Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on October 1-2, 2007 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto
Table of Contents
1. Call to Order/Welcome
2. Agenda
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Minutes
5. Business Arising
6. Registrar’s Report
7. Chair’s Report
8. Committee Reports
9. Correspondence
10. New Business
11. Notices of Motion
12. Next Meetings of Council
13. Adjournment
SESSION 1: Monday, October 1
Present: Danny Anckle, Gabrielle Blais, Paul Brazeau, Don Cattani (Chair),
Brian Doubleday, Cynthia Farrar, Dean Favero, Laura Featherstone, Rosemary Fontaine, Nick Forte, Helen Fox, Mel Greif, Brent Hamelin, Garry Humphreys, Annilee Jarvis (Vice-Chair), Peter Joong,
Bill Kirkwood, Rollande Lavictoire, Anne Marie Levesque,
Bill Matheson, Heather Nagy, Jacques Pavesi, Ruth Ann Penny, Ijaz Rauf, Tanya Roberts, Susan Robertson, Tianna Travaglini-Babic,
Jacques Tremblay, John Tucker, Henry Tyndorf, Don Watson,
Hanno Weinberger, John Wells, Sharon Young Kipp, Brian P. McGowan (Registrar)
Regrets: Gordon Hough,
Presiding Officers: Bob Boyle, Peter Lipman
Legal Counsel: David Leonard (McCarthy Tétrault)
Staff: Kim Bauer, Peter Brown (from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.),
Francine Dutrisac, Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Lise Roy-Kolbusz (Deputy Registrar), Michael Salvatori, David Tallo, Linda Zaks-Walker
1. Call to Order/Welcome
Presiding Officer, Bob Boyle, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and welcomed all present.
It was noted that Annilee Jarvis and Don Watson comprised the Steering Committee.
The Chair, Don Cattani, welcomed three new appointed members to Council: Mel Greif, Rollande Lavictoire and Bill Kirkwood. He noted that Andrew Kane had resigned from Council.
It was agreed to amend the Agenda by the addition of the following item under New Business: French Advisory Committee.
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Agenda for the October 1-2, 2007 Council meeting be approved as amended.
No conflicts were declared.
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on
June 7, 2007 be approved.
5.1 Guidelines for the Compensation of Elected Members of Council (GC20071001-123, -124)
The Registrar noted that at the previous meeting of Council, he had undertaken to study and report to the October 1-2, 2007 Council Meeting on the existing Guidelines for the Compensation of Elected Members of Council and the inequity between elected and appointed member compensation.
The Executive Coordinator, Richard Lewko, spoke to the Compensation Policy for Elected Members of Council and answered questions.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council amend section 4.1 of the Guidelines for the Compensation of Elected Members of Council to include all statutory, standing and special committees.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council amend section 4.2 of the Guidelines for the Compensation of Elected Members of Council to include an accountability provision authorizing the Chair of a Committee, in consultation with the Registrar, to approve preparation time for committees of Council based on the actual agenda and the package being distributed.
Staff indicated that the Guidelines for the Compensation of Elected Members of Council document would be amended to reflect these changes, as well as any collateral impacts and recirculated to Council members.
5.2 Focus Groups - Council Member Attendance(GC20071001-125, -126)
The Protocol for Council Member Attendance at Focus Groups Related to Council Initiatives was received.
The Executive Coordinator spoke to the report and answered questions.
It was moved by Steering, “That Council approve the protocol re Council Member Attendance at Focus Groups Related to Council Initiatives as outlined in document GC20071001-125.”
It was moved by Brent Hamelin, seconded by Don Watson, and
That the question be put re Council Member Attendance at Focus Groups.
A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was
That Council approve the protocol re Council Member Attendance at Focus Groups Related to Council Initiatives as outlined in document GC20071001-125.
6.1 Report (GC20071001-127)
The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar, Brian P. McGowan, spoke to the report and answered questions.
The Registrar welcomed the new French Language Services Coordinator, Francine Dutrisac, to the meeting.
He informed Council members that he would regularly report on the “Future of Professional Regulation in Canada”. He advised members that an internal restructuring of departments had occurred at the College which now included the “Office of the Registrar”. The implementation of the Teachers’ Qualification Review and the Finance Unit were housed with this new Office. He also advised that the name of the “Professional Affairs” Department would be changing to the Standards of Practice and Accreditation Department.
6.2 Access to Discipline Decisions - Report(GC20071001-128C, -175)
The Accessibility of Discipline Decisions from Public Hearings — Registrar’s Report to Council was received. The Registrar, Brian P. McGowan, spoke to the report and answered questions.
The Registrar noted that “Accessibility of Discipline Decisions from Public Hearings — Background” (GC20071001-175) was for members’ information.
Peter Lipman assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
7.1 Report (GC20071001-129)
The report of the Chair was received. The Chair, Don Cattani, spoke to the report and answered questions.
8.1 Executive Committee (GC20071001-130)
The Executive Committee report was received. The Chair, Don Cattani, spoke to the report. The Chair provided an update on the Special Executive Committee meeting that had been held earlier that day. He reported that the Executive Committee had appointed Garry Humphreys to the Finance Committee, John Tucker to the Human Resources Committee and Jacques Pavesi to the Discipline Committee. He also reported that the Executive Committee had made a motion to direct the Fitness to Practise Committee to hold a hearing.
8.2 Investigation Committee (GC20071001-131, -132)
The reports of the Investigation Committee were received. The Chair,
Paul Brazeau, spoke to the reports.
8.3 Discipline Committee (GC20071001-133, -134)
The reports of the Discipline Committee were received. The Chair,
Jacques Tremblay, spoke to the reports. The Chair noted the legal opinion the Discipline Committee had received from Richard Steinecke (GC20071001-134, attachment 2).
8.4 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20071001-135)
The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair, Rosemary Fontaine, spoke to the report.
8.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20071001-136, -137)
The reports of the Registration Appeals Committee were received. The Chair, Dean Favero, spoke to the reports.
8.6 Finance Committee
8.6.1 Finance Committee Report (GC20071001-139, -140)
The Vice-Chair, John Wells, noted Andrew Kane’s contribution to the Finance Committee. The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Vice-Chair, John Wells, spoke to the report.
Legal advice was provided about Council members’ responsibility and level of risk in the event of a breach of confidentiality. Legal Counsel assured Council that after reviewing the security systems, due diligence was being appropriately exercised by the College and Council members.
8.6.2 2008 Budget (GC20071001-141)
The Deputy Registrar and Controller, Peter Brown, provided a page-by-page review of the 2008 Budget and answered questions.
It was moved by John Wells, Vice-Chair, Finance Committee, and
That Council approve the 2008 budget of the Ontario College of Teachers with operating revenues of $28,030,000, operating expenses of $29,519,000, and capital and deferred charges of $1,098,000.
8.6.3 Supplementary Report of the Finance Committee (GC20071001-142, -143)
The supplementary report of the Finance Committee was received. The Vice-Chair, John Wells, spoke to the report.
It was moved by John Wells, Vice-Chair, Finance Committee, “That Council establish an ad hoc committee to report to Council no later than March 27, 2008 on a plan for the stabilization of long term facility costs. The committee, composed of four elected and three appointed members of Council, should include two members of the Finance Committee.”
A discussion ensued on the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee.
It was moved by Brent Hamelin, and
That the question be put re the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee.
A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was
That Council establish an ad hoc committee to report to Council no later than March 27, 2008 on a plan for the stabilization of long term facility costs. The committee, composed of four elected and three appointed members of Council, should include two members of the Finance Committee.
The Chair of Council requested members of Council to inform him in writing of their interest in serving on the Ad Hoc Committee to consider the stabilization of long term facility costs.
8.6.4 Financial Report — July 2007(GC20071001-144)
The Ontario College of Teachers Financial Report for the period ended July 31, 2007 was received.
8.6.5 Financial Report — August 2007(GC20071001-170)
The Ontario College of Teachers Financial Report for the period ended August 31, 2007 was received.
8.7 Standards of Practice and Education Committee(GC20071001-145)
The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was received. The Chair, Nick Forte, spoke to the report.
8.8 Accreditation Committee (GC20071001-146, -147)
The reports of the Accreditation Committee were received. The Vice-Chair,
Ruth Ann Penny, spoke to the reports.
8.9 Accreditation Appeal Committee (GC20071001-148)
The report of the Accreditation Appeal Committee was received. The Chair, Brian Doubleday, spoke to the report.
8.10 Human Resources Committee (GC20071001-149)
The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Chair,
Paul Brazeau, spoke to the report. It was noted that the Case Study on The Ontario College of Teachers French Language Proficiency Assessment Project was funded by the Official Languages Support Branch of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
8.11 Editorial Board (GC20071001-150)
The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Annilee Jarvis, spoke to the report and answered questions. She welcomed Ijaz Rauf to the committee.
8.12 Election Committee (GC20071001-151)
The report of the Election Committee was received. The Chair, Tanya Roberts, spoke to the report and answered questions.
A discussion ensued on the attachment to the report, “Spring 2007 Focus Groups Ontario College of Teachers”.
8.13 Nomination Committee (GC20071001-152, -153)
The report of the Nomination Committee was received. The Chair, Laura Featherstone, spoke to the report.
The meeting recessed at 5:30 p.m.
SESSION 2: Tuesday, October 2
Present: Danny Anckle, Gabrielle Blais, Paul Brazeau, Don Cattani (Chair),
Brian Doubleday, Cynthia Farrar, Dean Favero, Laura Featherstone, Rosemary Fontaine, Nick Forte, Helen Fox, Mel Greif, Brent Hamelin, Garry Humphreys, Annilee Jarvis (Vice-Chair), Peter Joong,
Bill Kirkwood, Rollande Lavictoire, Anne Marie Levesque,
Bill Matheson, Heather Nagy, Jacques Pavesi, Ruth Ann Penny, Ijaz Rauf, Tanya Roberts, Susan Robertson, Tianna Travaglini-Babic,
Jacques Tremblay, John Tucker, Henry Tyndorf, Don Watson,
Hanno Weinberger, John Wells, Sharon Young Kipp, Brian P. McGowan (Registrar)
Regrets: Gordon Hough,
Presiding Officers: Bob Boyle, Peter Lipman
Legal Counsel: David Leonard (McCarthy Tétrault)
Staff: Marg Aubé, Kim Bauer, Francine Dutrisac, Myrtle Herzenberg,
Joe Jamieson, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Lise Roy-Kolbusz (Deputy Registrar), Michael Salvatori, David Tallo, Linda Zaks-Walker
The meeting resumed at 9:00 a.m.
Peter Lipman assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
8.14 Quality Assurance Committee (GC20071001-155, -156)
The report of the Quality Assurance Committee was received. The Chair, Sharon Young Kipp, spoke to the report. The Background Paper Establishing a Professional Designation for Members of the Ontario College of Teachers was noted.
It was moved by Sharon Young Kipp, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, and
That Council consider the establishment of a professional designation for teachers and that the Registrar report back to the March 27-28, 2008 Council meeting taking into account the following:
- Name to be used
- Criteria for use
- Implementation plan and enforcement
- Budget considerations
- Consultation Plan with College members, stakeholders and the public
- Legislative implications.
The following items of correspondence were received for information:
- Letter to the Minister of Education from the Chair of Council re Public Appointments to Council and the Minister’s Response (GC20071001-157)
- Letter from the Assistant Deputy Minister of Education to the Registrar re O. Reg. 342/07 and O. Reg. 343/07 (GC20071001-158)
- Memo from Minister Christopher Bentley re Teacher Education Expansion Funding (GC20071001-159)
- Letter from the Chair of Council and the Registrar to the Secretary Treasurer of the Ontario Teachers’ Federation re the College’s Teachers’ Network (GC20071001-160)
- Letter from the Chair of Council to the Minister of Education re the Review of the College’s Accreditation Regulation (GC20071001-161)
- Letter to Minister of Education from the Chair of Council re Public Appointee Resignation (GC20071001-162)
10.1 Council Member Travel Policy (GC20071001-163, -164, -173)
The Chair of Council noted that the Council Member Travel Policy had been the subject of the optional Council Member briefing session. A copy of the Travel Policy (GC20071001-173) with all changes tracked was distributed to members.
It was moved by Steering, “That Council approve in principle the Council Member Travel Policy (GC20071001-163) as amended with the recommendation that the Registrar undertake a review of the section titled: “Personal Meal Expenses” and report to the December 4-5, 2007 meeting of Council.”
It was moved by Brent Hamelin, seconded by Anne-Marie Levesque, “That the Ontario College of Teachers’ Council Member Travel Policy — Draft — October 1, 2007, page 13 be amended by deleting “...upon submission of the original detailed receipt showing items consumed, number of persons served, applicable tax and gratuities. Credit card receipts showing only the total are not acceptable for reimbursement” until the report of the Executive Committee is brought forward to the December Council meeting.”
It was moved by Bill Matheson, and
That the question be put re the amendment to the Council Member Travel Policy.
A vote was taken on the amended motion, and it was
That the Ontario College of Teachers’ Council Member Travel Policy — Draft — October 1, 2007, page 13 be amended by deleting “...upon submission of the original detailed receipt showing items consumed, number of persons served, applicable tax and gratuities. Credit card receipts showing only the total are not acceptable for reimbursement” until the report of the Executive Committee is brought forward to the December Council meeting.
It was moved by Brent Hamelin, seconded by John Tucker, and
That the Ontario College of Teachers’ Council Member Travel Policy — Draft — October 1, 2007, page 16 , expense receipts, final nugget be amended by deletion of, “which clearly detail the dates, number of persons served, items consumed, tax, tip and total. Credit card receipts showing only the total are not acceptable.”
A voted was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve in principle the Council Member Travel Policy (GC20071001-163) as amended with the recommendation that the Registrar undertake a review of the section titled: “Personal Meal Expenses” and report to the December 4-5, 2007 meeting of Council.
10.2 Initial Report on Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) (GC20071001-165)
The Initial Report to Council on the Development of a Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Policy Framework for the Ontario College of Teachers was received. The Registrar spoke to the report and answered questions.
10.3 Bylaw Amendments — Standards of Practice(GC20071001-166)
The Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, Nick Forte, explained the reasons for the amendments to the bylaws.
It was moved by Nick Forte, Chair, Standards of Practice and Education Committee, and
That Council approve that the French version of bylaw 32:01 (d) Leadership in Learning Communities be amended by addition, by inserting the word “sécuritaire” (safe) to read:
32:01 (d) Les membres encouragent la création de communautés d’apprentissage dans un milieu sécuritaire où règnent collaboration et appui, et y participent.
It was moved by Nick Forte, Chair, Standards of Practice and Education Committee, and
That Council approve that bylaw 32:02 (b) Respect be amended by substituting the word “are” for the word “is” to read:
The following are hereby prescribed as the ethical standards for the teaching profession:
(b) Intrinsic to the ethical standard of Respect are trust and fair-mindedness.
10.4 Appointment of Finance Committee Chair
The Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee, John Wells, reported that the Finance Committee had held a brief meeting on October 1, 2007 and elected John Tucker as Chair of the Committee.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council appoint John Tucker as the Chair of the Finance Committee.
The Chair of Council welcomed John Tucker to the Executive Committee.
10.5 French Advisory Committee
It was moved by Jacques Tremblay, seconded by Dean Favero, and
That Council consider the following motion at this time:
That Council approve that future College sponsored French Focus groups and French Advisory groups include at least one French language speaking member of Council.
It was moved by Don Cattani, seconded by Ruth Ann Penny, and
That the above motion be split: to consider first the French advisory groups and then the French focus groups.
It was moved by Jacques Tremblay and seconded by Dean Favero, “That future College-sponsored French advisory groups include at least one French-language speaking member of Council. “
It was agreed to delete the word “future” as a friendly amendment.
It was moved by Don Watson, seconded by Brent Hamelin, and
That Council table the following motion:
That Council approve that College-sponsored French advisory groups include at least one French-language speaking member of Council.
The Presiding Officer explained how the motion could be removed from the table.
A vote was taken on the second part of the split motion, and it was
That future College sponsored French focus groups include as an observer at least one French language speaking member of Council.
The following Notice of Motion from the Discipline Committee Report was read into the Minutes for consideration at the December 4-5, 2007 Council Meeting:
11.1 Bylaw Amendment — Publication of Discipline Committee Decisions (GC20071001-133)
Moved by Jacques Tremblay, Chair, Discipline Committee
That Council approve that the College Bylaws be amended by the addition of a new subsection to Section 18 — College Publication, immediately following subsection 18.02, to read as follows:
18.03 Notwithstanding subsection 18.02 above, publication of decisions, findings, and orders of a Discipline Committee shall be subject to the approval of the committee.
And that the remaining subsections be renumbered accordingly.
13. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
Signed: Chair, Don Cattani |
Signed: Registrar, Brian P. McGowan |
Dated: |
Dated: |