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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, held on January 29, 2001 in Council Chamber B, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto.

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order

2. Agenda

3. Business

4. Notice of Motion

5. Adjournment

Present: Bernard J. Adam, Samy Appadurai, Guill Archambault, Jackie Breithaupt (by telephone), Doug Brown, Sterling Campbell, Larry Capstick (Chair), Doug Carter, Ernie Checkeris, Janet Cornwall, Pat Daly (until 3:40pm), Karl Dean, Margaret Dempsey, Jerry DeQuetteville, Solette N. Gelberg, Audrey Hadfield (by telephone), Nancy Hutcheson, Marilyn Laframboise (Vice-Chair), Diane Leblovic, Mark Lefebvre, Dick Malowney (by telephone - absent between 3:00-3:20pm), Elayne McDermid, Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, Harry Mulvale, Iain Munro, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, Rich Prophet, David Somer, Frances Thorne, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson (Registrar)

Guests: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault)

Staff: Peter Alexander, Kathy Anstett, Margaret Aubé, Linda Grant, Genny Humby, Richard Lewko, Judith Mathieu, Charlie Morrison, Pat O'Neill, Lynda Palazzi

Regrets: Martin Kings

1. Call to Order

The Chair, Larry Capstick, called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m. and welcomed all present. Council was reminded that the Steering Committee comprised of Marilyn Laframboise and Solette N. Gelberg.

2. Agenda (GC20010129-1 )

It was agreed to add the following new items to the Agenda:

Update by the Registrar on: a) Teacher Testing and b) Robins' Report; Timelines/Process for the Preparation of Annual Report; and the OISE/UT Survey.

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Agenda for the January 29, 2001 Special Meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers be approved as amended.

3. Business

3.1 Appointment of Presiding Officer (GC20010129-2)

It was moved by Larry Capstick and seconded by Marilyn Laframboise, "That George Merrett be appointed Presiding Officer for the term of the Second Council of the Ontario College of Teachers."

A discussion ensued on the development of a roster of speakers in the event that a designated speaker was unable to attend.

There being no objection, the motion was amended to read: "That George Merrett be appointed as a Presiding Officer for the term of the Second Council of the Ontario College of Teachers."

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That George Merrett be appointed as a Presiding Officer for the term of the Second Council of the Ontario College of Teachers.

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Rich Prophet

Samy Appadurai

Guill Archambault

Jackie Breithaupt

Doug Brown

Sterling Campbell

Larry Capstick

Doug Carter

Ernie Checkeris

Janet Cornwall

Pat Daly

Karl Dean

Margaret Dempsey

Jerry DeQuetteville

Solette N. Gelberg

Audrey Hadfield

Nancy Hutcheson

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Mark Lefebvre

Dick Malowney

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Larry Mongeon

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

David Somer

Frances Thorne

For: 29 Against: 1

George Merrett assumed the role of Presiding Officer. He explained the procedure that would be adopted during the debate.

3.2 Bylaws Amendment - Code of Ethics (GC20010129- 3)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the deletion of the existing subsection 19.01, and by the renaming of the remaining text and title of Section 19, to read:

“Section 19 — Code of Ethics for Council Members
There shall be a Code of Ethics for members of the Council which shall be the Code of Ethics for Council Members adopted from time to time by the Council. (See Schedule 1).”

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Samy Appadurai

Guill Archambault

Jackie Breithaupt

Doug Brown

Sterling Campbell

Larry Capstick

Doug Carter

Ernie Checkeris

Janet Cornwall

Pat Daly

Karl Dean

Margaret Dempsey

Jerry DeQuetteville

Solette N. Gelberg

Audrey Hadfield

Nancy Hutcheson

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Mark Lefebvre

Dick Malowney

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Larry Mongeon

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Rich Prophet

David Somer

Frances Thorne

For: 30

Against: 0

3.3 Bylaws Amendment - Special Committees Human Resources Committee (GC20010129- 4)

It was moved by Doug Carter and seconded by Bernard J. Adam, "That Section 6 of the Bylaws of the College be amended by:

i) The addition of subsection 6.01 (e) to read: “6.01(e) Human Resources Committee”

ii) Inserting a new subsection 6.06 to read:

“6.06 Human Resources Committee

  1. The Executive shall appoint 5 members of Council to the Human Resources Committee.

  2. The Committee shall consist of the Chair of Council, the Vice-Chair and an additional 3 members of Council.

  3. Two members of the Human Resources Committee shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under Clause 4 (2) (b) of the Act.

  4. Three members of the Human Resources Committee shall be persons who were elected to Council under clause 4(2)(a) of the Act.

  5. The Human Resources Committee shall:

    1. monitor the implementation of the Salary Administration Program on an annual basis.

    2. advise Council on the process for hiring the Registrar and Deputy Registrar

    3. make recommendations to Council regarding the Human Resources policies of the College”

iii) Renumbering of all following subsections.

It was moved by Sterling Campbell and seconded by Harry Mulvale, "That the motion be amended by the deletion and substitution of ii(b) to read as follows: (b) One member of the Committee shall be the Chair of Council or the Vice-Chair of Council and there shall be an additional 4 members of Council."

A vote was taken on the amendment to the motion, and it was


That the motion be amended by deletion and substitution of ii(b) to read as follows: (b) One member of the Committee shall be the Chair of Council or the Vice-Chair of Council and there shall be an additional 4 members of Council."

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Samy Appadurai

Guill Archambault

Jackie Breithaupt

Doug Brown

Sterling Campbell

Larry Capstick

Doug Carter

Ernie Checkeris

Janet Cornwall

Pat Daly

Karl Dean

Margaret Dempsey

Jerry DeQuetteville

Solette N. Gelberg

Audrey Hadfield

Nancy Hutcheson

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Mark Lefebvre

Dick Malowney

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Larry Mongeon

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Rich Prophet

David Somer

Frances Thorne

For: 30 Against: 0

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That Section 6 of the Bylaws of the College be amended by:

i) The addition of subsection 6.01 (e) to read:

“6.01(e) Human Resources Committee”

ii) Inserting a new subsection 6.06 to read:

“6.06 Human Resources Committee

  1. The Executive shall appoint 5 members of Council to the Human Resources Committee.

  2. One member of the Committee shall be the Chair of Council or the Vice-Chair of Council and there shall be an additional 4 members of Council.

  3. Two members of the Human Resources Committee shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under Clause 4 (2) (b) of the Act.

  4. Three members of the Human Resources Committee shall be persons who were elected to Council under clause 4(2)(a) of the Act.

  5. The Human Resources Committee shall:

  1. monitor the implementation of the Salary Administration Program on an annual basis.

  2. advise Council on the process for hiring the Registrar and Deputy Registrar.

  3. make recommendations to Council regarding the Human Resources policies of the College.

iii) Renumbering of all following subsections.

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Jackie Breithaupt

Samy Appadurai

Ernie Checkeris

Guill Archambault

Solette N. Gelberg

Doug Brown

David Somer

Sterling Campbell

Frances Thorne

Larry Capstick

Doug Carter

Janet Cornwall

Pat Daly

Karl Dean

Margaret Dempsey

Jerry DeQuetteville

Audrey Hadfield

Nancy Hutcheson

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Mark Lefebvre

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Larry Mongeon

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Rich Prophet

For: 24 Against: 5

3.4 Bylaws Amendment - Special Committees Editorial Board (GC20010129-5)

It was moved by Doug Carter and seconded by Rich Prophet, "That Section 6 of the Bylaws of the College be amended by:

i) The addition of subsection 6.01 (d) to read “ 6.01 (d) Editorial Board.”

ii) Inserting a new subsection 6.05 to read:

“6.05 Editorial Board

a) The Executive Committee shall appoint 5 members of Council to the Editorial Board.

b) Two members of the Editorial Board shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under clause 4 (2) (b) of the Act.

c) Three of the members of the Editorial Board shall be persons who were elected to Council under clause 4(2) (a) of the Act.

d) The Editorial Board shall:

i) oversee the publication of the College’s official publication Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession, including the development of editorial and advertising policy.

ii) consider copy for publication.”

iii) Renumbering all following subsections.

It was moved by Larry Capstick and seconded by Marilyn Laframboise, "That the motion be referred to the Executive Committee for consideration of the appropriate location in the Bylaws."

It was moved by Ernie Checkeris, "That the question be put."

The Presiding Officer noted that there was support for this motion.

A vote was taken on the referral motion, and it was


That the following motion be referred to the Executive Committee for consideration of the appropriate location in the Bylaws:

That Section 6 of the Bylaws of the College be amended by:

i) The addition of subsection 6.01 (d) to read “ 6.01 (d) Editorial Board.”

ii) Inserting a new subsection 6.05 to read:

“6.05 Editorial Board

a) The Executive Committee shall appoint 5 members of Council to the Editorial Board.

b) Two members of the Editorial Board shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under clause 4 (2) (b) of the Act.

c) Three of the members of the Editorial Board shall be persons who were elected to Council under clause 4(2) (a) of the Act.

d) The Editorial Board shall:

i) oversee the publication of the College’s official publication Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession, including the development of editorial and advertising policy

ii) consider copy for publication.”

iii) Renumbering all following subsections.

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Samy Appadurai

Guill Archambault

Jackie Breithaupt

Doug Brown

Sterling Campbell

Larry Capstick

Doug Carter

Ernie Checkeris

Janet Cornwall

Pat Daly

Karl Dean

Margaret Dempsey

Jerry DeQuetteville

Solette N. Gelberg

Audrey Hadfield

Nancy Hutcheson

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Mark Lefebvre

Dick Malowney

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Larry Mongeon

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Rich Prophet

David Somer

Frances Thorne

For: 30 Against: 0

3.5 Bylaws Amendment - Annual Membership Fees (GC20010129-6)

It was moved by Solette Gelberg, Chair of the Finance Committee, "That subsection 21.04 of the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by substitution so that 21.04 would read:

"21.04 The annual fee shall be:

(a) $110 for 2002

(b) $110 for subsequent years, or as may be amended from time to time, by the amendment of these bylaws."

It was moved by David Somer and seconded by Diane Leblovic, "That the motion be referred back to the Finance Committee for further consideration and report to the March 22-23, 2001 Council meeting."

A vote was taken on the referral motion, and it was


That the following motion be referred back to the Finance Committee for further consideration and report to the March 22-23, 2001 Council meeting:

That subsection 21.04 of the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by substitution so that 21.04 would read:

"21.04 The annual fee shall be:

(a) $110 for 2002

(b) $110 for subsequent years, or as may be amended from time to time, by the amendment of these bylaws."

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Samy Appadurai

Guill Archambault

Jackie Breithaupt

Doug Brown

Sterling Campbell

Larry Capstick

Doug Carter

Ernie Checkeris

Janet Cornwall

Karl Dean

Margaret Dempsey

Jerry DeQuetteville

Solette N. Gelberg

Audrey Hadfield

Nancy Hutcheson

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Mark Lefebvre

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Larry Mongeon

Harry Mulvale

Iain Munro

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Rich Prophet

David Somer

Frances Thorne

For: 28

Against: 0

3.6 Budget Process (GC20010129-7)

It was moved by Sterling Campbell and seconded by Elizabeth Papadopoulos, "That staff consider the zero based budget flat line budgeting process for the year 2002 budget year to be implemented at the start of the staff deliberation regarding budget."

It was moved by David Somer and seconded by Diane Leblovic, "That the motion be referred back to the Finance Committee for further consideration and report to the March 22-23, 2001 Council meeting."

It was moved by Margaret Dempsey, "That the question be put."

The Presiding Officer noted that there was support for this motion.

A vote was taken on the referral motion, and it was


That the following motion be referred back to the Finance Committee for further consideration and report to the March 22-23, 2001 Council meeting:

That staff consider the zero based budget flat line budgeting process for the year 2002 budget year to be implemented at the start of the staff deliberation regarding budget.

Recorded Vote:



Bernard J. Adam

Guill Archambault

Samy Appadurai

Sterling Campbell

Jackie Breithaupt

Ernie Checkeris

Doug Brown

Jerry DeQuetteville

Larry Capstick

Harry Mulvale

Doug Carter

Elizabeth Papadopoulos

Janet Cornwall

Rich Prophet

Karl Dean

Margaret Dempsey

Solette N. Gelberg

Audrey Hadfield

Nancy Hutcheson

Marilyn Laframboise

Diane Leblovic

Mark Lefebvre

Elayne McDermid

Karen Mitchell

Larry Mongeon

Iain Munro

David Somer

Frances Thorne

For: 21

Against: 7

3.7 Report from Accreditation Committee, Special Meeting, October 27, 2000 (GC20010129-8)

It was moved by Larry Capstick, seconded by Marilyn Laframboise, and


That Council move into an in camera session with members of Council and staff present.

Council moved into an in camera session at 4:15 p.m.

Council moved out of the in camera session at 4:40 p.m.

It was moved by Steering, and


That consideration of the Report from the Accreditation Committee, Special Meeting October 27, 2000 be deferred to the March 22-23 Council meeting.

3.8 Update by the Registrar

3.8.1 Teacher Testing Update (GC20010129-9)

The Registrar referred to the letter of intent from the Ministry of Education dated January 11, 2001 (GC20010129-9) re teacher testing implementation. The Registrar advised Council that Linda Grant and Doug Wilson would be the point people to the Teacher Standards Panel. A brief question and answer period followed.

An update on this issue would be presented to the Executive Committee on February 15-16, 2001.

3.8.2 Robins Report.

The Registrar updated Council on the work done to date on the Robins Report recommendations as it effected the College mandate. He reported that a working session for the appropriate stakeholder groups would be held on February 8, 2001 and that the Executive Committee would be examining the feedback and recommendations from this work session at its February 15-16, 2001 meeting.

It was agreed to add the following item to the agenda: Ontario Institute of Studies in Education (OISE)/University of Toronto Survey.

3.9 Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)/University of Toronto Survey

The Registrar responded to questions related to the College's involvement in the OISE/UT survey.

3.10 Timelines/Process for Preparation of the Annual Report

Comments expressed relating to the Timelines/Process for Preparation of the Annual Report were noted.

4. Notice of Motion

The following Notice of Motion was read into the minutes:

Prophet/ Somer

That staff develop a communication strategy to address the issue of communicating with the members of the Ontario College of Teachers for the purpose of developing a better understanding of the role of the College in the profession of teaching.

5. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

Signed: Chair, Larry M. Capstick


Signed: Registrar, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson


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