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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers Held Via Videoconference on June 8, 2023

Present: Diana Miles (Chair); Linda Lacroix, OCT (Registrar); Abena Buahene; Jonathan Davey; Douglas Gosse, OCT; Martine Lewis, OCT; Jonathan Rose; Imran Syed, OCT; Maria Vasanelli, OCT; Tammy Webster, OCT; Valerie Williamson, OCT

Regrets: Elaine Lajeunesse

Guests: Christine Forsyth, Chair of the Registration Appeals Committee

Staff: Jamie Robertson, OCT; Jason Bennett; Anna-Marie Nielsen, OCT; Bill Powell; Demetra Saldaris, OCT; Fred Towers; Kim Bauer (Recorder)

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed all those present.

2. Agenda

It was moved by Douglas Gosse, seconded by Valerie Williamson, and


That the Agenda for the June 8, 2023 Council meeting be approved.

Preparation time of one half-day was confirmed.

3. Conflict of Interest

No conflicts were declared.

4. Minutes

4.1 Meeting, March 21, 2023

It was moved by Abena Buahene, seconded by Douglas Gosse, and


That the Minutes of the March 21, 2023 meeting of Council be approved.

5. Business Arising

5.1 Proposed Amendments to Public Presentations Policy

The Registrar, Linda Lacroix, reviewed a proposal to replace the previous Public Presentations Policy with a more comprehensive policy that builds on the number of ways that the College engages with members of the public and stakeholders. She noted that the intent of the revised policy was to offer different tools to maintain open communications and that if appropriate, stakeholders could still be invited to address Council.

It was moved by Tammy Webster, seconded by Jonathan Rose, and


That Council approve the Public and Stakeholder Engagement Pathways policy tabled at its June 8, 2023 meeting, thereby replacing the Public Presentations at Council Meetings policy, along with consequential updates to the College website.

6. Chair, Registrar and Financial Reports

6.1 Chair’s Report

The Chair of Council presented her report and responded to questions. She thanked Council members for their contributions during the two-day strategic planning session in May. She noted that the contributions of Council, College leadership, stakeholders, and committee chairs and vice-chairs will inform the development of a strategic plan that will guide the College over the next several years.

The Chair also expressed appreciation for the ongoing efforts of College and Ministry of Education staff to work together to allow students in teacher education programs to gain classroom work experience before graduation.

6.2 Registrar’s Report

The Registrar reviewed a number of statistics for the first quarter of 2023 contained in her report. She also reviewed amendments set out in Bill 98, the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023, many of which reflect requests made by the College in recent years.

6.3 Financial Report

Council received the quarterly financial report to March 31, 2023.

7. New Business

7.1 Proposed Bylaw Amendments

The Registrar introduced the proposed bylaw amendments. The Director of Policy, Governance and Tribunals, Jason Bennett, reviewed the amendments and responded to questions.

It was moved by Martine Lewis, seconded by Maria Vasanelli, and


  1. That Section 4.07 of the College Bylaws be amended by deletion of the words “and Council” in point #1.
  2. That Section 14.02 of the College Bylaws be amended by deletion of the words “by a member of the Council at the preceding Council meeting” and the addition, at the end of the paragraph, of the words “in accordance with section 3.06(c).”
  3. That the first paragraph of Section 27.02 of the College Bylaws be amended by substitution of the word “rules” for “guidelines”, and by deletion of “as per subsections 6(7) and 39(6) of Regulation 347/02 (Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs)” and the addition of “in addition to the rules set out in section 34 of Regulation 563/21 (General) applicable to members of the roster for the Accreditation Committee:”
7.2 Sexual Abuse Prevention Program Update

The Registrar provided an update on the success of the Sexual Abuse Prevention Program to date and confirmed that the College continues to encourage members to complete the Program. In response to a question, she indicated that legal advice will be sought regarding potential consequences for members who do not comply with the requirement to complete the Program.

The Registrar reported that the College was working with its partner in the development of the Program, the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, to provide ongoing access and that an update will be shared with Council at a future meeting.

7.3 Update re Legislative and Regulatory Amendment Requests

The Registrar and the Director of Policy, Governance and Tribunals reviewed a summary of legislative and regulatory amendments requests made by the College that was provided for information. A question-and-answer session followed.

7.4 Code of Conduct for Council Members

The Director of Policy, Governance and Tribunals provided an overview of the various ways that the conduct of Council members is prescribed through the oath of office, confidentiality provisions and various policies.

Following discussion, Council confirmed that a separate code of conduct was not required.

7.5 New Certificate Proposal

Education that included several requests related to teacher certification, including development of a new transitional certificate to replace the temporary certificate that is set to expire on December 31, 2023. The Registrar reviewed the benefits and risks of three eligibility options for the new certificate, and requested Council’s support for Option 2, which would require successful completion of 30 credits and a minimum of 40 practicum days (approximately 50% of program completed).

Following a question-and-answer session, Council confirmed its support for Option 2 of the eligibility options.

8. Subcommittee Reports

8.1 Audit and Finance Subcommittee

The Chair of the Audit and Finance Subcommittee, Jonathan Davey, presented the subcommittee’s report. He noted that at the most recent meeting, the subcommittee received presentations from the College’s directors and a preliminary budget presented by the Controller. The subcommittee will meet again in September to review a revised draft budget that will be presented to Council at the October 5, 2023 meeting.

It was moved by Jonathan Davey, seconded by Abena Buahene, and


That Council appoint KPMG as auditors for the Ontario College of Teachers for the 2024 fiscal year.

9. Committee Reports

9.1 Registration Appeals Committee Report

The Chair welcomed Christine Forsyth, Chair of the Registration Appeals Committee, and invited her to present the committee’s annual report.

The Chair of the Registration Appeals Committee reviewed her report and responded to questions.

10. Correspondence

Four items of correspondence were provided for information.

11. Future Meeting Dates

The Chair reminded Council members that the October 5, 2023 meeting of Council will be held in person.

12. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.

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