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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on December 12-13, 2002 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto.

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda

3. Minutes

4. Business Arising

5. Registrar’s Report

6. Committee Reports

7. Minutes (Continued)

8. Committee Reports (Continued)

9. Correspondence

10. Address by Minister of Education (Timed Item - 4:30 p.m.)

11. New Business

12. Notices of Motion

13. Next Regular Meeting

14. Committee Reports (Continued)

15. Adjournment

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Present: Bernard J. Adam, James Black, Jackie Breithaupt, Douglas Brown, Sterling Campbell, Larry M. Capstick (Chair), Doug Carter, Ernie Checkeris (from 3:00 p.m.), Janet Cornwall (until 3:00 p.m.), Pat Daly, Karl Dean, Pauline Demers, Margaret Dempsey, Jerry DeQuetteville, Sheila Gifford, Audrey Hadfield, Nancy Hutcheson, Marilyn Laframboise (Vice-Chair), Martin Kings, Diane Leblovic, Elayne McDermid, Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, Harry Mulvale, Iain Munro, Pierrette Nadeau (from 3:00 p.m.), Janet Ouellette, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, David Somer, Frances Thorne, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson (Registrar)

Presiding Officer: George Merrett

Guests: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault), The Honourable Elizabeth Witmer Minister of Education (from 4:30 pm)

Staff: Peter Alexander, Margaret Aubé, Rosemary Gannon, Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Lynda Palazzi, Josie Peretti, Katherin Platt, Marianna Saavedra, W. Douglas Wilson

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, George Merrett, called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. and welcomed all present. The Presiding Officer informed Council that a Special Executive meeting had been scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on December 13, 2002. As a result of this meeting, Council would resume meeting at 9:30 a.m. Council was also reminded that a holiday reception would take the place of the regularly scheduled dinner.

The Chair, Larry M. Capstick, welcomed new Council member Pierrette Nadeau.

It was noted that Steering was comprised of Marilyn Laframboise and Diane Leblovic.

2. Agenda (GC20021212-201)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Revised Agenda for the December 12-13, 2002 Council meeting be approved.

3. Minutes

3.1 Meeting, September 27, 2002 (GC20021212-202)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the September 27, 2002 Council Meeting be approved.

3.2 Special Meeting, September 27, 2002 (GC20021212-204)

It was moved by Steering, "That the Minutes of the September 27, 2002 Special Meeting of Council be approved."

It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Marilyn Laframboise, and


That Council postpone consideration of the Minutes of the September 27, 2002 Special Meeting of Council until such time that the roll call votes were confirmed.

(Continued on page 3.)

3.3 Special Meeting, November 8, 2002 (GC20021212-206)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the November 8, 2002 Special Meeting of Council be approved.

4. Business Arising

There were no items under business arising.

5. Registrar’s Report (GC20021212-208)

The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson, spoke to the report.

A question and answer session followed the presentation of the Registrar's report.

6. Committee Reports

6.1 Executive Committee/Chair's Report (GC20021212-209)

The report of the Executive Committee/Chair was received. The Chair, Larry M. Capstick, spoke to the report. The Chair indicated that the Executive Committee had made a number of recommendations in order to accommodate Sheila Gifford's request to sit on committees.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council appoint an additional elected member to the Discipline Committee from December 12, 2002 until April 30, 2003.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council appoint an additional elected member to the Fitness to Practise Committee from December 12, 2002 until April 30, 2003.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council appoint Sheila Gifford (elected) to the Discipline Committee from December 12, 2002 until April 30, 2003.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council appoint Sheila Gifford (elected) to the Fitness to Practise Committee from December 12, 2002 until April 30, 2003.

6.1.1 Annual Meeting of Members - Review (GC20021212-210)

The Chair spoke to the report and answered questions.

7. Minutes (Continued)

7.1 Special Meeting, September 27, 2002 (GC20021212-204) (Continued)

It was noted that an abstention vote would be recorded on the roll call vote under item 3.1 Bylaw Amendment - Annual Membership Fees.

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the September 27, 2002 Special Meeting of Council be approved as corrected.

8. Committee Reports (Continued)

8.1 Investigation Committee (GC20021212-211, 212)

The reports of the Investigation Committee were received. The Chair, Harry Mulvale, spoke to the reports and answered questions. He welcomed Audrey Hadfield to the Committee and noted that Doug Carter had moved to the Discipline Committee.

8.2 Discipline Committee (GC20021212-213, 214)

The reports of the Discipline Committee were received. The Chair, Bernard J. Adam, spoke to the reports and answered questions.

8.3 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20021212-215)

The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair, Margaret Dempsey, spoke to the report. She welcomed Doug Carter, Sheila Gifford and Pierrette Nadeau to the Committee. She informed Council that the Executive Committee had made a referral to the Fitness to Practise Committee.

8.4 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20021212-216)

The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Chair, Doug Carter, spoke to the report.

8.5 Professional Learning Committee (GC20021212-217, 237)

The reports of the Professional Learning Committee were received. The Chair, Elayne McDermid, spoke to the reports and answered questions.

8.6 Finance Committee (GC20021212-218, 219)

The Vice-Chair, Patrick Daly, noted that there was no Finance Committee Report. He welcomed Doug Brown to the Committee.

The October and November 2002 Financial Statements were received.

8.7 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (GC20021212-220)

The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was received. The Chair, Diane Leblovic, spoke to the report and answered questions.

8.8 Accreditation Committee (GC20021212-221)

The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Frances Thorne, spoke to the report.

8.9 Human Resources Committee

There was no report.

8.10 Editorial Board (GC20021212-222)

The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report.

8.11 Election Committee (GC20021212-223)

The report of the Election Committee was received. The Chair, Doug Carter, spoke to the report and answered questions.

8.12 Quality Assurance Committee

There was no report.

9. Correspondence (GC20021212-227, 228)

The following correspondence was received for information:

  • Resignation Letter from Solette N. Gelberg and Chair's Response (GC20021212-227)
  • Letter to the Registrar from the Minister of Consumer and Business Relations re Privacy Legislation (GC20021212-228)

10. Address by Minister of Education (Timed Item - 4:30 p.m.)

The Chair, Larry M. Capstick welcomed the Minister of Education, The Honourable Elizabeth Witmer. The Minister of Education informed Council that the Accreditation Regulation had been filed that day. She addressed Council regarding government legislation and education initiatives with respect to professional learning and the Teacher Qualifying Test. She announced that it was the intention to add 1.8 billion dollars to the education budget, in particular for Special Education, teachers' salaries and transportation. A question and answer session followed. Marilyn Laframboise, Vice-Chair, thanked the Minister for her address to Council.

A news release "College Breaks New Accreditation Ground" (GC20021212-240) was distributed to Council members.

The meeting recessed at 5:05 p.m.

Friday, December 13, 2002

Present: Bernard J. Adam, James Black, Jackie Breithaupt, Douglas Brown, Sterling Campbell, Larry M. Capstick (Chair), Doug Carter, Ernie Checkeris, Janet Cornwall, Pat Daly, Karl Dean, Pauline Demers, Margaret Dempsey, Jerry DeQuetteville, Sheila Gifford, Audrey Hadfield, Nancy Hutcheson, Marilyn Laframboise (Vice-Chair), Martin Kings, Diane Leblovic, Elayne McDermid, Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, Harry Mulvale, Iain Munro, Pierrette Nadeau , Janet Ouellette, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, David Somer, Frances Thorne, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson (Registrar)

Presiding Officer: George Merrett

Guests: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault), The Honourable Elizabeth Witmer Minister of Education (from 4:30 m)

Staff: Peter Alexander, Margaret Aubé, Rosemary Gannon, Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Lynda Palazzi, Josie Peretti, Katherin Platt, Marianna Saavedra, W. Douglas Wilson

The meeting resumed at 9:35 a.m.

11. New Business

11.1 Transition to the Next Council (GC20021212-229)

The Registrar spoke to this report and advised that the report was for the information of Council members. A question and answer session followed.

Harry Mulvale requested that Council be asked for consensus to hold the Annual Meeting in June of 2003.

The Presiding Officer said that unanimous consent would be required. He ruled the request out of order.

11.2 Allowable Living and Travel Expenses (GC20021212-230)

The Registrar spoke to the report and answered questions.

11.3 Members listed on the Public Register as "Suspended -Non-Payment of Fees" (GC20021212-231)

It was moved by Steering, but


`That the bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of section 26.03 to read:

26.03 That the names of members who have been listed on the public register as "suspended - non-payment of fees" for five consecutive years be removed from the public register and retained on the internal register for historical purposes.

11.4 Bylaw Amendments - Accreditation Regulation(GC20021212-232, 233)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the deletion of Sections 5.01 (b) and 5.03, as the membership, duties and responsibilities of the Accreditation Committee are now established in the Accreditation Regulation.

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of the following section:

Section 34 — Roster of Panellists for Accreditation Committee Panels and Accreditation Appeal Committee Panels

34.01 A roster of panellists shall be established for the purposes of the Accreditation Regulation as described in paragraph 6 of subsection 6(2) and in paragraph 4 of subsection 39(2) thereof.

34.02 Members of the roster of panellists shall be persons with expertise or experience in teacher education program evaluation or persons who are, or were, educators in a faculty or school of education.

34.03 The Registrar shall develop procedures for maintaining a list of members of the roster.

34.04 The Registrar shall provide appropriate training and orientation for members of the roster before such members perform duties or exercise powers under the Accreditation Regulation.

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of the following section:

Section 35 — Conflict of Interest for Members of Accreditation Committee Panels and Accreditation Appeal Committee Panels

35.01 Members of the panels shall, in the performance of their duties, comply with the provisions of the Ontario College of Teachers Act, the regulations made under the Act and the bylaws of the College.

35.02 The following conflict of interest guidelines are established for application to every member of an accreditation panel or appeal panel as referred to in subsections 6(7) and 39(6) of the Accreditation Regulation.

A person shall not carry out the functions of an accreditation panel or appeal panel if that person:

  1. works for the permitted institution whose program is under review,
  2. has a contract, be in partnership or private company engaged in business with the permitted institution whose program is under review,
  3. is under contract to provide personal services to the permitted institution whose program is under review,
  4. has acted as an associate teacher for the permitted institution whose program is under review during the previous two years,
  5. has family members who are employed by, or are students enrolled at, the permitted institution whose program is under review,
  6. has been paid as a consultant during the previous two years or has received an honorary degree from the permitted institution whose program is under review,
  7. has any other relationship with the permitted institution whose program is under review, as a result of which the participation of the person in the functions of the panel may directly or indirectly confer a benefit on the person or any person with whom the person does not deal at arm’s length.

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of the following section:

Section 36 — Disqualification of College Members of Accreditation Committee Panels and Accreditation Appeal Committee Panels

36.01 The Council shall disqualify a member of the panel who is a member of the College if the member:

  1. is found by the Discipline Committee to be guilty of professional misconduct or to be incompetent

  2. is found by the Fitness to Practise Committee to be incapacitated

  3. fails, without cause, to attend a session of a panel of a committee for which he or she has been selected.

36.02 A member of the panel who is the subject of a proceeding before the Discipline Committee or the Fitness to Practise Committee as a result of a referral under section 26 or 29 of the Act shall be suspended from the roster and any panel pending the outcome of the proceeding.

12. Notices of Motion

The following Notices of Motion were read into the Minutes:

12.1 Ontario College of Teachers Foundation

Moved by Steering:

That Council recommend that:

  1. In accordance with paragraph 33 of subsection 41(1) of the Ontario College of Teachers Act, the Ontario College of Teachers establish a charitable foundation, the purpose of which is to recognize and support excellence in teacher education through:

    1. the awarding of scholarships, bursaries and prizes to assist in the education of teachers or those wishing to become teachers.

  2. The charity be named the “Ontario College of Teachers Foundation”.

  3. The charity be incorporated federally to expedite the process of registration and enable it to collect donations from other provinces.

  4. The charity be registered as a charitable organization.

  5. The bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of the following section:

Section 37 — The Ontario College of Teachers Foundation

37.01 The “Ontario College of Teachers Foundation” shall be established as a charitable organization for the purposes of recognizing and supporting excellence in teacher education.

37.02 The Ontario College of Teachers Foundation may:

  1. award scholarships, bursaries and prizes to assist in the education of teachers or persons wishing to become teachers.

37.03(a) The Ontario College of Teachers Foundation shall be a corporation without share capital and shall be governed by a board of directors, which shall manage and administer its affairs.

37.03(b) The board of directors shall be appointed by the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers and shall be comprised of Registrar and the members of the Ontario College of Teachers’ Executive Committee.

37.03(c) The terms of office of the board of directors shall expire when the terms of office of the Council Members expire.

37.03(d) The Deputy Registrar shall be appointed by the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers to act as the executive director of the Ontario College of Teachers Foundation.

12.2 Annual Meeting of Members

Moved by Jerry DeQuetteville, seconded by Elizabeth Papadopoulos:

That Council recommend that the Annual Meeting of Ontario College of Teachers be held on a Saturday to allow members to attend.

13. Next Regular Meeting

  • February 27-28, 2003

14. Committee Reports (Continued)

14.1 Nomination Committee Report (GC20021212-224, 225) Timed Item: 10:30 a.m.

The report of the Nomination Committee was received. The Chair, Doug Brown, spoke to the report and answered questions.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Finance Committee for a one-year term renewable:

Karl Dean (e)

Marilyn Laframboise (e)

Elizabeth Papadopoulos (e)

Patrick Daly (a)

Doug Brown (a)

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Standards of Practice and Education Committee for a one-year term renewable:

Karl Dean (e)

Margaret Dempsey (e)

Audrey Hadfield (e)

Nancy Hutcheson (e)

Harry Mulvale (e)

Ernie Checkeris (a)

Martin Kings (a)

Diane Leblovic (a)

Karen Mitchell (a)

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Accreditation Committee for a one-year term renewable:

James Black (e)

Sterling Campbell (e)

Larry Capstick (e)

Jerry De Quetteville(e)

Iain Munro (e)

Elayne McDermid (a)

Larry Mongeon (a)

David Somer (a)

Frances Thorne (a)

Council recessed at 10 45 a.m. to allow time for the election of Standing Committee Chairs. The meeting resumed at 11:05 a.m.

It was moved by Doug Brown, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Karl Dean as Chair of the Finance Committee.

It was moved by Doug Brown, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Diane Leblovic as Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee.

It was moved by Doug Brown, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Frances Thorne as Chair of the Accreditation Committee.

15. Adjournment

Council members were reminded to meet in the lobby for a tour of the facilities at 2 Bloor Street East.

The meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m.

Signed: Chair, Larry M. Capstick

Signed: Registrar and Chief Executive Officer, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson



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