the College’s 2009 strategic priorities. A question and answer session followed the presentation of the report.

The Registrar undertook to develop a process for evaluating the new annual meeting of members’ format.

The Registrar undertook to provide members with statistics related to individuals who cease to be members of the College in a particular time period.

The Registrar provided members with information on the number of materials borrowed from the Margaret Wilson Library by College staff in comparison to the number of materials borrowed by members of the College.

The Registrar undertook to provide information on what is meant by “certificates surrendered”.

6.2 Financial Report (GC20091112-181)

The Ontario College of Teachers Financial Report for the period ended August 31, 2009 was received. The Deputy Registrar, Joe Jamieson, spoke to the report.

Bob Boyle assumed the role of Presiding Officer.

7. Committee Reports

7.1 Finance Committee

(Timed Item: November 12, 2009, 3:15 p.m.)

7.1.1 Financial Report (GC20091112-192)

The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, John Tucker, spoke to the report and answered questions.

He noted that there had been a change in the Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee. Garry Humphreys had stepped down from the position and Brent Hamelin had been acclaimed Vice-Chair of the committee.

The Chair of the Finance Committee noted that the College had held two pre-budget briefing sessions on September 16th and 23rd; and that a budget briefing session had taken place prior to the Executive Committee Meeting on October 22nd. Additional briefing sessions were held on October 28th and 29th to provide Council members with information on the College’s fiscal situation in advance of the budget presentation at the November 2009 Council meeting.

7.1.2 2010 Budget (GC20091112-193, -194)

The Finance Committee Chair welcomed the Controller, Michael Kaptein, to the meeting. A page-by-page review of the 2010 budget took place.

It was moved by John Tucker, Chair, Finance Committee, and


That Council approve the following:

  • The 2010 budget of the Ontario College of Teachers with operating revenues of $32,298,211 and operating expenses of $31,187,405 before depreciation, and capital and deferred charges of $2,596,000.

  • Depreciation of $1,653,851 for fixed assets and an additional amount that reflects depreciation for the new building; such amount to be finalized once the valuation is completed.

  • That in consideration of the extraordinary capital expenditures related to the move to 101 Bloor St. in 2010, that minimal capital expenditures be made in 2011 and the funds that would have been allocated to capital in 2011 be used to replenish the Working Capital Reserve.

It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, Chair, Executive Committee, and


That Council approve that the CPI component for the College salary program be set at 1.24% in 2010.

It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, Chair, Executive Committee, “That Council direct the Finance Committee to review the revenue section of the 2010 Budget to increase Other Fees on Schedule B.”

It was agreed to substitute “2011” for “2010” as a friendly amendment.

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That Council direct the Finance Committee to review the revenue section of the 2011 Budget to increase Other Fees on Schedule B.

8. Chair’s Report

8.1 Report (GC20091112-182)

The report of the Chair was received. The Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, spoke to the report and answered questions.

The Chair thanked the Finance Committee and Finance staff for the budget preparation and development of the 2010 budget. She also thanked Margaret Aubé for her contributions to the reframing of Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications.

It was agreed that staff would post on CouncilNet a side-by-side document which outlines Certificate Mapping.

9. Committee Reports (Continued)

9.1 Executive Committee (GC20091112-183)

The Executive Committee report was received. The Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, spoke to the report.

The Chair noted that two vacancies existed on Council: one appointed position and one elected position. The elected position was to replace Peter Joong who resigned as the Faculties of Education representative.

The Chair advised Council that the following items would be dealt with at the March 2010 Executive and Council meetings:

  • Travel Policy for Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees — Cyclical Review
  • Compensation Policy for Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees - Cyclical Review.

The Chair advised members that the Executive Committee had requested that staff develop a side-by-side Travel Policy document which outlined the changes to the policy.

It was agreed that information relating to the Steering Committee’s role and membership would be posted on CouncilNet under Committees of Council.

9.2 Investigation Committee (GC20091112-185, -186)

The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair, Nick Forte, spoke to the report.

The Chair congratulated Peter Jordan, who had been nominated as the Investigator of the Year at the 2009 CAPSLE Conference.

The Chair also provided information on an Investigation Committee case that had been appealed at the Divisional Court level. He noted that the Appeal Judge had ruled that the Investigation Committee had performed its duty with fairness.

It was moved by Nick Forte, Chair, Investigation Committee, and


That Council direct the Chair of Council and the Registrar to bring to the attention of the Minister of Education the matter of the reporting process regarding the performance appraisals of members of the College and report back to Council.

9.3 Discipline Committee (GC20091112-187, -188)

The reports of the Discipline Committee were received. The Chair, Jacques Tremblay, spoke to the reports.

9.4 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20091112-189, -190)

The reports of the Fitness to Practise Committee were received. The Chair, Hanno Weinberger, spoke to the reports and answered questions. He noted that Bill Kirkwood had been elected Vice-Chair of the committee.

9.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20091112-191)

The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Chair, Dean Favero, spoke to the report.

9.6 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (GC20091112-195, -196)

The reports of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee were received. The Chair, Sharon Young Kipp, spoke to the reports.

9.7 Accreditation Committee (GC20091112-197, -198)

The reports of the Accreditation Committee were received. The Chair, Ruth Ann Penny, spoke to the reports and answered questions. She thanked Maryse Francella, Director of French Language Services, for providing simultaneous translation for the Université d’Ottawa, Faculté d’éducation presentation.

She noted that Anne Marie Levesque had been elected Vice-Chair of the Accreditation Committee.

9.8 Accreditation Appeal Committee (GC20091112-199)

The report of the Accreditation Appeal Committee was received. The Chair, John Tucker, spoke to the report.

10. Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship Award

(Timed Item: November 12, 2009, 4:45 p.m.)

The Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, welcomed former Registrar, Joe Atkinson, and the award recipient, William Stewart Snodgrass and his parents to the Council meeting.

She stated that the Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship, named for the second Registrar of the Ontario College of Teachers, provided $2,000 to a student accepted into one of Ontario’s consecutive or concurrent programs proceeding to their final year who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and community involvement. She noted that the purpose of the Scholarship is tosupport excellence in teacher education through the awarding of scholarships, bursaries and prizes to assist in the education of teachers or those wishing to become teachers.

The Chair noted the achievements of the recipient, a student of the OISE (Ontario Institute of Studies in Education)/University of Toronto pre-service program, and declared William Stewart Snodgrass the recipient of the 2009-2010 Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship.

Joseph W. (Joe) Atkinson presented the seventh recipient with the scholarship award.

William Stewart Snodgrass addressed Council and thanked those who supported him in receiving the award and thanked teachers for being committed to the profession.

The meeting recessed at 4:55 p.m.

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on November 12-13, 2009 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto

Session 2: Friday: November 13, 2009

Present: Danny Anckle, Alexander (Sandy) Bass, Carlo Cappello, Monique Châteauvert, Irene Dembek, Gale Dores, Marc Dubois, Dean Favero, Nick Forte, Dobi-Dawn Frenette, Clyde Glasgow, Mel Greif, Brent Hamelin, Garry Humphreys, Annilee Jarvis, Bill Kirkwood, Anne Marie Levesque, Clint Lovell, Bill Matheson, Darlene Mead, Liz Papadopoulos (Chair), Ruth Ann Penny (Vice-Chair), Terry Price, Susan Robertson, Robert Ryan, Pauline Smart, Mara Torcaso, Jacques Tremblay, John Tucker, Hanno Weinberger, Sharon Young Kipp, Michael Salvatori (Registrar)

Regrets: Gabrielle Blais, Martha Dutrizac, Tanya Roberts, Henry Tyndorf

Presiding Officers: Bob Boyle,Peter Lipman

Guests: Gail Lilley, Chair, Public Interest Committee (from 9:00 to 9:30 a.m.)

Staff: Margaret Aubé, Kim Bauer, Francine Dutrisac, Maryse Francella, Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson (Deputy Registrar), Richard Lewko, Michelle Longlade, Charlie Morrison, Katherin Platt, Linda Zaks-Walker

The meeting resumed at 9:00 a.m.

Peter Lipman assumed the role of Presiding Officer.

11. New Business

11.1 Public Interest Committee (Timed Item, November 13, 2009 at 9:05 a.m.)

The Chair of the Public Interest Committee, Gail Lilley, provided Council with a verbal report of the committee’s activities and proposed work plan. She advised Council members that the Public Interest Committee Report, the recommendations of the fourth Council and the revised Work Plan for the fifth Council would be sent to them.

Gail Lilley noted that Raheel Raza and Anne Secord, the other two members of the Public Interest Committee, had sent their regrets for not being able to join her.

Gail Lilley outlined the role of the Public Interest Committee.

A question and answer session followed.

12. Committee Reports (Continued)

12.1 Human Resources Committee (GC20091112-200)

The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Chair, Mel Greif, spoke to the report and noted that Marc Dubois had been elected Vice-Chair of the committee.

12.2 Editorial Board (GC20091112-201)

The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Vice-Chair, Irene Dembek, spoke to the report and answered questions on behalf of the Chair, Annilee Jarvis.

It was noted that the report contained a notice of motion relating to an amendment to the College Bylaws which would be read into the November Council Meeting Minutes and be discussed at the March 2010 Council meeting.

12.3 Election (GC20091112-202)

The report of the Election Committee was received. The Chair, Mel Greif, spoke to the report and noted that Robert Ryan had been elected Vice-Chair of the committee.

12.4 Nomination (GC20091112-203)

The report of the Nomination Committee was received. The Chair, Danny Anckle, spoke to the report and answered questions.

12.5 Quality Assurance (GC20091112-204)

The report of the Quality Assurance Committee was received. The Chair, Clyde Glasgow, spoke to the report and answered questions. He noted that Robert Ryan had been elected Vice-Chair of the committee.

13. Correspondence (GC20091112-205 to -214)

The following items of correspondence were received for information:

  • Announcement to Members re New Council Chair and Vice-Chair (GC20091112-205)
  • Letter to Minister of Education re the College’s Interactive 2008 Annual Report (GC20091112-206)
  • Letter to Minister of Education re Recommendation to Amend the Act to Enable the Discipline Committee to Order Publication Bans & Response (GC20091112-207)
  • Letter to Minister of Education re Recommended Amendments to Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications re Technological Education, Kindergarten Qualifications and Environmental Science/Studies & Response (GC20091112-208)
  • Letter to Minister of Education re Appointed Member Vacancy (GC20091112-209)
  • Letter to Minister of Education re Pascal Report (GC20091112-210)
  • Letter to the Minister of Education re Ministerial Cancellation of Ontario Teacher’s Certificates or Letters of Standing Prior to the College’s Establishment & Response (GC20091112-211)
  • Announcement to Stakeholders and Members from the Chair and Registrar re the Professional Designation of College Members (GC20091112-212)
  • Letter from James Ryan, President, Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association re 101 Bloor Street West & Response (GC20091112-213)
  • Letter from the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario re their Response to Dr. Charles Pascal’s Report on the Early Learning Advisor (GC20091112-214)

14. New Business (Continued)

14.1 Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Mandate and Composition of the Executive Committee (Anne Marie Levesque Notice of Motion) (GC20091112-215)

Anne Marie Levesque spoke to this item.

It was moved by Anne Marie Levesque, seconded by Mel Greif, but


That Council approve the establishment of an ad hoc committee to recommend a renewed mandate and composition for the Executive Committee taking the following into consideration:

  • The committee responsibilities outlined in the College bylaws in sections 3 - Council Meetings and sections 20 — Executive Delegation
  • The membership requirements for the committee as defined in Regulation 72/97, General,
  • Committee responsibilities outlined in the Ontario College of Teachers Act, including section 16 — Executive Committee, section 29.(1) to (2) — Reference by Council or Executive Committee, section 29.(3) to (8) - Interim Suspension, section 34 — Reinstatement: no hearing, section 36.(2) — Approval of Executive Committee (re. Registrar’s Investigation).
  • A comparison of the composition and responsibilities of Executive Committees from other self regulatory bodies
  • Consideration of the March 2009 Quality Assurance Committee report to Council regarding the composition of Council committees.

The ad hoc committee would consist of five Council members (three elected and two appointed). The committee would report back its findings to Council at the March 2010 Council meeting.

It was moved by Anne Marie Levesque, seconded by Mel Greif, “That Council approve the establishment of an ad hoc committee to review and make recommendations to Council on its mandate and composition for the Executive Committee taking the following into consideration:

  • The committee responsibilities outlined in the College bylaws in section 3 - Council Meetings and section 20 — Executive Delegation
  • The membership requirements for the committee as defined in Regulation 72/97, General,
  • Committee responsibilities outlined in the Ontario College of Teachers Act, including section 16 — Executive Committee, section 29.(1) to (2) — Reference by Council or Executive Committee, section 29.(3) to (8) - Interim Suspension, section 34 — Reinstatement: no hearing, section 36.(2) — Approval of Executive Committee (re. Registrar’s Investigation).
  • A comparison of the composition and responsibilities of Executive Committees from other self regulatory bodies
  • Consideration of the March 2009 Quality Assurance Committee report to Council regarding the composition of Council committees.

The ad hoc committee would consist of five Council members (three elected and two appointed). The committee would report back its findings to Council at the March 2010 Council meeting.”

It was agreed to extend the timeline to the December 2010 Council meeting in place of the March 2010 timeline as a friendly amendment.

It was agreed to increase the number of ad hoc committee members to seven Council members (four elected and three appointed) as a friendly amendment.

It was moved by Marc Dubois, seconded by Gale Dores, and


That Council refer to the Quality Assurance Committee the motion to review and make recommendations on the Executive Committee mandate and composition and report back to the December 9-10, 2010 Council meeting, taking the following into consideration:

  • The committee responsibilities outlined in the College bylaws in section 3 - Council Meetings and section 20 — Executive Delegation
  • The membership requirements for the committee as defined in Regulation 72/97, General,
  • Committee responsibilities outlined in the Ontario College of Teachers Act, including section 16 — Executive Committee, section 29. (1) to (2) — Reference by Council or Executive Committee, section 29. (3) to (8) - Interim Suspension, section 34 — Reinstatement: no hearing, section 36.(2) — Approval of Executive Committee (re. Registrar’s Investigation).
  • A comparison of the composition and responsibilities of Executive Committees from other self regulatory bodies
  • Consideration of the March 2009 Quality Assurance Committee report to Council regarding the composition of Council committees.

Bob Boyle assumed the role of Presiding Officer.

14.2 Bylaws — Proposed Amendment to Section 9 — Documents (Use of E-mail for Official Notification) (GC20091112-216, -217)

The Registrar spoke to this item and noted that the use of e-mail for official notifications would support the College’s commitment to sustainable development and to the environment and also result in a cost savings.

The Registrar undertook to explore alternative communication methods for members who cannot receive e-mail, or who are not able to access e-mail on a regular basis.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve that section 9.09(c) of the bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of “or e-mail”, to read as follows:

9.09 Subject to the Act, regulations and other provisions of the bylaws, any notice to be given, or document to be served, by the College to any member of the College or Council, or to the auditor of the College, or to any other person is sufficiently given or served:

(a) by delivering it personally, or

(b) by sending a copy by courier to the last address of the person known to the Registrar, or

(c) by sending a copy by regular mail, registered mail or e-mail to the last address of such person known to the Registrar, or

(d) by faxing a copy to the last fax number of such person known to the Registrar.

14.3 Council Business — Use of French Language

The Registrar spoke to this item and stated that he intended to prepare an electronic survey for Council members on the use of the French language for Council business. The Registrar informed Council members that he would report on the findings at the March 2010 Council meeting.

14.4 Purchase of Future Growth Space at the College Facility at 101 Bloor Street West (Mel Greif Notice of Motion) (GC20091112-220)

Mel Greif spoke to the purchase of future growth space at the College facility at 101 Bloor Street West. He noted that because the College was unlikely to get access to the Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC) lease details until after it takes ownership of 101 Bloor Street West, he was recommending an amendment to the motion he had put forward at the June 19, 2009 Council Meeting.

It was moved by Mel Greif, seconded by Terry Price, and


That Council approve that the Registrar report to Council by no later than June, 2010 with a plan to exercise the College’s option to purchase the fifth and sixth floors of 101 Bloor Street West during the five year period following closing.

14.5 Pascal Report on Early Learning in Ontario (GC20091112-221)

The Chair spoke to this item.

It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, Chair, Executive Committee, “That Council support full day kindergarten with an Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT/EAO) on site throughout the instructional day.”

It was moved by Hanno Weinberger, seconded by Brent Hamelin, and


That the motion be amended by deleting the words “on site” and substituting the words “delivering the program”, to read:

That Council support full day kindergarten with an Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT/EAO) delivering the program throughout the instructional day.

A vote was taken on the motion, as amended, and it was


That Council support full day kindergarten with an Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT/EAO) delivering the program throughout the instructional day.

15. Notices of Motion

The following Notice of Motion was read into the Minutes for consideration at the March 25-26, 2010 Council meeting:

15.1 Proposed College Bylaw Amendment re Section 18 — College Publication (GC20091112-201)

Moved by Annilee Jarvis, Chair, Editorial Board:

That Council approve that an additional subsection be added to Section 18 - College Publication of the bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers, to read as follows:

18.10 The Editorial Board that completes its term of office on June 30 of an election year continues to oversee the consideration of copy and advertising for the September issue of Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession.

16. Next Meeting(s) of Council

  • December 2, 2009 (Council Member Professional Development Session)
  • March 25-26, 2010

The Registrar informed Council members that the status of the surrendered certificates in his report referred to two certificates that had been revoked as a result of disciplinary action.

The Chair thanked Peter Lipman and Bob Boyle for presiding over the meeting.

17. Adjournment

Council members were reminded that the following events were planned for December 2nd:

  • Facility Tour
  • Professional Development Session
  • Holiday Reception

The meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

Signed: Chair, Liz Papadopoulos

Signed: Registrar, Michael Salvatori



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