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Minutes of Council Meetings

Council Meeting
Via Videoconference
October 1-2, 2020

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on October 1-2, 2020 via Videoconference


1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda and Approval of Preparation Time

3. Conflict of Interest

4. Risks and Strategic Priorities

4.1 Registrar’s Report

4.2 Financial Report

4.3 Chair’s Report

5. Committee Reports (with motions)

5.1 Ad Hoc Committee on College Membership for Private School Teachers

5.2 Executive Committee

5.2.1 Professional Advisory on Professional Boundaries

5.2.2 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the College Scholarship Program

5.2.3 Protocol re Council Member Attendance at Consultations or Focus Groups Related to Council Initiatives

5.2.4 Council, Committee and Panel Member Harassment and Discrimination Policy

5.2.5 Professional Advisory Framework

5.2.6 Council Member Application for Employment with the College

5.2.7 Scholarship Donations Policy

5.2.8 Council Spokesperson Policy

5.2.9 Guidelines for the Provision of Laptop Computers and Accessories for Council Members

5.2.10 Council Member Travel Policy

5.3 Finance Committee

5.4 Standards of Practice and Education Committee

5.5 Accreditation Appeal Committee

5.6 Human Resources Committee

5.7 Editorial Board

5.4 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (cont’d)

6. New Business

6.1 Regulatory and Bylaw Amendments – Regulation 176/10 Teachers’ Qualifications

6.2 Regulatory Amendment – Regulation 437/96 Professional Misconduct

7. Next Meeting(s) of Council

8. Adjournment

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on October 1-2, 2020 via Videoconference

Present: Charles Dimitry Abraham, OCT; Diane Ballantyne, OCT; Chantal Bélisle, OCT (Deputy Registrar); Paige Bennett, OCT; John Cammarata; Bob Cooper, OCT; Chantal Côté, OCT; Irene Dembek, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Richard Filion; Rebecca Forte, OCT; Melissa Gaffen, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT (Vice-Chair); Erin Glen, OCT; Mary Ellen Gucciardi, OCT; John Hamilton, OCT; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Timothy Kwiatkowski, OCT; Colleen Landers; Élaine Legault; Marlène Marwah; Michelle Miner Seal; Mary-Anne Mouawad, OCT; Bonnie Oakes Charron; Wanda Percival; Tom Potter; Nicola Powadiuk, OCT; Vincent Rinaldo, OCT; Jonathan Rose; Nancy Saunders, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT (Chair); Jennifer Wyatt, OCT; Stephen Zimmermann, OCT

Regrets: Todd Lalonde; Sara Nouini, OCT

Presiding Officer: Lori Lukinuk; Ric Murray

Staff: Kim Bauer; Tan Crombie; Roch Gallien, OCT; Linda Lacroix, OCT; Richard Lewko; Charlie Morrison; Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, Ric Murray, called the meeting to order at 11:25 a.m.

It was noted that Tim Gernstein and Colleen Landers comprised the Steering Committee.

The Chair of Council, Nicole van Woudenberg, opened the meeting by acknowledging that the land on which those at or near the College gathered was the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Métis and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.

The Chair welcomed all Council members, staff and members of the public to the meeting. She asked meeting participants to note that the previous day had been Orange Shirt Day: Every Child Matters.

The Chair also confirmed that all requests to speak on a matter would need to be made through the speaker button on eScribe and not through the chat feature.

2. Agenda and Approval of Preparation Time (GC20201001-77)

It was moved by Bob Cooper, seconded by Nicole van Woudenberg and without objection,


That the Agenda be amended to place Item 6.7 (Ad Hoc Committee on College Membership for Private School Teachers) as a timed item at 2 p.m. today.

A Council member referenced the omission of her name on the report of the Accreditation Committee and the correction was noted.

The revised agenda as amended was approved by consensus. Preparation time of one day was confirmed for the meeting.

3. Conflict of Interest

No conflicts were declared.

4. Risks and Strategic Priorities

4.1 Registrar’s Report (GC20201001-98)

The Deputy Registrar, Chantal Bélisle, presented the Registrar’s Report and responded to questions. The Deputy Registrar made specific reference to the following:

  • an update on legislation related to the funding for therapy and counselling program, with additional details available on the College website
  • highlighting the work of staff in the Accreditation Unit to ensure alignment of accreditation processes and available resources by reviewing and translating more than 20 documents
  • confirmation of the successful transformation of College operations to a remote work model

4.2 Financial Report (GC20201001-99)

The financial report for the period ended June 30, 2020 was received.

4.3 Chair’s Report (GC20201001-100)

The Chair of Council, Nicole van Woudenberg, presented her report and responded to questions. The Chair highlighted items that had developed since the report had been prepared, specifically with respect to the Annual Meeting of Members.

The Chair thanked the Chairs of the Discipline, Governance and Standards of Practice and Education Committee for their role in presenting their reports at the meeting. She also expressed Council’s appreciation for College members who had participated in the meeting, and highlighted three specific questions raised during the meeting:

  • Whether meeting documents could be translated into Indigenous languages to assist with true reconciliation, to which the response had been that by law, the College was required to provide documentation in both of Canada’s official languages only but that it would be raised with Council for further discussion at a future meeting.
  • Why there wasn’t a committee on racism and marginalized voices in education. In her response, the Chair referred to the College commitment to anti-oppression, diversity and inclusion, and acknowledged that there was always more work to be done. She indicated that within the framework of the statutory and regulatory committees, the College also had the ability to establish ad hoc committees as needed.
  • Whether the issue of diversity would be reflected at the leadership level, specifically in relation to the position of Registrar and CEO. The Chair confirmed that that information had been shared with members of the Human Resources Committee, who considered all elements of diversity in their briefing note to Council regarding recruitment for the position.

The Chair noted that responses to questions that had been submitted but were not answered during the meeting would be posted on the College website in early October.

5. Committee Reports (with motions)

5.1 Ad Hoc Committee on College Membership for Private School Teachers (Timed Item: 2 p.m.) (GC20201001-117)

The Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee, Nicola Powadiuk presented the committee’s report. She and the committee Vice-Chair, Bob Cooper, responded to questions and confirmed that by refining the mandate of the committee as outlined in the Council motion, the committee would be able to increase the scope of its research to inform a final report to Council in the first quarter of 2021. The Chair confirmed that the committee was seeking approval of a revision to the motion and not approval of the main motion.

It was moved by Nicola Powadiuk, and


That Council amend the motion by addition by inserting “who teach the Ontario curriculum hired after December 1, 2022,” after the word ‘schools’ and before the word ‘as’, to read:

That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the Education Act be amended to require membership with the Ontario College of Teachers for all teachers of private schools who teach the Ontario curriculum hired after December 1, 2022, as a condition of the annual notice of intention to operate.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt

Against: Diane Ballantyne, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 28

Against: 3

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

5.2 Executive Committee (GC20201001-101)

The report of the Executive Committee was received. No questions were raised.

5.2.1 Professional Advisory on Professional Boundaries (GC20201001-102)

The Deputy Registrar presented information on the development of the advisory. She and the Director of Corporate and Council Services responded to questions.

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That Council approve the Professional Advisory on Professional Boundaries, as outlined in Document GC20201001-102.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt


For: 31

Against: 0

Abstain: 2

Absent: 2

5.2.2 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the College Scholarship Program (GC20201001-103)

The Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee, Colleen Landers presented the report and reviewed proposed changes to the scholarship program including the creation of a fourth College scholarship. The Chair of Council thanked the members of the committee for their work.

It was moved by Colleen Landers, and


That Council approve amendments to the Ontario College of Teachers Scholarship Program, as outlined in Document GC20201001-103, Attachment 1.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 33

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 2

5.2.3 Protocol re Council Member Attendance at Consultations or Focus Groups Related to Council Initiatives (GC20201001-104)

The Chair of Council reviewed proposed amendments to the protocol. No questions were raised.

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That Council approve the Protocol re Council Member Attendance at Consultations or Focus Groups Related to Council Initiatives, as outlined in Document GC20201001-104.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 33

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 2

5.2.4 Council, Committee and Panel Member Harassment and Discrimination Policy (GC20201001-105)

The Chair of Council provided a brief review of the amendments and noted that they were being proposed to ensure that the policy aligned with current legislation. She confirmed that the policy had been reviewed by the College’s legal counsel. The Chair, the Deputy Registrar and the Director of Corporate and Council Services responded to questions.

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg: That Council approve the Council, Committee and Panel Member Harassment and Discrimination Policy, as outlined in Document GC20201001-105.

During the lengthy discussion that followed, concerns were raised regarding the policy.

A subsidiary motion was moved by Richard Filion and seconded by John Cammarata: That the motion that Council approve the Council, Committee and Panel Member Harassment and Discrimination Policy as outlined in Document GC20201001-105, be postponed.

Following further discussion, an amendment to the subsidiary motion was proposed.

It was moved by Stephen Zimmermann, seconded by John Cammarata, but


That Council approve an amendment to the subsidiary motion to add “to report back to the next meeting of Council” to the end.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, John Cammarata, Irene Dembek, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Michelle Miner Seal, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Nicola Powadiuk, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg


For: 12

Against: 21

Abstain: 0

Absent: 2

Discussion continued on the subsidiary motion.

It was moved by Richard Filion, seconded by John Cammarata, but


That the motion that Council approve the Council, Committee and Panel Member Harassment and Discrimination Policy as outlined in Document GC20201001-105, be postponed.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, John Cammarata, Irene Dembek, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Michelle Miner Seal, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Nicola Powadiuk, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg


For: 12

Against: 21

Abstain: 0

Absent: 2

Council returned to discussion on the main motion.

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That Council approve the Council, Committee and Panel Member Harassment and Discrimination Policy, as outlined in Document GC20201001-105.

eScribe vote:

For: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Irene Dembek, Michelle Miner Seal


For: 28

Against: 3

Abstain: 2

Absent: 2

The Chair of Council confirmed that the concerns raised would be addressed and brought forward to a future meeting of the Executive Committee.

Lori Lukinuk assumed the role of Presiding Officer.

5.2.5 Professional Advisory Framework (GC20201001-106)

The Chair of Council presented the amended framework. No questions were raised.

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That Council approve the Professional Advisory Framework, as outlined in Document GC20201001-106.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 30

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 5

5.2.6 Council Member Application for Employment with the College (GC20201001-107)

The Chair of Council presented the amended policy and confirmed that it corresponded to a policy on eligibility for College staff seeking a Council position that was reflected in Regulation 293, Election of Council Members.

Further amendments to the policy were proposed to provide greater clarification on the eligibility requirements for roster members and those under contract.

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That Council approve the Council Member Application for Employment with the College Policy, as outlined in Document GC20201001-107, as amended.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 29

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 6

5.2.7 Scholarship Donations Policy (GC20201001-108)

The Chair of Council presented the amended policy. No questions were raised.

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That Council approve the Scholarship Donations Policy, as outlined in Document GC20201001-108.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 30

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 5

5.2.8 Council Spokesperson Policy (GC20201001-109)

The Chair of Council presented the amended policy. No questions were raised.

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That Council approve the Council Spokesperson Policy, as outlined in Document GC20201001-109.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 31

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

5.2.9 Guidelines for the Provision of Laptop Computers and Accessories for Council Members (GC20201001-110)

The Chair of Council presented the amended guidelines. She and the Director of Corporate and Council Services responded to questions.

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That Council approve the Guidelines for the Provision of Laptop Computers and Accessories for Council Members, as outlined in Document GC20201001-110.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 31

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

5.2.10 Council Member Travel Policy (GC20201001-111)

The Chair of Council presented the amended policy.

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg: That Council approve the Council Member Travel Policy as outlined in document GC20201001-111.

Discussion on the motion followed.

It was moved by Stephen Zimmermann and seconded by Michelle Miner Seal: That the Council Member Travel Policy be amended to increase the maximum allowance for breakfast to $25 and lunch to $30.

Discussion continued on the proposed amendment.

The meeting recessed at 5 p.m.

Session 2 – Friday, October 2, 2020

Present: Charles Dimitry Abraham, OCT; Diane Ballantyne, OCT; Chantal Bélisle, OCT (Deputy Registrar); Paige Bennett, OCT; John Cammarata; Bob Cooper, OCT; Chantal Côté, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Richard Filion; Rebecca Forte, OCT; Melissa Gaffen, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT (Vice-Chair); Erin Glen, OCT; Mary Ellen Gucciardi, OCT; John Hamilton, OCT; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Timothy Kwiatkowski, OCT; Todd Lalonde; Colleen Landers; Élaine Legault; Marlène Marwah; Michelle Miner Seal; Mary-Anne Mouawad, OCT; Bonnie Oakes Charron; Wanda Percival; Tom Potter; Nicola Powadiuk, OCT; Vincent Rinaldo, OCT; Jonathan Rose; Nancy Saunders, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT (Chair); Jennifer Wyatt, OCT; Stephen Zimmermann, OCT

Regrets: Irene Dembek, OCT; Sara Nouini, OCT

Presiding Officer: Lori Lukinuk

Staff: Kim Bauer; Tan Crombie; Roch Gallien, OCT; Linda Lacroix, OCT; Richard Lewko; Charlie Morrison; Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT

Presiding Officer Lori Lukinuk called the meeting to order at 10:45 a.m.

5. Committee Reports (with motions) (cont’d)

5.2 Executive Committee (Continued)

5.2.10 Council Member Travel Policy (continued)

Council continued its consideration of the main motion and a proposed amendment.

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, seconded by Jonathan Rose, and


That the motion and the proposed amendment to the motion be postponed to the December meeting of Council.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Rebecca Forte, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg

Against: Richard Filion, Melissa Gaffen, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Wanda Percival, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 22

Against: 7

Abstain: 0

Absent: 6

The Chair of Council invited members to submit questions or concerns specific to policy that would be responded to by staff and reviewed by the Executive Committee.

5.3 Finance Committee (GC20201001-112)

The Chair of the Finance Committee, Diane Ballantyne, presented the committee’s report. She thanked the chairs of committees who had shared the content of their respective committee preliminary budget discussions and the directors who had also presented preliminary department budgets to the committee. She also noted that the committee, with the support of staff, had done its due diligence in support of its mandate to be fiscally responsible with respect to the use of member fees.

It was moved by Diane Ballantyne, and


That Council authorize the renewal of all existing borrowing facilities with BMO-Bank of Montreal and herewith acknowledge that all existing security, including the existing collateral mortgage security, continues to be pledged to the bank.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 31

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

5.4 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (GC20201001-113)

The Vice-Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, Mary-Anne Mouawad, presented the committee’s report. She and the Director of Standards of Practice and Accreditation, Roch Gallien, responded to questions.

It was moved by Mary-Anne Mouawad, and


That Council approve that a regular standards based teacher education section be included in Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession, supporting ongoing professional learning for teachers as reflected in the Professional Learning Framework for the Teaching Profession.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 31

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

It was moved by Mary-Anne Mouawad, and


That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that a new American Sign Language as a second language Additional Qualification course be enacted in Schedules A and C of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 31

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

It was moved by Mary-Anne Mouawad, and


That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that a new Langue des signes Québécoise langue seconde Additional Qualification course be enacted in Schedules A and C of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 31

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

The committee Vice-Chair noted that one additional motion was being withdrawn.

5.5 Accreditation Appeal Committee (GC20201001-114)

The Vice-Chair of the Accreditation Appeal Committee, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, presented the committee’s report. No questions were raised.

It was moved by Mary Ellen Gucciardi, and unanimously


That Council appoint Bob Cooper, OCT as Chair of the Accreditation Appeal Committee for the duration of the term of 8th Council.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 32

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 3

5.6 Human Resources Committee (GC20201001-115)

The Chair of the Human Resources Committee, Michelle Miner Seal, presented the committee’s report.

It was moved by Michelle Miner Seal, and


That Council rescind the following motion:
That Council commence an external/internal hiring process to find a suitable candidate who could be offered a short-term appointment as Interim Deputy Registrar for the period August 26, 2020 to January 22, 2021.

eScribe vote:

For: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 30

Against: 0

Abstain: 1

Absent: 4

The Presiding Officer confirmed that a vote to rescind a motion did not require a two-thirds majority to pass.

The Chair of Human Resources reviewed a proposed recruitment plan for the position of Registrar and Chief Executive Officer. She and the Chair of Council responded to questions.

It was moved by Michelle Miner Seal, and


That Council approve the Recruitment Plan for the position of Registrar and Chief Executive Officer as outlined in Document GC20201001-115, Attachment 1.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 31

Against: 0

Abstain: 1

Absent: 3

5.7 Editorial Board (GC20201001-116)

The Vice-Chair of the Editorial Board, Chantal Côté, presented the report. No questions were raised.

It was moved by Chantal Côté, and unanimously


That Council appoint Chantal Côté, OCT as Chair of the Editorial Board for the duration of the term of 8th Council.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 32

Against: 0

Abstain: 1

Absent: 3

The Chair of Council extended apologies to the Vice-Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee regarding a misunderstanding that had caused the Vice-Chair to withdraw an earlier motion. The Presiding Officer confirmed that because the motion had been withdrawn by the committee, it could be re-introduced with no restriction.

5.4 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (cont’d)

The Vice-Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, Mary-Anne Mouawad, provided information on the research undertaken to support the additional motion. She and the Director of Standards of Practice and Accreditation responded to questions.

It was moved by Mary-Anne Mouawad: That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that a new Additional Qualification (AQ) course(s) related to Anti-Black Racism be enacted in the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation.

A lengthy discussion followed.

It was moved by Tim Gernstein, seconded by Mary Ellen Gucciardi, and


That the motion be amended to strike “related to” and insert “on”.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 28

Against: 0

Abstain: 1

Absent: 6

Discussion on the motion as amended continued.

It was moved by Mary-Anne Mouawad, and unanimously


That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that a new Additional Qualification (AQ) course(s) on Anti-Black Racism be enacted in the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 28

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 6

6. New Business

6.1 Regulatory and Bylaw Amendments – Regulation 176/10 Teachers’ Qualifications (GC20201001-118)

Membership Analyst Nancy Tran reviewed proposed amendments to the regulation and responded to questions.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve the amendments to Regulation 176/10, Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation, as outlined in document GC20201001-118, Attachment 2.

eScribe vote:

For: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 28

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 7

The Presiding Officer reminded members that contained in Document GC20201001-118 (the cover memo) was a Notice of Motion for a bylaw amendment related to the motion just passed that would be coming forward to the December Council meeting.

6.2 Regulatory Amendment – Regulation 437/96 Professional Misconduct (GC20201001-119)

The Director of Corporate and Council Services reviewed the proposed regulatory amendment and responded to questions.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve the proposed regulatory amendment to the College’s professional misconduct regulation, as outlined in Document GC20201001-119, Attachment 2.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Élaine Legault, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For: 30

Against: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 5

7. Next Meeting(s) of Council

  • December 3-4, 2020
  • March 4-5, 2021
  • June 3-4, 2021

8. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

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