Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on March 25-26, 2010 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor,
121 Bloor Street East, Toronto
Table of Contents
1. Call to Order/Welcome
2. Agenda
3. Committee Reports
4. Conflict of Interest
5. Minutes
6. Business Arising
7. Registrar’s Report
8. Chair’s Report
9. Committee Reports (Continued)
10. New Business
11. Business Arising (Continued)
12. Committee Reports (Continued)
13. Correspondence
14. New Business
15. Notices of Motion
16. Next Meeting(s) of Council
17. Adjournment
Session 1: Thursday, March 25, 2010
Present: Danny Anckle (until 4:00 p.m.), Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT, Shabnum Budhwani, Carlo Cappello, OCT, Monique Châteauvert, Rebecca Coulter, OCT (from 2:20 p.m.), Irene Dembek, OCT,
Gale Dores, OCT, Marc Dubois, OCT, Martha Dutrizac, OCT,
Dean Favero, OCT, Nick Forte, OCT, Clyde Glasgow, Mel Greif,
Brent Hamelin, OCT, Annilee Jarvis, OCT, Bill Kirkwood,
Anne Marie Levesque (until 4:45 p.m.), Clint Lovell, OCT,
Bill Matheson, Darlene Mead, OCT, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, (Chair),
Ruth Ann Penny, OCT, (Vice-Chair), Terry Price, OCT, Tanya Roberts, OCT, Susan Robertson, Robert Ryan, OCT, Pauline Smart,
Mara Torcaso, OCT, Jacques Tremblay, OCT, John Tucker (until 4:45 p.m.), Henry Tyndorf, OCT, Hanno Weinberger, OCT, Sharon Young Kipp, OCT, Michael Salvatori OCT, (Registrar)
Regrets: Gabrielle Blais, Dobi-Dawn Frenette, Garry Humphreys
Presiding Officers: Douglas McCarthy
Staff: Kim Bauer, Francine Dutrisac, OCT, Maryse Francella, OCT,
Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar),
Richard Lewko, Michelle Longlade, OCT, Charlie Morrison,
Katherin Platt, Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Presiding Officer, Douglas McCarthy, called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. and welcomed all present.
The Chair noted that Susan Robertson had been reappointed to Council and welcomed her to the meeting.
The Chair advised Council that the following items would be dealt with at the May and June 2010 Executive Committee and Council meetings:
- Travel Policy for Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees — Cyclical Review
- Compensation Policy for Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees - Cyclical Review.
The Chair noted the recent death of first-term Council member Liz Barkley and paid tribute to her contributions to the teaching profession and to Council.
The Chair welcomed new Council member, Shabnum Budhwani who has been appointed to Council for a three-year term to replace Madhu Bhardwaj.
The Presiding Officer noted the documents distributed at the meeting. He spoke to the parliamentary process to be used during the meeting.
It was noted that Ruth Ann Penny and John Tucker comprised the Steering Committee.
It was agreed that Item 5.1 Proposed Reframed Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation and the Consequential Amendments to Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs would be dealt with immediately following the timed item on Friday, March 26, 2010.
It was moved by Brent Hamelin, seconded by Terry Price, but
That the Agenda for the March 25-26, 2010 Council meeting be amended to exclude consideration of the recommendations coming out of the Public Interest Committee Report.
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Agenda for the March 25-26, 2010 Council meeting be approved as amended.
3. Committee Reports
3.1 Nomination Committee (GC20100325-30, -31)
(Timed Item: March 25, 2010, 2:10 p.m.)
The report of the Nomination Committee was received. The Chair,
Danny Anckle, spoke to the report and introduced Rebecca Coulter to the members of Council.
It was moved by Danny Anckle, Chair, Nomination Committee, and
That Council appoint Rebecca Coulter to fill the Council vacancy for the Faculties of Education position.
The Chair of Council welcomed Rebecca Coulter to the meeting.
Rebecca Coulter joined the meeting at 2:20 p.m.
No conflicts were declared.
5.1 Meeting, November 12-13, 2009 (GC20100325-2)
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on
November 12-13, 2009 be approved.
6.1 Council Business — Use of French Language (GC20091112-177, -178)
The report on the Results of the Council Member French-Language Survey was received. The Registrar, Michael Salvatori, spoke to the reasons for the survey and the analysis of the survey results.
The Registrar noted that he would review the feasibility of producing the Registrar’s and Chair’s Reports in French.
It was agreed that committees of Council would identify training materials and glossaries for French translation.
The Registrar agreed to schedule a briefing session for Council members on the history of French-language education in Ontario and the process of identity construction in the French-language minority context.
7.1 Report (GC20100325-8)
The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar spoke to the report and noted that the report reflected the College’s 2010 strategic priorities. A question and answer session followed the presentation of the report.
Council members requested information on the cost of title insurance and the HST with respect to the new facility. Council members were informed that the vendor was sharing the cost of the title insurance with the College. The Registrar advised members that the HST would be avoided if the sale of the new facility was completed prior to July 2010.
Council members were advised that the College would have exclusive rights to roof top and external lobby signage in the new facility. It was noted that photos of several signage options were available in the Members’ Lounge. The Registrar invited members to provide him with feedback on the various options.
It was agreed that a formal report on the signage on the new facility would be made at the June 3-4, 2010 Council meeting. The report would contain the advantages and disadvantages for each option.
It was agreed to provide formal recommendations at the June 3-4, 2010 Council meeting on the choice of hotel accommodation once the move to the new facility is made.
The Registrar predicted that the first Council meeting in the new facility would occur in December 2010.
7.2 First Nations, Métis and Inuit Report (GC20100325-9, -10)
The First Nations, Métis and Inuit Report was received. The Deputy Registrar, Joe Jamieson, made a PowerPoint Presentation, spoke to the report and answered questions.
It was agreed to add “Pour parler profession” in motion 7 as a friendly amendment.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the following recommendations contained in the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Report (GC20100325-9):
Ensure the Education in Ontario diversity component (1) for future initial teacher education programs is developed with input from First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities, and reflects the histories and cultures of each group.
Revise additional qualification course guideline names including the term Native or Aboriginal to include distinct and appropriate recognition of First Nations, Métis and Inuit histories, cultures and traditions.
Explore the development of additional qualification course guidelines that reflect an in-depth learning of First Nations, Métis and Inuit histories and cultures, as well as new additional qualification courses in Métis, Inuit and additional First Nations languages.
Create a representative advisory group to continue to discuss and validate the College’s Aboriginal-related strategies and initiatives with First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities.
Investigate the development of new First Nations, Métis and Inuit educative resources, for example, digital stories, or the adaptation of current educative resources for Aboriginal audiences, for example, incorporating specific visuals, symbols or language references. Any new resources will be based on the ethical standards and standards of practice that support and enhance initial and continuing teacher education programs and courses.
Review the accreditation practices and processes to include Aboriginal perspectives and approaches, and consider with College stakeholders mechanisms for supporting Aboriginal teacher education.
Work with First Nations, Métis and Inuit groups to develop career path material specific to these communities, write articles for and communicate information in Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession and other publications on the teaching profession and the College, and partner with First Nations, Métis and Inuit community centres or networks to disseminate information on the teaching profession, ways to become a teacher and services provided by the College.
(1) The inclusion of an Education in Ontario diversity component to programs of teacher education is a Council approved recommendation from the Teachers’ Qualification Review initiative.
It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, Chair of the Executive Committee, and
That the Election Committee be asked to investigate the possibility of amending Regulation 293/00, Election of Council Members, to provide a designated position for a First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) Council Member.
The Registrar agreed to invite an Elder of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit community to open a future Council meeting.
7.3 Labour Mobility — Agreement on Internal Trade
The Registrar advised members that he had participated in three discussions at the national level on the Agreement on Internal Trade and subsequently had three areas in which he could update the members.
- He advised that a national tool was being developed for English and French language proficiency for internationally certified teachers and noted that $2.3 million was being proposed for this process.
- He further noted that there was interest in developing a national protocol for distance delivery of programs.
- The Registrar also updated the members on the discussions surrounding the use of prior learning assessment.
8 Chair’s Report
8.1 Report (GC20100325-11)
The Chair’s Report was received. The Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, spoke to her report and answered questions.
9.1 Executive Committee (GC20100325-12)
The Executive Committee report was received. The Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, spoke to the report and answered questions.
The Chair reminded Executive Committee members that a Special Meeting of the Executive Committee was scheduled for 8:30 a.m. the following morning.
9.2 Investigation Committee (GC20100325-14)
The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair, Nick Forte, spoke to the report and answered questions.
9.3 Discipline Committee (GC20100325-15)
The report of the Discipline Committee was received. The Chair,
Jacques Tremblay, spoke to the report.
9.4 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20100325-16)
The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair,
Hanno Weinberger, spoke to the report.
9.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20100325-17, -18)
The reports of the Registration Appeals Committee were received. The Chair, Dean Favero, spoke to the reports.
The meeting recessed at 5:00 p.m.
Session 2: Friday: March 26, 2010
Present: Danny Anckle, Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT, Gabrielle Blais,
Shabnum Budhwani, Carlo Cappello, OCT, Monique Châteauvert, Rebecca Coulter, OCT, Irene Dembek, OCT, Gale Dores, OCT,
Marc Dubois, OCT, Martha Dutrizac, OCT, Dean Favero, OCT (from 9:20 a.m.), Nick Forte, OCT, Dobi-Dawn Frenette, Clyde Glasgow,
Mel Greif, Brent Hamelin, OCT, Annilee Jarvis, OCT, Bill Kirkwood, Anne Marie Levesque, Clint Lovell, OCT, Bill Matheson,
Darlene Mead, OCT, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, (Chair),
Ruth Ann Penny, OCT, (Vice-Chair), Terry Price, OCT, Tanya Roberts, OCT (until 11:15 a.m.), Susan Robertson, Robert Ryan, OCT,
Pauline Smart (until 11:15 a.m.), Mara Torcaso, OCT, Jacques Tremblay, OCT, John Tucker, Henry Tyndorf, OCT, Hanno Weinberger, OCT, Sharon Young Kipp, OCT, Michael Salvatori OCT, (Registrar)
Regrets: Garry Humphreys
Guests: Gail Lilley, Chair, Public Interest Committee
(from 9:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.)
Presiding Officers: Douglas McCarthy
Staff: Kim Bauer, Francine Dutrisac, OCT, Maryse Francella, OCT,
Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar),
Richard Lewko, Michelle Longlade, OCT, Charlie Morrison,
Katherin Platt, Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT
The meeting resumed at 9:15 a.m.
The Chair thanked all for participating in Epilepsy Awareness Day.
The Chair welcomed Gail Lilley, Chair, Public Interest Committee, to the meeting.
10.1 Public Interest Committee (GC20100325-46, -47)
(Timed Item, March 26, 2010 at 9:15 a.m.)
The Report of the Public Interest Committee was received. The Chair of the Public Interest Committee, Gail Lilley, spoke to the committee’s work plan for Council and answered questions.
The Chair of Council thanked Gail Lilley for her presentation.
Gail Lilley left the meeting at 9:30 a.m.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council recommend that the Investigation Committee consider the issue of amending its practice either through the development of a guideline or policy, or through a legislative amendment if necessary to require the following:
That previous decisions involving a member made by the Investigation Committee, Discipline Committee or Fitness to Practise Committee be considered by the Investigation Committee, unless the decision was made not to investigate a complaint because the complaint was frivolous, vexatious or an abuse of process or did not relate to professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity on the part of the member.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council recommend that the College’s Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees consider the issue of amending the College’s legislation to reflect the following:
An appeal from a decision and order of the Discipline Committee or the Fitness to Practise Committee does not operate as an immediate and automatic stay of the order.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council recommend that the College’s Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees consider the issue of amending the College’s legislation to reflect the following:
Where the original disciplinary proceedings were held in public, the reinstatement or variation proceedings should also be held publicly unless there are other compelling considerations that might dictate otherwise.
Where the fitness to practise proceedings were held with the public excluded, the subsequent reinstatement or variation proceedings should also be held in camera unless the member makes the request that they be public.
It was moved by Steering, “That Council approve that the confidentiality provisions contained in the College’s legislation should be amended to allow for the disclosure of confidential information to the following:
- a body that governs a profession inside or outside of Ontario
- a police officer to aid an investigation undertaken with a view to a law enforcement proceeding or from which a law enforcement proceeding is likely to result.”
It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, Chair, Executive Committee,
That Council recommend that the following motion be referred to the Registrar for study and report to the June 3-4, 2010 Council meeting:
That Council approve that the confidentiality provisions contained in the College’s legislation should be amended to allow for the disclosure of confidential information to the following:
- a body that governs a profession inside or outside of Ontario
- a police officer to aid an investigation undertaken with a view to a law enforcement proceeding or from which a law enforcement proceeding is likely to result.
11.1 Proposed Reframed Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation and Consequential Amendments to Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs
The Chair of Council advised members that the Executive Committee had met prior to the Council meeting and had discussed the implications of approving or not approving the amendments. She noted that the Executive Committee recommended approval of the amendments.
The Registrar provided an additional briefing on the Proposed Reframed Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation and Consequential Amendments to Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs. He advised members that if the amendments were approved, he and the Chair would sign the black-cornered regulations and would forward them to the Minister of Education. He reported that the Regulation was expected to be filed early in May. He advised members that further amendments to the regulation could be made in phase five.
The Registrar advised that he would provide additional information at the
June 3-4, 2010 Council meeting with respect to phase five of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation Review.
The Registrar noted that he would include a review of the following issues with respect to the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation Review:
- Prerequisites for Principals and Supervisory Officers’ teaching experience
(5 year component)
- Review Additional Qualification (AQ) courses and consult with teacher leadership
- Definition of Classroom Teaching Experience.
The Registrar undertook to communicate the implementation of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation Review with the sector.
The Chair of Council thanked staff for the work they had done in providing an explanation of the Proposed Reframed Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation and Consequential Amendments to Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs.
11.1.1 Reframed Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation(GC20100325-4C, - 6)
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council recommend that the proposed amendments to the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation as outlined in document GC20100325-4C be approved.
11.1.2 Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs (GC20100325-5C, -6)
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council recommend that the proposed amendments to Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs/Règlement de l’Ontario 347/02, Agrément des programmes de formation en enseignement as outlined in document GC20100325-5C be approved.
11.1.3 Regulation 293/00, Election of Council Members (GC20100325-50C, -6)
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council recommend that the proposed amendment to Regulation 293/00, Election of Council Members/ Règlement de l’Ontario 293/00, Élection des membres du conseil be approved as follows:
That the French version of Table 3 of Ontario Regulation 293/00 be amended by striking out “Règlement de l’Ontario 347/02 (Agrément des programmes de formation des enseignants)” in Column 3 opposite Position 23 and substituting “Règlement de l’Ontario 347/02 (Agrément des programmes de formation en enseignement)”.
12.1 Finance Committee
12.1.1 Financial Report (GC20100325-19, -21)
The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair,
John Tucker, spoke to the report and answered questions.
It was moved by John Tucker, Chair, Finance Committee, and
That Council approve the following recommendations:
- that the Reserve for Working Capital be set at $2,849,000
- that the Reserve for Fee Stabilization be set at $963,000
- that the Reserve for Stabilization of Facility Costs be set at $9,721,000
- that the Unappropriated Members' Equity be set at $444,000.
12.1.2 Unaudited Financial Report as at
December 31, 2009 (GC20100325-20)
The Ontario College of Teachers Unaudited Financial Report as at December 31, 2009 was received. The Finance Committee Chair spoke to the report and answered questions.
12.2 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (GC20100325-22, -23)
The reports of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee were received. The Chair, Sharon Young Kipp, spoke to the reports and noted the consultation process used in developing Additional Qualification courses.
12.3 Accreditation Committee (GC20100325-24)
The report of the Accreditation Committee was received. The Chair,
Ruth Ann Penny, spoke to the report and answered questions. Placards entitled: “Ontario College of Teachers - Guiding Principles for Accreditation” and Ontario College of Teachers — Guiding Principles for Accreditation Committee Decisions” were shown to Council members.
12.4 Accreditation Appeal Committee (GC20100325-25)
The report of the Accreditation Appeal Committee was received. The Chair, John Tucker, spoke to the report.
12.5 Human Resources Committee (GC20100325-26. -27)
The reports of the Human Resources Committee were received. The Chair,
Mel Greif, spoke to the reports.
12.6 Editorial Board (GC20100325-28)
The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Annilee Jarvis, spoke to the report and answered questions.
12.7 Election (GC20100325-29)
The report of the Election Committee was received. The Chair, Mel Greif, spoke to the report.
12.8 Quality Assurance (GC20100325-32)
The report of the Quality Assurance Committee was received. The Chair, Clyde Glasgow, spoke to the report.
13. Correspondence (GC20100325-33 to 43)
The following items of correspondence were received for information:
- Letter to the Minister of Education re the Issuance of Publication Bans under the Ontario College of Teachers Act and Response (GC20100325-33)
- Letter to the Minister of Education re Full-Day Kindergarten Staffing (GC20100325-34)
- Letter of Recognition from the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) re Kindergarten and Occasional Teacher Additional Qualification Course (GC20100325-35)
- Letter from AEFO re the Early Learning Program and Response (GC20100325-36)
- Letter to Minister of Education re Amendments to the Teachers
Qualifications Regulation 184/97 and Response (GC20100325-37)
- Letter from George Heighington, OCT re Technological Education Teacher Preparation and Response (GC20100325-38)
- Letter of Congratulations to new Minister of Education, Leona Dombrowsky (GC20100325-39)
- Letter of Congratulations to past Minister of Education, Kathleen Wynne and Response (GC20100325-40)
- Letter from Ginette Spence, OCT re Unqualified Teachers in the Classroom and Response (GC20100325-41)
- Letter to the Minister of Education re Concerns Regarding the Teacher Performance Appraisal Reporting Process (GC20100325-42)
- Letter to Minister of Finance re Public Service Bodies and the HST Rebate (GC20100325-43)
14. New Business
14.1 Proposed College Bylaw Amendment re Section 18 — College Publication (GC20100325-44, -45)
The Registrar spoke to this item and explained the reason for the amendment.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve that an additional subsection be added to Section 18.10 - College Publication of the bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers, to read as follows:
18.10 The Editorial Board that completes its term of office on June 30 of an election year continues to oversee the consideration of copy and advertising for the September issue of Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession.
There were no Notices of Motion to consider.
- June 3, 2010 (Annual Meeting of Members)
- June 3-4, 2010
Certificates of Professional Designation were handed out to current members and those members who served on the 4th Council in recognition of their involvement in the establishment of the professional designation.
The Chair advised members that the Ontario College of Teachers’ Foundation meeting had been cancelled and would be rescheduled in May.
The Chair noted that over $300 had been raised in support of the Epilepsy Foundation.
The Chair thanked Douglas McCarthy for presiding over the meeting.
17. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Signed: Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT |
Signed: Registrar, Michael Salvatori, OCT |
Dated: |
Dated: |