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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of the Third Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, held on May 9, 2003 in the Council Chambers, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order, Welcome and Introduction of Council Members

2. Agenda

3. Election Committee Report

4. Registrar’s Report

5. Nomination Committee Report

6. Selection of Committee Chairs by Committees

7. Appointment of Presiding Officer

8. Future Meetings of Council

9. Appointment of Committee Chairs by Council

10. Notices of Motion

11. Next Regular Meeting

12. Adjournment

Present: Bernard J. Adam, Paul Brazeau, Jackie Breithaupt, Donald Cattani, Ted Coulson, Ernie Checkeris, Janet Cornwall, Patrick Daly, Suzanne De Froy, Pauline Demers, Rosemary Fontaine, Normand Fortin, Gordon Hough, Nancy Hutcheson, Martin Kings, Marilyn Laframboise (Chair), Diane Leblovic, Elayne McDermid, Karen Mitchell, Harry Mulvale, Iain Munro, Pierrette Nadeau, Janet Ouellette, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, Jennifer Pitt, Patrick Slack, David Somer, Rick Victor, Hilda Watkins, Lila Mae (Lou) Watson, W. Douglas Wilson (Registrar)

Present by teleconference: Larry Mongeon (from 9:30 am to 10:50 am and from 11:50 am to 12:30 pm)

Guests: Douglas Brown, L. Thomas Forbes (McCarthy Tétrault)

Staff: Peter Alexander, Margaret Aubé, Kim Bauer, Rosemary Gannon, Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Brian McGowan, Helen Melanson, Charlie Morrison, Lynda Palazzi, Katherin Platt

1. Call to Order, Welcome and Introduction of Council Members

The Registrar, W. Douglas Wilson, called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. The Registrar welcomed Council and introduced the members of Council by means of a slide presentation.

The Registrar informed members of Council that the Minister of Education had declined the invitation to address Council.

2. Agenda (GC20030509-76)

It was moved by Bernard Adam, seconded by Harry Mulvale, and


That the Agenda for the Inaugural Meeting of the Third Council held on May 9, 2003 be approved.

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Paul Brazeau

Jackie Breithaupt

Donald Cattani

Ted Coulson

Ernie Checkeris

Patrick Daly

Suzanne De Froy

Pauline Demers

Rosemary Fontaine

Normand Fortin

Gordon Hough

Nancy Hutcheson

Martin Kings

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Karen Mitchell

Larry Mongeon

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Pierrette Nadeau

Janet Ouellette

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Jennifer Pitt

Patrick Slack

David Somer

Rick Victor

Hilda Watkins

Lou Watson

For: 29

Against: 0

Absent: 2

3. Election Committee Report

3.1 Report on the Election Results (GC20030509-77)

The Registrar presented the report on the election results to Council and answered questions.

3.2 Destruction of Ballot Returns

It was moved by Janet Ouellette, seconded by Patrick Daly, and


That the electronic ballots associated with the 2003 Council Election be destroyed.

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Paul Brazeau

Jackie Breithaupt

Donald Cattani

Ted Coulson

Ernie Checkeris

Patrick Daly

Suzanne De Froy

Pauline Demers

Rosemary Fontaine

Normand Fortin

Gordon Hough

Nancy Hutcheson

Martin Kings

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Larry Mongeon

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Pierrette Nadeau

Janet Ouellette

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Jennifer Pitt

Patrick Slack

David Somer

Rick Victor

Hilda Watkins

Lou Watson

For: 30

Against: 0

Absent: 1

4. Registrar’s Report (GC20030509-78)

The Registrar’s Report was received. W. Douglas Wilson spoke to the report and answered questions.

5. Nomination Committee Report (GC20030509-79)

The report of the Nomination Committee was received. Douglas Brown, Chair, Nomination Committee, presented the report and answered questions.

5.1 Election of Chair of Council

It was moved by Elayne McDermid, seconded by Janet Cornwall,


That Council approve Marilyn Laframboise as Chair of Council.

Marilyn Laframboise then assumed the Chair.

5.2 Election of Vice-Chair of Council

It was moved by Rick Victor and seconded by Patrick Daly, “That Janet Ouellette be appointed Vice-Chair of Council”.

It was moved by Janet Cornwall and seconded by Bernard Adam, “That Nancy Hutcheson be appointed Vice-Chair of Council.”

The nominees, Nancy Hutcheson and Janet Ouellette, briefly addressed Council. As two nominations were received for the position of Vice-Chair, ballots were distributed.

The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, then declared:

That Nancy Hutchson be appointed Vice-Chair of Council.

It was moved by Ted Coulson, seconded by Rick Victor, and


That the ballots associated with the election of Vice-Chair be destroyed.

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Paul Brazeau

Jackie Breithaupt

Donald Cattani

Ted Coulson

Ernie Checkeris

Janet Cornwall

Patrick Daly

Suzanne De Froy

Pauline Demers

Rosemary Fontaine

Normand Fortin

Gordon Hough

Nancy Hutcheson

Martin Kings

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Pierrette Nadeau

Janet Ouellette

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Jennifer Pitt

Patrick Slack

David Somer

Rick Victor

Hilda Watkins

Lou Watson

For: 30

Against: 0

Absent: 1

It was determined that Larry Mongeon was no longer present on the teleconference line.

5.3 Appointment of Committees

It was moved by Janet Cornwall, seconded by David Somer, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Standards of Practice and Education Committee for a one-year term renewable:

Suzanne DeFroy (e)

Nancy Hutcheson (e)

Harry Mulvale (e)

Janet Ouellette (e)

Jennifer Pitt (e)

Ernie Checkeris (a)

Diane Leblovic (a)

Karen Mitchell (a)

Lou Watson (a)

It was moved by Diane Leblovic, seconded by Nancy Hutcheson, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Finance Committee for a one-year term renewable:

Marilyn Laframboise (e)

Elizabeth Papadopoulos (e)

Rick Victor (e)

Patrick Daly (a)

Martin Kings (a)

It was moved by Ernie Checkeris, seconded by Lou Watson, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Accreditation Committee:

Paul Brazeau (e)

Gordon Hough (e)

Iain Munro (e)

Pierrette Nadeau (e)

Rick Victor (e)

Jackie Breithaupt (a)

Pauline Demers (a)

Elayne McDermid (a)

Patrick Slack (a)

It was moved by Patrick Slack, seconded by Rosemary Fontaine, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Accreditation Appeals Committee:

Ted Coulson (e)

Elizabeth Papadopoulos (e)

Hilda Watkins (e)

Janet Cornwall (a)

Normand Fortin (a)

It was moved by Normand Fortin, seconded by Elizabeth Papadopoulos, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Registration Appeals Committee:

Bernard Adam (e)

Ted Coulson (e)

Janet Ouellette (e)

Jackie Breithaupt (a)

David Somer (a)

It was moved by Iain Munro, seconded by Pauline Demers, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Professional Learning Committee:

Bernard Adam (e)

Suzanne DeFroy (e)

Martin Kings (a)

Elayne McDermid (a)

Martha Barrett (College Member-at-large)

Audrey Hadfield (College Member-at-large)

It was moved by Bernard Adam, seconded by Don Cattani, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Investigation Committee:

Paul Brazeau (e)

Gordon Hough (e)

Iain Munro (e)

Harry Mulvale (e)

Elizabeth Papadopoulos (e)

Jennifer Pitt (e)

Patrick Daly (a)

Patrick Slack (a)

David Somer (a)

It was moved by Elizabeth Papadopoulos, seconded by David Somer, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Discipline Committee:

Bernard Adam (e)

Don Cattani (e)

Rosemary Fontaine (e)

Nancy Hutcheson (e)

Marilyn Laframboise (e)

Pierrette Nadeau (e)

Rick Victor (e)

Hilda Watkins (e)

Ernie Checkeris (a)

Janet Cornwall (a)

Pauline Demers (a)

Diane Leblovic (a)

Karen Mitchell (a)

It was moved by Paul Brazeau and seconded by Martin Kings, “That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Fitness to Practise Committee: Don Cattani (e), Rosemary Fontaine (e), Pierrette Nadeau (e), Janet Ouellette (e), Jackie Breithaupt (a), Elayne McDermid (a), Lou Watson (a).”

A discussion ensued about the need for an appointed francophone member to serve on a Fitness to Practise Committee panel.

It was moved by Marilyn Laframboise, seconded by Nancy Hutcheson, “That the motion be amended by adding Pauline Demers (a) to the Fitness to Practise Committee.”

Elayne McDermid withdrew her name from the Fitness to Practise Committee.

Larry Mongeon noted that due to technical difficulties he had been unable to be present on the teleconference line.

It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Don Cattani, and


That the amendment to the motion be amended by deleting the name of Elayne McDermid from the list of candidates to the Fitness to Practise Committee and substituting Pauline Demers (a) to that list.

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Paul Brazeau

Jackie Breithaupt

Donald Cattani

Ted Coulson

Ernie Checkeris

Janet Cornwall

Patrick Daly

Suzanne De Froy

Pauline Demers

Rosemary Fontaine

Normand Fortin

Gordon Hough

Nancy Hutcheson

Martin Kings

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Larry Mongeon

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Pierrette Nadeau

Janet Ouellette

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Jennifer Pitt

Patrick Slack

David Somer

Rick Victor

Hilda Watkins

Lou Watson

For: 31

Against: 0

Absent: 0

A vote was taken on the main motion as amended, and it was


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Fitness to Practise Committee:

Don Cattani (e)

Rosemary Fontaine (e)

Pierrette Nadeau (e)

Janet Ouellette (e)

Jackie Breithaupt (a)

Pauline Demers (a)

Lou Watson (a)

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Paul Brazeau

Jackie Breithaupt

Donald Cattani

Ted Coulson

Ernie Checkeris

Janet Cornwall

Patrick Daly

Suzanne De Froy

Pauline Demers

Rosemary Fontaine

Normand Fortin

Gordon Hough

Nancy Hutcheson

Martin Kings

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Larry Mongeon

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Pierrette Nadeau

Janet Ouellette

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Jennifer Pitt

Patrick Slack

David Somer

Rick Victor

Hilda Watkins

Lou Watson

For: 31

Against: 0

Absent: 0

It was moved by Ted Coulson, seconded by Rosemary Fontaine, and


That Council extend the meeting by an additional 45 minutes.

6. Selection of Committee Chairs by Committees

Committee members were directed to various rooms at specific meeting times to select their respective Committee Chairs.

Larry Mongeon indicated that he would be leaving the meeting at this time.

7. Appointment of Presiding Officer

It was moved by Patrick Daly, seconded by Diane Leblovic, and


That Council appoint George Merrett as the Presiding Officer of Council.

8. Future Meetings of Council (GC20030509-80)

A discussion ensued about the proposed Annual Meeting of Members date scheduled for June 5, 2003.

It was moved by Rick Victor, seconded by Don Cattani, and


That the Annual Meeting of Members be held on September 6, 2003.

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Jackie Breithaupt

Paul Brazeau

Ernie Checkeris

Donald Cattani

Janet Cornwall

Ted Coulson

Karen Mitchell

Patrick Daly

Iain Munro

Suzanne De Froy

Janet Ouellette

Pauline Demers

Jennifer Pitt

Rosemary Fontaine

Patrick Slack

Normand Fortin

David Somer

Gordon Hough

Lou Watson

Nancy Hutcheson

Martin Kings

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Elayne McDermid

Pierrette Nadeau

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Rick Victor

Hilda Watkins

For: 19

Against: 10

Absent: 2

It was moved by Jackie Breithaupt, seconded by Bernard J. Adam, and


That Council approve the meeting dates as outlined in GC20030509-80 as amended.

It was moved by Jackie Breithaupt, seconded by Diane Leblovic, and


That Council extend the meeting for an additional 25 minutes.

9. Appointment of Committee Chairs by Council

It was moved by Ernie Checkeris, seconded by Karen Mitchell, and


That Council appoint Diane Leblovic as Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee.

It was moved by Patrick Slack, seconded by Jackie Breithaupt, and


That Council appoint Patrick Daly as Chair of the Finance Committee.

It was moved by Patrick Daly, seconded by Diane Leblovic, and


That Council appoint Rick Victor as Chair of the Accreditation Committee.

It was moved by Paul Brazeau, seconded by David Somer, and


That Council appoint Elizabeth Papadopoulos as Chair of the Accreditation Appeals Committee.

It was moved by Lou Watson, seconded by Suzanne De Froy, and


That Council appoint Janet Ouellette as Chair of the Registration Appeals Committee.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, seconded by Rosemary Fontaine, and


That Council appoint Harry Mulvale as Chair of the Investigation Committee.

It was moved by Karen Mitchell, seconded by Pauline Demers, and


That Council appoint Bernard Adam as Chair of the Discipline Committee.

It was moved by Elayne McDermid, seconded by Jackie Breithaupt, and


That Council appoint Lou Watson as Chair of the Fitness to Practise Committee.

10. Notices of Motion (GC20030509-81)

The following Notice of Motion was read into the minutes:

Amendment to Bylaws — Section 23 - Accreditation Fees

That Council approve the following amendments to section 23 of the bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers:

23.11 The application fee for accreditation of programs of professional education be:

  1. $ 8,000 for 2003
  2. $ 8,000 for subsequent years, or as may be amended from time to time by the amendment of these bylaws.

23.12 The renewal fee for application for accreditation of programs of professional education be:

  • $ 8,000 for 2003
  • $ 8,000 for subsequent years, or as may be amended from time to time by the amendment of these bylaws.

23.13 The application fee for accreditation of an Additional Qualification listed in Regulation 184/97, including Principal's Qualification Program (PQP) and Supervisory Officer's Qualification Program (SOQP) be:

  1. $ 200 for 2004
  2. $ 200 for subsequent years, or as may be amended from time to time by the amendment of these bylaws.
23.14 The renewal fee for application for accreditation of an Additional Qualification listed in Regulation 184/97, including Principal's Qualification Program (PQP) and Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program (SOQP) be:
  1. $ 200 for 2004
  2. $ 200 for subsequent years, or as may be amended from time to time by the amendment of these bylaws.

11. Next Regular Meeting

  • September 25-26, 2003

The Chair reminded members that a group photo would be taken of Council members immediately upon adjournment of the Council meeting.

Council members were provided with a copy of the Professional Learning Framework (GC20030509-83).

12. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.

Signed: Chair, Marilyn Laframboise


Signed: Registrar, W. Douglas Wilson


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