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Minutes of Council Meetings


Council Meeting

Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto

June 4-5, 2015

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on June 4-5, 2015 in the Council Chambers, 15 th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto


1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda

3. Conflict of Interest

4. Minutes

4.1 Meeting, March 26-27, 2015

4.2 Special Meeting, May 14, 2015

4.3 Special Meeting, In Camera Session, May 14, 2015

5. Business Arising

6.1 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Council Member Compensation

6. Registrar’s Report

6.1 Report

6.2 Financial Report as March 31, 2015

7. Chair’s Report

7.1 Report

8. Committee Reports.

8.1 Executive Committe

9. New Business

9.1 Report of the Public Interest Committee (Timed Item: Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.)

10. Committee Reports (Continued)

10.1 Finance Committee

10.1.1 Audited Financial Statements as at December 31, 2014

10.1.2 Appointment of Auditor

10.1.3 Finance Committee Report

10.2 Executive Committee (Continued)

11. Chair’s Report (Continued)

11.1 Report ( (Continued)

12. Committee Reports (Continued)

12.1 Investigation Committee

12.2 Discipline Committee

12.3 Fitness to Practise Committee

12.4 Registration Appeals Committee

12. Committee Reports (Continued)

12.5 Standards of Practice and Education Committee

12.6 Finance Committee (Continued)

12.7 Accreditation Committee

12.8 Accreditation Appeal Committee

12.9 Human Resources Committee

12.10 Editorial Board

12.11 Election Committee

12.12 Nomination Committee

12.13 Quality Assurance Committee

13. Correspondence

14. New Business (Continued)

14.1 Proposed College Bylaw Amendment to Section 14 - Remuneration

14.2 Review of Council Member Policies

14.2.1 Professional Development Policy for Council Members

14.2.2 Guidelines for the Provision of Laptop Computers and Accessories for Council Members

14.2.3 Council Member Travel Policy

14.3 Proposed College Bylaw Amendments to Facilitate Electronic Voting at Council and Committee Meetings

14.3 Briefing Note: Merging the Membership of the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees

15. Notices of Motion

15.1 College Bylaws – Proposed Amendment to Section 6.05 Quality Assurance Committee

16. Next Meeting(s) of Council

17. Adjournment

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on June 4-5, 2015 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Session 1: June 4, 2015

Present : Stefanie Achkewich, OCT, Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT, Evie Basztyk-Benishek, OCT, Christine Bellini, OCT (until 4:00 p.m.), Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Monique Châteauvert, Merzak Damou, OCT (via teleconference), Irene Dembek, OCT, Angela De Palma, OCT, Gale Dores, OCT, Marc Dubois, OCT, (Vice-Chair), Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Robert Gagné, Clyde Glasgow, Jacqueline Gray, OCT, Godwin Ifedi, Allyn Janicki, OCT, Matthew Kavanagh, OCT, Monique Lapalme Arseneault, (via teleconference), Shanlee Linton, OCT, Myreille Loubert, OCT, Mary Lou Mackie, OCT, Adannaya Nwaogu, OCT, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, (Chair), Bill Petrie, Terry Price, OCT, Vicki Shannon, OCT, Louis Sloan, OCT, Kara Smith, OCT, Wes Vickers, OCT, Marie-Claude Yaacov, Michael Salvatori, OCT, (Registrar)

Regrets: Dobi-Dawn Frenette, Demetri Vacratsis, OCT, Ronna Warsh


Officers: Lori Lukinuk, Douglas McCarthy

Guests: Bill Kirkwood, Chair of the Public Interest Committee

Pearlene Halfin, Partner, from PwC - Auditors (from 3:30 p.m. to
4:00 p.m.)

Staff: Kim Bauer, Chantal Bélisle, OCT, Tan Crombie, Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar), Michael Kaptein (from (3:30 p.m.), Richard Lewko, Michelle Longlade, OCT, Charlie Morrison, Fred Towers (from 3:30 p.m.) Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, Lori Lukinuk, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and welcomed all present.

The documents distributed at the meeting were noted.

It was noted that Marie-Louise Chartrand and Marc Dubois comprised the Steering Committee.

The Chair welcomed the participants in the gallery. She thanked the retiring Director of Standards of Practice and Accreditation, Michelle Longlade, for the work she had done at the College and in the education community.

The Chair introduced and welcomed newly appointed Council member, Bill Petrie. She noted that Bill Petrie had been appointed to Council for a three-year term from May 13, 2015.

Gale Dores spoke to the fundraising activity for Council. She advised that funds raised at the current meeting would be donated to Egale Canada Human Rights Trust, a national charity promoting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) human rights through research, education and community engagement.

2. Agenda (GC20150604-35)

It was agreed to amend the Agenda by adding an additional item to New Business: Item 10.5 Merging the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees.

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Agenda for the June 4-5, 2015 Council meeting be approved, as amended.

3. Conflict of Interest

No conflicts were declared.

4. Minutes

4.1 Meeting, March 26-27, 2015 (GC20150604-36)

It was agreed to delete the following words “non-traditional” and replace them with the words “in non-traditional settings”, on page 2 under the heading “Public Presentation”.

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on March 26-27, 2015 be approved as corrected.

4.2 Special Meeting, May 14, 2015 (GC20150604-38)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on
May 14, 2015 be approved.

4.3 Special Meeting, In Camera Session, May 14, 2015 (GC20150604-40C)

It was agreed to delete the following words “on behalf of the Finance Committee” on page 1.

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in camera on May 14, 2015 be approved as corrected.

5. Business Arising

5.1 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Council Member Compensation (GC20150604-41)

The Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Council Member Compensation was received. The Chair, Jacqueline Gray spoke to the report and responded to questions.

It was moved by Jacqueline Gray, Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Council Member Compensation, and


That Council approve the amendments to the Guidelines for the Compensation of Council Members, Roster Members, Members-at-Large and Institutional Nominees by deleting the following sections:

3.2 Where a meeting, panel or other Council business has been scheduled for a full day but is concluded within a half-day window, those eligible for a per diem rate will be provided with the full-day per diem rate.

4.2 Members of Council eligible for the per diem rate will continue to be compensated up to a maximum of one day at the government per diem rate for all Council, committee meeting, panel meeting or other College business that have been cancelled with less than 48-hours’ notice.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Bass, Sandy

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Petrie, Bill


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 30

Against : 0 Abstain: 3

Absent: 3

6. Registrar’s Report

6.1 Report (GC20150604-42)

The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar spoke to his report and advised that:

· Due to the Enhanced Teacher Education Program fewer applicants are graduating and this has resulted in reduced revenue for the College.

· The College’s 2015 paid media advertisements which form part of the Public Awareness Initiative would start running in late October 2015 following the federal election.

· The College of Occupational Therapists has made changes to its register, similar to that of the College. He noted that regulatory bodies were learning best practices from each other.

· The voter turnout for the 2015 Council election was low. As part of its mandate, the Governance Committee will be looking at election-related issues including voter turnout.

· To help prepare the seventh Council for the duties of office, College staff conducted an intensive orientation for new and returning Council members on May 28 and 29, 2015. The program included external and internal speakers on issues associated with good governance practices, the College’s legislative mandate, committee responsibilities and Council policies and procedures.

· The College was recently awarded LEED silver certification by the Canadian Green Building Council for its interior renovations to 101 Bloor Street West.

· On April 15, 2015, the College held a training session for panel roster members of the Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program (SOQP) Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process.

· The College is working on the development of an attestation by members that they have reviewed College materials relating to their duty to report pursuant to their obligations under the Child and Family Services Act. The College will be consulting with relevant stakeholders and members later this year prior to bringing recommendations forward for Council’s consideration.

In response to a question, the Registrar confirmed that both English and French applicants could apply for the vacant Council positions in the Northeast Ontario region. One of the requirements for eligibility is that the member resides in the region.

In response to a question, the Registrar advised that the College’s Public Awareness Initiative included outreach to the public in non-traditional settings. Information articles of the College’s role and mandate were recently translated into several languages and distributed to the ethnic media for republication.

It was agreed that the start time of the inaugural meeting of Council on July 6, 2015 would be moved to the morning to accommodate returning Council members.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve the destruction of the electronic ballots associated with the 2015 Council Election.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Bass, Sandy

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Petrie, Bill


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 33

Against : 0

Absent: 3

6.2 Financial Report as March 31, 2015 (GC20150604-43)

The Ontario College of Teachers Financial Report as at March 31, 2015 was received.

The Deputy Registrar, Joe Jamieson, introduced Fred Towers the new Controller who would be replacing Michael Kaptein. The Deputy Registrar spoke to the report and responded to questions.

7. Chair’s Report

7.1 Report (GC20150604-44)

The Chair’s Report was postponed to a later time to allow members to read the report that had just been distributed to them.

8. Committee Reports

8.1 Executive Committee (GC20150604-45)

The report of the Executive Committee was received. The Chair,
Liz Papadopoulos, spoke to the report and responded to questions.

It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, Chair of the Executive Committee, and


That Council approve that the public presentations pilot continue and that the Executive Committee provide a review and recommendation in June 2017.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Bass, Sandy

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Petrie, Bill


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 33

Against : 0

Absent: 3

It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, Chair of the Executive Committee, and


That Council approve the Corporate Donation Policy as outlined in document GC20150604-45, Attachment 2.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Smith, Kara

Bass, Sandy

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Petrie, Bill


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 32

Against : 1

Absent: 3

The Deputy Registrar spoke to the Duty to Report Professional Advisory and responded to questions.

It was agreed to defer further discussion on this item until after the timed items.

9. New Business

9.1 Report of the Public Interest Committee (GC20150604-57)
(Timed Item: Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.)

The Chair introduced and welcomed Bill Kirkwood, the Chair of the Public Interest Committee, to Council.

The Report of the Public Interest Committee was received. Bill Kirkwood spoke to the report that included topics such as governing in the public interest and the development of key performance indicators, accountability, ongoing professional learning and currency; ensuring excellence in the classroom; a review of the accreditation processes and the professional advisories development process.

A question and answer session followed.

It was moved by Marie-Louise Chartrand, seconded by Marc Dubois, and


That Council refer the following motions contained in the Public Interest Committee Report to the 7th Council:

1. That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s legislation be amended to allow board complaints to be dealt with as regular employer notifications, as Council had recommended to the Minister of Education and as was endorsed in the recent external review recommendation 47.

2. That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s legislation be amended to realign the definition of “incompetence” as it appears in the College’s legislation, the Ontario College of Teachers Act, to correspond to the five domains and 16 competency statements delineated under the Teacher Performance Appraisal process.

3. That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s legislation be amended to allow for the publication of summaries of Discipline Committee decisions involving incompetence, as was recommended in the recent external review and as outlined in former Bill 103.

4. That the College consider publishing full Discipline Committee decisions in CanLII, a legal database that is available to the public without charge.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Bass, Sandy

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 32

Against : 0

Absent: 4

The Chair of Council thanked Bill Kirkwood for his report.

Douglas McCarthy assumed the role of Presiding Officer.

10. Committee Reports (Continued)

10.1 Finance Committee

(Timed Item: Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.)

10.1.1 Audited Financial Statements as at
December 31, 2014 (GC20150604-50)

The Chair of the Finance Committee, Marie-Louise Chartrand, introduced and welcomed Pearlene Halfin, Partner from PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Pearlene Halfin spoke to the Auditor’s Report.

Council reviewed the Financial Statements on a page-by-page basis.

It was moved by Marie-Louise Chartrand, Chair of the Finance Committee, and


That Council accept the December 31, 2014 Audited Financial Statements of the Ontario College of Teachers.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Bass, Sandy

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Petrie, Bill


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 33

Against : 0

Absent: 3

The Chair of the Finance Committee thanked Pearlene Halfin for her presentation to Council.

Pearlene Halfin left the meeting at this time.

10.1.2 Appointment of Auditor

It was moved by Marie-Louise Chartrand, Chair of the Finance Committee, and


That Council reappoint PwC as auditors for the 2015 fiscal year

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Bass, Sandy

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Petrie, Bill


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 30

Against : 0 Abstain: 2

Absent: 4

10.1.3 Finance Committee Report (GC20150604-51)

The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair,
Marie-Louise Chartrand, spoke to the report and responded to questions of the report.

10.2 Executive Committee (GC20150604-45) (Continued)

A discussion ensued on the Duty to Report Professional Advisory.

It was moved by Steering, “That Council approve the Professional Advisory on Duty to Report as outlined in document GC20150604-45, Attachment 1).”

It was moved by Vicki Shannon, seconded by Angela De Palma, and


That Council approve an amendment to the Duty to Report Professional Advisory by addition on page 5, in the introductory paragraph after the word “neglect”, “who may demonstrate this through actions, spoken word, artistic drawings or other means”, and that the French version be translated accordingly.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Bass, Sandy

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Petrie, Bill


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 33

Against : 0

Absent: 3

It was moved by Evie Basztyk-Benishek, seconded by Stephanie Achkewich, and CARRIED,

That Council approve the addition of the words “underage pregnancy” to the section “Sexual Abuse” on page 5 and translate in the French version accordingly.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Bass, Sandy

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Mackie, Mary Lou

Budhwani, Shabnum

Nwaogu, Adannaya

Châteauvert, Monique

Price, Terry

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Papadopoulos, Liz


Petrie, Bill


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vickers, Wes


For : 25

Against : 5 Abstain: 2

Absent: 4

It was moved by Monique Châteauvert, seconded by Robert Gagné, but


That Council approve an amendment to the French version of the Duty to Report Professional Advisory by substituting the word “signaler” for “declarer” in the title of the French Advisory.

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That Council approve the Professional Advisory on Duty to Report as outlined in document GC20150604- 45, Attachment 1), as amended.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Mackie, Mary Lou

Bass, Sandy

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Petrie, Bill


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 30

Against : 1 Abstain: 1

Absent: 4

11. Chair’s Report (Continued)

11.1 Report (GC20150604-44) (Continued)

The Chair’s Report was received. The Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, spoke to the report. She thanked Council members and staff for the work they had done during the term on the sixth Council. She especially thanked Josie Peretti for the support she had provided both to the Chair and to Council members.

12. Committee Reports (Continued)

12.1 Investigation Committee (GC20150604-46)

The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair, Terry Price, spoke to the report and thanked members of the committee and staff for the work they had done.

12.2 Discipline Committee (GC20150604-47)

The report of the Discipline Committee was received. The Chair, Robert Gagné, spoke to the report and thanked members of the committee and staff for the work they had done.

12.3 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20150604-48)

The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair,
Louis Sloan, spoke to the report and thanked members of the committee and staff for the work they had done.

12.4 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20150604-49)

The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Chair,
Marc Dubois, spoke to the report and thanked members of the committee and staff for the work they had done.

The meeting recessed at 4:50 p.m.

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on June 4-5, 2015 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Session 2: June 5, 2015

Present : Stefanie Achkewich, OCT, Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT (via teleconference from 9:10 a.m.until 10:00 a.m.), Evie Basztyk-Benishek, OCT, Christine Bellini, OCT, Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT, (until 1:05 p.m.) Shabnum Budhwani (from 9:10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.), Marie-Louise Chartrand (until 2:00 p.m.), Monique Châteauvert, Merzak Damou, OCT (via teleconference until 12:15 p.m.), Irene Dembek, OCT, Angela De Palma, OCT, Gale Dores, OCT, Marc Dubois, OCT, (Vice-Chair), Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Robert Gagné, Clyde Glasgow, Jacqueline Gray, OCT (until 1:35 p.m.), Godwin Ifedi (until 1:25 p.m.), Allyn Janicki, OCT, Matthew Kavanagh, OCT, Monique Lapalme Arseneault, (via teleconference), Shanlee Linton, OCT (via teleconference), Myreille Loubert, OCT, Mary Lou Mackie, OCT, Adannaya Nwaogu, OCT, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, (Chair), Terry Price, OCT, Vicki Shannon, OCT (via teleconference from 10:00 a.m.), Louis Sloan, OCT, Kara Smith, OCT (until 12:00 p.m.), Demetri Vacratsis, OCT (via teleconference from 9:10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.), Wes Vickers, OCT, Marie-Claude Yaacov, Michael Salvatori, OCT, (Registrar)

Regrets: Dobi-Dawn Frenette, Bill Petrie, Ronna Warsh


Officers: Lori Lukinuk, Douglas McCarthy

Staff: Kim Bauer, Chantal Bélisle, OCT, Tan Crombie, Myrtle Herzenberg,
Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar), Richard Lewko,
Michelle Longlade, OCT, Charlie Morrison, Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT

The meeting resumed at 9:00 a.m.

Lori Lukinuk assumed the role of Presiding Officer at this time.

The Chair thanked members of the gallery for their attendance at Council meeting. She advised that item 10.2 Proposed College Bylaw Amendments to Facilitate Electronic Voting at Council and Committees would follow the discussion and decision on item 10.4 Review of Council Member Policies.

12. Committee Reports (Continued)

12.5 Standards of Practice and Education Committee

The Chair, Gale Dores, advised that the committee would be meeting on June 18, 2015.

Evie Basztyk-Benishek invited members of Council to attend a performance called “Singing Out”, a show put on by Toronto’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Community Chorus, on Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.at the Glenn Gould Theatre on Front Street.

Gale Dores thanked Michelle Longlade for the work she had done for the committee and wished her well in her retirement. She thanked members of the committee and staff for the work they had done.

12.6 Finance Committee (GC20150604-51) (Continued)

Marie-Louise Chartrand, Chair of the Finance Committee, noted that the Finance Committee had been asked for feedback on the various Council member policies presented to Council.

In response to a question, the Chair noted that the committee had made recommendations to staff for the setting of the 2016 budget.

The Chair thanked committee members and staff for the work they had done.

12.7 Accreditation Committee

The Chair, Angela De Palma, thanked Michelle Longlade for the work she had done for the committee and wished her well in her retirement. She thanked members of the committee and staff for the work they had done.

12.8 Accreditation Appeal Committee

There was no report.

12.9 Human Resources Committee (GC20150604-52)

The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Chair,
Wes Vickers, spoke to the report and responded to questions.

It was moved by Wes Vickers, Chair of the Human Resources Committee, “ That Council approve that the Chair of Council authorize all Registrar expense claims in consultation with the Human Resources Committee where appropriate.”

It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, seconded by Marc Dubois, and


That Council approve that the above motion be amended by the deletion of the words, “in consultation with the Human Resources Committee where appropriate” to read:

That Council approve that the Chair of Council authorize all Registrar expense claims.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Bass, Sandy

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 31

Against : 0

Absent: 5

It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, seconded by Marie-Claude Yaacov, and


That Council approve that the amendment motion be amended by deletion and substitution to read:

That Council approve that the Chair of Council shall be responsible for the review and approval of the CEO and Registrar’s expense claims.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Lapalme Arseneault, Monique

Bass, Sandy

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 30

Against : 1

Absent: 5

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That Council approve that the Chair of Council shall be responsible for the review and approval of the CEO and Registrar’s expense claims.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Lapalme Arseneault, Monique

Bass, Sandy

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vacratsis, Demetri


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 31

Against : 1 Abstain: 1

Absent: 3

12.10 Editorial Board (GC20150604-53)

The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Christine Bellini, spoke to the report. She advised that Professionally Speaking had received five awards in writing and design at the 61st annual Kenneth R. Wilson Awards and was runner-up for Trade Magazine of the Year at the 2015 Editors’ Choice Awards. The College’s publication was nominated for 10 awards and received three golds, two silver and five honourable mentions at an awards gala in Toronto on June 2nd.

She thanked members of the committee and staff for the work they had done.

12.11 Election Committee

There was no report. The Chair, Matthew Kavanagh, thanked the committee for the work they had done.

12.12 Nomination Committee

There was no report. The Chair, Irene Dembek, advised members that the committee would be meeting on June 11, 2015 to make recommendations to Council for the Chair and Vice-Chair of Council and for committees of Council. She thanked committee members and staff for the work they had done.

12.13 Quality Assurance Committee (GC20150604-54)

The report of the Quality Assurance Committee was received. The Chair,
Clyde Glasgow, spoke to the report and responded to questions. He thanked committee members and staff for the work they had done.

Douglas McCarthy assumed the role of Presiding Officer.

13. Correspondence (GC20150604-55, -56)

The following items of correspondence were received for information:

· Letter to Minister of Education re Amendments to the Teachers’ Qualification Regulation (GC20150604-55)

· Letter to the Minister of Education re Increase in per diem rates for appointed members of Council (GC20150604-56)

14. New Business (Continued)

14.1 Proposed College Bylaw Amendment to Section 14 - Remuneration (GC20150604-59)

The Registrar noted the proposed amendments to the bylaws, which would provide Council with the authority to establish various policies relating to remuneration and expense reimbursement.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve that the College Bylaws Section 14 – Remuneration be amended by deletion and substitution as follows:

Section 14 - Remuneration

14.0 1 Members of Council and committees, and roster members or other persons who are appointed to Council committees or panels, and who are not Council members, other than persons appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in- Council, shall be reimbursed by the College for reasonable travel and other expenses properly incurred by the member in attendance at a Council or a committee meeting, in accordance with the Travel and Expense Policy of the College.

14.0 2 Any member of the College appointed by the Council to act on behalf of the College, or performing business on behalf of the College upon the direction of the Council or the Registrar, shall be reimbursed by the College for reasonable travel and other expenses reasonably incurred in the course of College business, in accordance with the Travel and Expense Policy of the College.

Section 14 – Expenses

14.01 Members of Council and committees, and roster members or other persons who are appointed to Council committees or panels, and who are not Council members, other than persons appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, shall be reimbursed by the College for reasonable travel and other expenses properly incurred by the member in attendance at a Council or a committee meeting, in accordance with policies adopted by Council.

14.02 Any member of the College appointed by the Council to act on behalf of the College, or performing business on behalf of the College upon the direction of the Council or the Registrar, shall be reimbursed by the College for reasonable travel and other expenses reasonably incurred in the course of College business, in accordance with policies adopted by Council.

14.03 The College may provide computers or other electronic devices, and related accessories to members of Council directly related to the conduct of the Council business , in accordance with policies adopted by Council.

14.04 The College may provide funding for professional development activities of the Council, directly related to the conduct of the Council business in accordance with policies adopted by Council.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vacratsis, Demetri


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 32

Against : 0

Absent: 4

14.2 Review of Council Member Policies (GC20150604-60)

14.2.1 Professional Development Policy for Council Members (GC20150604-60, Attachment 3)

The Professional Development Policy for Council Members was received. The Director of Corporate and Council Services, Richard Lewko, spoke to the amendments to the Professional Development Policy.

It was moved by Steering, “That Council approve the Professional Development Policy for Council Members as outlined in document GC20150604-60, Attachment 3.”

It was moved by Jean-Luc Bernard, and seconded by Mary-Lou Mackie, and CARRIED,

That Council approve that the Professional Development Policy for Council Members be amended by substituting the word “circumstances” for the word “services” in paragraph 1.4.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


T8Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vacratsis, Demetri


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 32

Against : 0

Absent: 4

It was moved by Louis Sloan, seconded by Wes Vickers, “That Council approve that clause 3.2 of the Professional Development Policy for Council Members be amended by the addition of: “Where additional travel cost are incurred by the Council member who resides far from major transportation hubs, accommodation for added travel costs should be made subject to the approval of the Chair of Council.”

It was moved by Marc Dubois, seconded by Marie-Claude Yaacov, “That Council approve that the amendment motion be amended by the addition of the words: “to a maximum of $700” after the words “accommodation for added travel costs”, to read:

Where additional travel cost are incurred by the Council member who resides far from major transportation hubs, accommodation for added travel costs to a maximum of $700, should be made subject to the approval of the Chair of Council.”

It was moved by Robert Gagné, seconded by Terry Price, and


That Council extend the adjournment of the Council meeting until the business items on the approved Council Agenda have been addressed.

Roll Call Vote:



Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Achkewich, Stefanie

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Vacratsis, Demetri

Budhwani, Shabnum

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 26

Against : 2 Abstain: 4

Absent: 4

A vote was taken on the amendment to the amended motion, but it was


That Council approve that the amendment motion be amended by the addition of the words: “to a maximum of $700” after the words “accommodation for added travel costs”, to read:

Where additional travel cost are incurred by the Council member who resides far from major transportation hubs, accommodation for added travel costs to a maximum of $700, should be made subject to the approval of the Chair of Council.

Roll Call Vote:



Châteauvert, Monique

Achkewich, Stefanie

Dubois, Marc

Bellini, Christine

Gagné, Robert

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Kavanagh, Matthew

Budhwani, Shabnum

Lapalme Arseneault, Monique

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Linton, Shanlee

Damou, Merzak

Loubert, Myreille

Dembek, Irene

Mackie, Mary Lou

De Palma, Angela

Papadopoulos, Liz

Dores, Gale

Shannon, Vicki

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Yaacov, Marie-Claude

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Janicki, Allyn


Price, Terry


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vacratsis, Demetri


Vickers, Wes


For : 11

Against : 18 Abstain: 3

Absent: 4

It was moved by Mary Lou Mackie, seconded by Jean-Luc Bernard, and


That Council approve that the amendment motion be amended by substituting the word “could” for the word “should”, to read:

Where additional travel cost are incurred by the Council member who resides far from major transportation hubs, accommodation for added travel costs could be made subject to the approval of the Chair of Council.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Janicki, Allyn

Dembek, Irene

Kavanagh, Matthew

De Palma, Angela

Price, Terry

Dores, Gale

Vacratsis, Demetri

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Gray, Jacqueline

Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Smith, Kara


Vickers, Wes


For : 18

Against : 6 Abstain: 8

Absent: 4

A vote was taken on the amendment to the main motion, and it was


Where additional travel costs are incurred by Council members who reside far from major transportation hubs, accommodation for added travel costs could be made subject to the approval of the Chair of Council.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Janicki, Allyn

Dembek, Irene

Kavanagh, Matthew

De Palma, Angela

Price, Terry

Dores, Gale

Smith, Kara

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Vacratsis, Demetri

Gagné, Robert

Gray, Jacqueline

Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Papadopoulos, Liz


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Vickers, Wes


For : 17

Against : 7 Abstain: 8

Absent: 4

It was moved by Jean-Luc Bernard, seconded by Mary Lou Mackie, and


That Council amend the Professional Development Policy for Council Members as outlined in document GC20150604- 60, Attachment 3 by deleting clause 1.4.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 29

Against : 0 Abstain: 2

Absent: 5

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That Council approve the Professional Development Policy for Council Members as outlined in document GC20150604- 60, Attachment 3, as amended.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Vacratsis, Demetri

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Damou, Merzak

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 28

Against : 1 Abstain: 1

Absent: 6

14.2.2 Guidelines for the Provision of Laptop Computers and Accessories for Council Members (GC20150604-60, Attachment 2)

The Guidelines for the Provision of Laptop Computers and Accessories for Council Members was received. The Director of Corporate and Council Services, Richard Lewko, spoke to amendments to the Guidelines.

It was moved by Steering, That Council approve the Guidelines for the Provision of Laptop Computers and Accessories for Council Members as outlined in document GC20150604-60, Attachment 2.”

It was moved by Marc Dubois, and seconded by Robert Gagné, and


That Council amend the Guidelines for the Provision of Laptop Computers and Accessories for Council Members by deleting section 3 and deleting the words “or in transit to/from the College” in section 6.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Linton, Shanlee

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Bernard, Jean-Luc

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 28

Against : 1

Absent: 7

It was moved by Robert Gagné, seconded by Mary Lou Mackie, and CARRIED,

That the question be put re the amendments to the Guidelines for the Provision of Laptop Computers and Accessories for Council Members.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Dubois, Marc

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Linton, Shanlee

Bellini, Christine

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Gray, Jacqueline

Ifedi, Godwin

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 26

Against : 2

Absent: 8

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That Council approve the Guidelines for the Provision of Laptop Computers and Accessories for Council Members as outlined in document GC20150604- 60, Attachment 2, as amended.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Dembek, Irene

Bellini, Christine

Gray, Jacqueline

Budhwani, Shabnum

Janicki, Allyn

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Kavanagh, Matthew

Châteauvert, Monique

Linton, Shanlee

De Palma, Angela

Loubert, Myreille

Dores, Gale

Nwaogu, Adannaya

Dubois, Marc

Price, Terry

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Vickers, Wes

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Ifedi, Godwin

Mackie, Mary Lou


Papadopoulos, Liz


Shannon, Vicki


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 16

Against : 9 Abstain: 2

Absent: 9

14.2.3 Council Member Travel Policy
(GC20150604-60, Attachment 1)

The Ontario College of Teachers Council Member Travel Policy was received. The Director of Corporate and Council Services, Richard Lewko, spoke to amendments to the Travel Policy.

It was moved by Steering, “That Council approve the Council Member Travel Policy as outlined in document GC20150604-60, Attachment 1.”

It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, and seconded by Allyn Janicki, and


That Council approve that the Council Member Travel Policy be amended as follows:

  • On page 10 under Reservations Within Toronto

1. Substitute “the Director of Corporate and Council Services” with “the Chair of Council” in section 1.

2. Add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph in section 2 “Alternate hotel accommodations may be used in exceptional circumstances such as during inclement weather or early morning travel.”

  • On page 14 under the paragraph “Groceries

1. Add the words “will not be reimbursed” after the word “return”, to read: “Groceries and/or meals consumed within a Council member’s home community either prior to departure or on return will not be reimbursed.”

2. Start the second sentence with the word “meals” and include the word “ticket” after the word “transportation” and end the sentence with “will not be eligible for additional meal reimbursement”, to read: “Meals included in the cost of the transportation ticket, accommodation, seminars and/or conferences will not be eligible for additional meal reimbursement.”

  • On page 14 under the paragraph beginning with the words “Detailed meal receipts” delete the second sentence and substitute it with the following sentence: “Where a receipt from an establishment is not available a detailed meal receipt or photograph of same or a detailed hand-written meal receipt is acceptable.”

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Lapalme Arseneault, Monique


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 25

Against : 0

Absent: 11

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That Council approve the Council Member Travel Policy as outlined in document GC20150604- 60, Attachment 1, as amended.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Vickers, Wes


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 25

Against : 0

Absent: 11

14.3 Proposed College Bylaw Amendments to Facilitate Electronic Voting at Council and Committee Meetings (GC20150604-58)

The Registrar noted that the purpose of the amendment to the College Bylaws was to facilitate Council voting via vote tabulation software. Council has approved the computer purchase policy which ensures that all members will acquire a laptop for use during Council and committee meetings.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve that the College Bylaws Section 3 – Council Meetings be amended by deletion and substitution as follows:

3:10 Every vote at a Council meeting, other than a Council meeting held by teleconference, shall be by a show of hands, but if any Council member so requests, a roll call vote shall be taken Every vote at a Council meeting held by teleconference shall be a roll call vote. In the event of a roll call vote, the Presiding Officer shall require the Registrar to request each member in turn to record his or her vote and such vote will be recorded in the minutes of that meeting .

3:10 Where feasible every vote at a Council meeting shall be taken via vote tabulation software and will be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.

Roll Call Vote:



Achkewich, Stefanie

Vickers, Wes

Basztyk-Benishek, Evie

Bellini, Christine

Budhwani, Shabnum

Chartrand, Marie-Louise

Châteauvert, Monique

Dembek, Irene

De Palma, Angela

Dores, Gale

Dubois, Marc

Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth

Gagné, Robert

Glasgow, Clyde

Janicki, Allyn


Kavanagh, Matthew


Linton, Shanlee


Loubert, Myreille


Mackie, Mary Lou


Nwaogu, Adannaya


Papadopoulos, Liz


Price, Terry


Shannon, Vicki


Sloan, Louis


Yaacov, Marie-Claude


For : 24

Against : 1

Absent: 11

14.3 Briefing Note: Merging the Membership of the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees (GC20150604-62)

A document entitled Briefing Note: Merging the Membership of the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees was distributed to members. Robert Gagné, the Chair of the Discipline Committee, spoke to the briefing note.

It was moved by Robert Gagné, seconded by Stephanie Achkewich, and


That Council refer the following motions contained in the Briefing Note on Merging the Membership of the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees to the 7th Council:

1. That Council approve that the committee membership of the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees be the same.

2. That Council increase the size and composition of the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees to fifteen members with nine being elected members and six being appointed members. \

3. That Council approve that the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees have one committee Chair.

15. Notices of Motion

The following Notice of Motion was read into the Minutes for consideration at the
November 5-6, 2015 Council Meeting:

15.1 College Bylaws – Proposed Amendment to Section 6.05 Quality Assurance Committee (GC20150604-54)

Moved by Clyde Glasgow, Chair of the Quality Assurance Committee:

That Council amend section 6.05 of the College bylaws by addition to include the Chair of Council as a member of the Quality Assurance Committee, to read as follows:

6.05 Quality Assurance Committee:

(a) The Council shall appoint five (5) members of Council to the Quality Assurance Committee, one of whom shall be the Chair of Council.

16. Next Meeting(s) of Council

· July 6, 2015 Inaugural Meeting of the 7th Council

It was agreed that the meeting would start at 10:00 a.m.

17. Adjournment

The Chair noted that Council members who would not be returning to the 7th Council would be invited to a farewell dinner on November 5, 2015 where they would be thanked for their services.

The meeting adjourned at 2:05 p.m.


Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT


Registrar, Michael Salvatori, OCT



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