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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, held by Teleconference on September 12, 2002 in Council Chamber B, 6th Floor 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto.

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order

2. Agenda

3. Business

4. Adjournment

Present: Larry M. Capstick (Chair), Doug Carter, Solette N. Gelberg, Harry Mulvale, Diane Leblovic, Frances Thorne

Present On Conference Line at 5:00 p.m.: Bernard J. Adam, Douglas Brown, Sterling Campbell, Ernie Checkeris, Patrick Daly, Margaret Dempsey, Martin Kings, Elayne McDermid, Iain Munro, Janet Ouellette, Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Regrets: James Black, Jackie Breithaupt, Janet Cornwall, Karl Dean, Jerry DeQuetteville, Audrey Hadfield, Nancy Hutcheson, Marilyn Laframboise (Vice-Chair), Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, David Somer

Staff: Joe Atkinson, Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Katherin Platt, Doug Wilson

1. Call to Order

The Chair, Larry Capstick, called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and welcomed those present.

2. Agenda (GC20020912-124)

It was moved by Solette N. Gelberg, seconded by Larry M. Capstick, and


That the Agenda for the September 12, 2002 Council teleconference meeting be approved.

3. Business

3.1 Appointment to fill Council Vacancy for the English-language Roman Catholic Board - Elementary Position (GC20020912-125)

It was moved by Solette N. Gelberg, seconded by Larry M. Capstick, and


That Council appoint Sheila Gifford to fill the Council vacancy for the English-language Roman Catholic Board — Elementary position.

Recorded vote:



Bernard J. Adam


Douglas Brown

Sterling Campbell

Larry M. Capstick

Doug Carter

Ernie Checkeris

Patrick Daly

Margaret Dempsey

Solette N. Gelberg

Martin Kings

Diane Leblovic

Elayne McDermid

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Janet Ouellette

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Frances Thorne

For: 17

Against: 0

3.2 Appointment of Discipline Committee Chair (GC20020912-126)

It was moved by Solette N. Gelberg, seconded by Larry M. Capstick, and


That Council appoint Bernard J. Adam as the Chair of the Discipline Committee.

Recorded vote:



Bernard J. Adam


Douglas Brown

Sterling Campbell

Larry M. Capstick

Doug Carter

Ernie Checkeris

Patrick Daly

Margaret Dempsey

Solette N. Gelberg

Martin Kings

Diane Leblovic

Elayne McDermid

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Janet Ouellette

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Frances Thorne

For: 17

Against: 0

4. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Signed: Chair, Larry M. Capstick


Signed: Registrar, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson


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