Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of a Meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, held on November 18 and 19, 1999, in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto.
Table of Contents
1. Call to Order and Welcome
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Minutes
4. New Business
5. Business Arising
6. Registrar’s Report
7. Committee Reports
8. Committee Reports (continued)
9. Correspondence
10. New Business
11. Notices of Motions
12. Next Meeting
13. Adjournment
Thursday, November 18, 1999
Present: Liz Barkley, Sandi Bell, Jackie Breithaupt, Bill Bryce, Sterling Campbell, Larry Capstick, Doug Carter, Paul Charron, Ernie Checkeris, Wayne Cornack, John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair), Patrick Daly, Margaret Dempsey, Solette Gelberg, Jean Hanson, Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair), Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, Harry Mulvale, Allen Pearson, Ron Rambarran, Cecilia Reynolds, William Rogers, John Slade, David Somer, Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs, Margaret Wilson (Registrar)
Speaker: Lise St-Eloi
Guests: Caroline Zayid (Legal Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault)
Staff: Kathy Anstett, Carmen Aranas, Joe Atkinson, Margaret Aubé, Linda Grant, Genny Humby, Marie-France Lefort, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Patrick O’Neill, Lynda Palazzi, Josie Peretti
1. Call to Order and Welcome
The Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
The Chair reminded Council members that the Steering Committee consisted of John Cruickshank and Kathleen McFadyen.
The Chair announced that the Minister of Education would deliver a speech to Council members at 4:00 p.m. followed by a question and answer period.
2. Approval of Agenda GC19991118-92
A proposed revised agenda was circulated. Harry Mulvale requested a timed item at 9:00 a.m. on November 19th to enable the Senior Investigator to be present for consideration of the report of the Investigation Committee.
It was moved and seconded by Steering, and
That Council approve the Agenda for the November 18-19, 1999 meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, as amended.
3. Minutes
3.1 Meeting, May 27-28, 1999 GC19991118-93
It was moved and seconded by Steering, and
That Council approve the Minutes of the May 27-28, 1999 meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers.
3.2 In-Camera Sessions, May 27-28, 1999 GC19991118-95C
It was moved and seconded by Steering, and
That Council approve the Minutes of the In-camera Sessions held during the meeting of Council of the Ontario College of Teachers on May 27, 1999.
3.3 Special Meeting, September 22, 1999 GC19991118-96
It was moved and seconded by Steering, and
That Council approve the Minutes of the September 22, 1999 Special Meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers.
4. New Business
4.1 Letter from Minister of Education about a Teacher Testing Program GC19991118-138
It was moved by Donna Marie Kennedy, seconded by John Cruickshank “that Council direct the Executive to create an Ad Hoc Committee comprised of 9 members (5 elected, 4 appointed) of the Council to study and report on the issues raised in the letter to the Chair from the Minister of Education dated November 10, 1999.”
It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen and
That the motion be amended by the insertion of the words, “to the Executive Committee and Council” so that the motion would read:
”That Council direct the Executive to create an Ad Hoc Committee comprised of 9 members (5 elected, 4 appointed) of the Council to study and report to the Executive Committee and Council on the issues raised in the letter to the Chair from the Minister of Education dated November 10, 1999”.
A vote was taken on the amended motion, and it was
That Council direct the Executive to create an Ad Hoc Committee comprised of 9 members (5 elected, 4 appointed) of the Council to study and report to the Executive Committee and Council on the issues raised in the letter to the Chair from the Minister of Education dated November 10, 1999.
It was moved by Bill Bryce and seconded by Liz Barkley, ”That the Minister be advised that this Council would request the Minister to reconsider the timeline for reporting of December 31, 1999 to June 30, 2000.
This motion required a two-thirds vote for consideration.
It was moved by Steering, but
That Council consider the Bryce/Barkley motion.
5. Business Arising
5.1 Election Regulation — Update
Richard Lewko provided an update on the election regulation.
A question and answer period followed.
5.2 Extension of Term of Council Regulation — Update
Richard Lewko provided an update on the Extension of Term of Council Regulation. A question and answer period followed.
5.3 Steering — Amendment to Bylaws re Presiding Officer GC19991118-122
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve that the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended as follows:
Subsection 3.08 be amended by substitution to read;
"Subject to the appointment of a Presiding Officer as set forth below, the Chair, or Vice-Chair in his/her absence, shall preside at meetings of the Council. The Chair, with the concurrence of the Vice-Chair and the approval of the Council, may select a person called the "Presiding Officer", who will conduct the business of the meeting and ensure that the rules of debate are observed, in the name of the Chair. In the absence of the Presiding Officer, Chair and Vice-Chair, the Council shall elect a person from among its members to temporarily act as and have all the powers of the Chair."
Subsection 3.10 be amended by substitution of the words 'Presiding Officer' for the word 'Chair' so that subsection 3.10 would read;
"…In the event of a roll call vote, the Presiding Officer shall require the Registrar to request each member in turn to record his or her vote and such vote will be recorded in the minute reporting on the motion under consideration".
Subsection 3.11 be amended by substitution to read;
"The Chair shall cause minutes of the proceedings of the Council meeting to be recorded, and the minutes of the Council meeting, when signed by the Chair are prima facie proof of the accuracy of the contents of every such record."
Subsection 4.07 be amended by substitution to read:
"The Chair of Council shall,
(a) preside at meetings of the Council, unless a Presiding Officer is selected in accordance with Section 3.08;
(b) be chairperson of the Executive Committee;
(c) perform all acts and deeds pertaining to the office of the Chair as provided for in the Bylaws or as may be decided by Council".
Subsection 4.08 be amended by substitution to read;
"The Vice-Chair of Council shall,
(a) in the absence of the Chair;
(i) preside at meetings of the Council; and
(ii) perform the duties of the Chair unless a Presiding Officer is selected in accordance with Section 3.08.
(b) be Vice-Chairperson of the Executive Committee."
6. Registrar’s Report GC19991118- 97
The Registrar’s Report was received. Margaret Wilson spoke to the report. A question and answer period followed.
7. Committee Reports
7.1 Executive Committee/Chair’s Report GC19991118-98, GC19991118-134
The Report of the Executive Committee/Chair’s report was received and a supplementary report was circulated at the meeting. The Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy, spoke to the report and answered questions.
7.1.1 Labour Mobility Agreement GC19991118-125
It was noted that Ministerial Confirmation of the Agreement had not been received. Further consideration was deferred pending its receipt.
7.1.2 Revised 2000 Meeting Dates GC19991118-128
It was moved and seconded by Steering “that Council approve the revised meeting dates for 2000”. It was agreed to insert the word “proposed” as a friendly amendment.
The motion was put, and
That Council approve the proposed revised meeting dates for 2000 (GC 19991118-128).
7.2 Discipline Committee GC19991118-99, GC19991118-100
The report of the Discipline Committee was received. The Chair, George Merrett, spoke to the report and answered questions. The Executive Committee review memo was also received.
It was moved and seconded by Steering, “That Council approve that the resolution made by the Registrar in relation to the number of members on the Discipline Committee be amended by the addition of the words “at least” so that the resolution would read: “The number of members of the Discipline Committee be at least eleven (11), of whom at least six shall be persons who were elected to the Council under clause 4(2)(a) of the Act, at least four shall be persons who were appointed to Council under clause 4(2)(b) of the Act:.”
It was moved by Harry Mulvale and seconded by Doug Carter that the main motion be referred to the Executive Subcommittee on Committee Membership.
A vote was taken on the Mulvale referral motion, but it was
That the motion for Steering be referred to the Executive Subcommittee on Committee Membership.
The main motion was put and
That Council approve that the resolution made by the Registrar in relation to the number of members on the Discipline Committee be amended by the addition of the words “at least” so that the resolution would read:
“The number of members of the Discipline committee be at least eleven (11), of whom at least six shall be persons who were elected to the Council under clause 4(2)(a) of the Act, at least four shall be persons who were appointed to Council under clause 4(2)(b) of the Act.
7.3 Fitness to Practise Committee GC19991118-101, GC19991118-102
The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report. The Executive Committee review memo was also received.
It was moved and seconded by Steering, and
That Council approve that the resolution made by the Registrar in relation to the number of members on the Fitness to Practise Committee be amended by the addition of the words “at least” so that the resolution would read:
“The numbers of members of the Fitness to Practise Committee be at least five (5) of whom at least three shall be persons who were elected to the Council under clause 4(2)(a) of the Act and at least two shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under clause 4(2)(b) of the Act.”
7.4 Registration Appeals Committee GC19991118-103, GC19991118-126
The report and a supplementary report of the Registration Appeals Committee were received.
It was moved by Jackie Breithaupt, Vice-Chair of the Committee, and
That Council appoint Doug Carter as Chair of the Registration Appeals Committee.
Council resolved with a two-thirds majority to consider the Report of the Accreditation Committee at this time.
7.5 Accreditation Committee GC19991118-106, GC19991118-107
The Chair of the Accreditation Committee, Cecilia Reynolds, presented the report and answered questions. The Executive Committee review memo was noted.
During discussion, the Speaker advised that the recommendation contained in the Committee report would be taken as a Notice of Motion for the
February 24, 2000 Council meeting as it involved a proposed change to the Bylaws of the College.
Doug Carter challenged the ruling.
The Speaker pointed out that the decision was made in accordance with Section
17.02 of the Bylaws of the College.
A vote was taken and the decision of the Speaker was upheld.
Further discussion on the Accreditation Committee Report was deferred until later in the meeting.
At 4:21 p.m. the Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy, welcomed the Minister of Education, Janet Ecker, to the meeting. The Minister addressed Council for 30 minutes and answered questions.
The meeting recessed at 5:06 p.m.
Present: Liz Barkley, Sandi Bell, Jackie Breithaupt, Bill Bryce, Sterling Campbell, Larry Capstick, Doug Carter, Paul Charron, Ernie Checkeris, Wayne Cornack, John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair), Patrick Daly, Margaret Dempsey, Solette Gelberg, Jean Hanson, Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair), Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, Harry Mulvale, Allen Pearson, Ron Rambarran, Cecilia Reynolds, William Rogers, John Slade, David Somer, Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs, Margaret Wilson, (Registrar)
Speaker: Lise St-Eloi
Guests: Caroline Zayid (Legal Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault)
Staff: Kathy Anstett, Carmen Aranas, Joe Atkinson, Margaret Aubé, Peter Brown, Linda Grant, Genny Humby, Marie-France Lefort, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Patrick O’Neill, Lynda Palazzi, Josie Peretti, Doug Wilson
The meeting resumed at 9:00 a.m.
8.1 Investigation Committee GC19991118-111, GC19991118-133 (revised)
The report of the Investigation Committee was received. Committee Chair, Harry Mulvale, spoke to the report and advised that since its circulation additional panel hearings had been held on November 2 and November 18, 1999. Revised statistics were provided. Karen Spector, Senior Investigator, spoke to a flow chart describing the investigation process.
8.2 Accreditation Committee (continued) GC19991118-106, GC19991118-107
Further clarification was provided regarding the notice of motion.
8.3 Standards of Practice and Education Committee GC19991118-104, GC19991118-137
The Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee presented the report, and a supplementary report. She introduced Doug Wilson, Manager of the Standards of Practice Unit who provided details of the changes suggested by the Committee to the standards of practice for the teaching profession document.
A question and answer period followed.
It was moved by Clarice West-Hobbs, Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, that Council approve the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession as revised by the Standards of Practice and Education Committee on November 12, 1999 (GC19991118-137).
It was moved by David Somer, seconded by Solette Gelberg, that the words “are descriptors” in the first line of the last paragraph of the inside front cover be replaced by the words “establish a basis”.
It was moved by Ron Rambarran, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and
That the question be put.
The Somer/Gelberg amendment motion was put but
That the words “are descriptors” in the first line of the last paragraph of the inside front cover be replaced by the words “establish a basis”.
It was moved by Donna Marie Kennedy, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and
That the question be put.
The West-Hobbs motion was put, and
CARRIED (unanimously),
That Council approve the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession as revised by the Standards of Practice and Education Committee on November 12, 1999 (GC19991118-137).
It was moved by Clarice West-Hobbs, Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, and
That the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession be reviewed by the Standards of Practice and Education Committee within the next five years.
It was moved by Clarice West-Hobbs, Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, and
That Council endorse in principle, the revised version of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession, October 1999 (GC19991118-104).
It was moved by Clarice West-Hobbs, Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, and
That Council approve that a validation process for the revised version of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession, October 1999 be initiated in December 1999 to be completed by May 1, 2000.
It was agreed to consider the report of the Election Committee at this time.
8.4 Election Committee
The Chair of the Election Committee, Doug Carter, reported that the Committee had not met.
It was agreed to consider the report of the Nomination Committee at this time.
8.5 Nomination Committee GC19991118-110
The report of the Nomination Committee was received.
It was agreed to consider the report of the Quality Assurance Committee at this time.
8.6 Quality Assurance Committee GC19991118-129
The Chair of the Quality Assurance Committee, Karen Mitchell, presented the report and answered questions.
At 11:55 a.m., Clarice West-Hobbs called for a point of privilege in order to make a presentation. She called Gary Adamson, Program Officer with the Standards of Practice Unit, forward to receive a gift and to wish him well on his retirement.
8.7 Executive Committee Report (continued) GC19991118-140
The Chair of the Executive Committee, Donna Marie Kennedy, circulated a second supplementary report which provided the following details of a special meeting of the Executive Committee held on November 19, 1999.
- Appointments to the Ad hoc Committee to Study and Report on the Issues Raised by the Minister of Education in her letter to the Chair, dated November 10, 1999
Frances Thorne
Bill Bryce
Kathleen McFadyen
Harry Mulvale
Alan Pearson
Ron Rambarran
Bill Rogers
Donna Marie Kennedy
Wayne Cornack
- Appointment to Discipline Committee - Ernie Checkeris
- Appointment to fill the vacancy on the Human Resources Advisory Subcommittee - Marilyn Laframboise
8.8 Finance Committee GC19991118-108, GC19991118-109, GC19991118-127, GC19991118-130
The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair of the Committee, Paul Charron, spoke to the report and answered questions.
It was moved by Paul Charron, Chair of the Finance Committee, and
That Council approve the 2000 Budget of the Ontario College of Teachers.
9. Correspondence GC19991118-112, GC19991118-113, GC19991118-114,GC19991118-115, GC19991118-116, GC19991118-117, GC19991118-118, GC19991118-119, GC19991118-120
The items of correspondence were received.
10. New Business
10.1 Protocol for Professional Development and Training for Council Members GC19991118-124
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the Protocol for Professional Development and Training for Council Members (GC19991118-124).
11. Notices of Motions
The following Notices of Motion were received for consideration at the
February 2000 Council meeting.
11.1 Moved by Clarice West-Hobbs, Chair, Standards of Practice and Education Committee
That the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of Section 32, to read:
“Section 32. Professional and Ethical Standards
32.01. a) The following are hereby prescribed as standards of practice for the teaching profession:
i) Commitment to Students and Student Learning;
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers demonstrate care for and commitment to students. They are dedicated to engaging and supporting student learning. They treat students equitably and with respect. They encourage students to grow as individuals and as contributing members of society. Members of the Ontario College of Teachers assist students to become life-long learners.
ii) Professional Knowledge
Professional knowledge is the foundation for teaching practice. Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know the curriculum, the subject matter, the student, and teaching practice. They know education-related legislation, methods for communication, and ways to teach in a changing world.
iii) Teaching Practice
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers apply professional knowledge and understanding of the student, curriculum, teaching and the changing context of the learning environment to promote student learning. They conduct ongoing assessment and evaluation of student progress. They modify and refine teaching practice through continuous reflection.
iv) Leadership and Community
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers are educational leaders who create and sustain learning communities in their classrooms, in their schools, and in their profession. They collaborate with their colleagues and other professionals, with parents, and with other members of the community to enhance school programs and student learning.
v) Ongoing Professional Learning
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers are learners who acknowledge the interdependence of teacher learning and student learning. They engage in a continuum of professional growth to improve their practice.”
11.2 Moved by Clarice West-Hobbs, Chair, Standards of Practice and Education Committee
Whereas the standards of practice for the teaching profession may be evidenced by, but are not limited to, key elements approved by Council.
Whereas the key elements are examples that offer expansion of the five statements that comprise the standards of practice.
That the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of section 32.01 b) to read:
“b) Key elements of the standards of practice for the teaching profession are set out in Schedule 2 hereto, and are hereby deemed to form part of this bylaw.
Schedule 2 — Key Elements
Commitment to Students and Student Learning
1.Demonstration of care and commitment
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) model for students the curiosity, enthusiasm, and joy of learning
(b) help students appreciate their own identity, to learn more of their cultural heritage, and to build self-esteem
(c) demonstrate concern for student character, peer relationships, and personal aspirations.
2.Support for student learning
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) understand and use a range of teaching methods to address learning, cultural, spiritual, and language differences, and family situations
(b) develop programs for students that incorporate a knowledge and understanding of human development and learning theory.
3.Equitable and respectful treatment
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) accommodate the differences in students and respect their diversity
(b) help students to connect learning to their own life experiences and spiritual and cultural understandings.
4.Growing as individuals and as contributing members of society Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) encourage students to become active, inquisitive and discerning citizens
(b) create opportunities for students to understand, facilitate and respond to change
(c) reinforce the rights and responsibilities students have as citizens.
5.Assistance in becoming life-long learners
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) link the curriculum and learning experiences to everyday life
(b) encourage students to know about, reflect on, and monitor their own learning
(c) challenge students to the pursuit of excellence
Professional Knowledge
1. Knowledge of the student
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know:
(a) how differences arising from cultural heritage, language, family, gender, community, and other factors shape experience and impact on learning
(b) how to recognize strengths and weaknesses of students
(c) how teaching is shaped by what is known about human development and learning
(d) that teaching students with exceptionalities requires the use of specialized knowledge and skills.
2.Knowledge of the curriculum
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know:
(a) the subject matter
(b) how knowledge in their subject area is created, linked to other subjects, and applied to life experiences
(c) the curriculum relevant to their subject(s)
(d) ways to connect curriculum expectations to curriculum resources and technologies.
3.Knowledge of teaching practice
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know ways to:
(a) make knowledge and skills accessible to others
(b) shape instruction so that it is helpful to students who learn in a variety of ways
(c) motivate students
(d) establish and modify instructional settings
(e) manage time for instruction
(f) establish classroom management strategies that support learning and respect the dignity of students
(g) collaborate and structure interaction among students to ensure that shared learning, as well as individual learning, occurs
(h) assess and evaluate student learning, student approaches to learning, and the achievement of curriculum expectations
(i) communicate and collaborate with parents and others involved in the education of students.
4.Knowledge of the learning environment
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers know ways to identify and respond to:
(a) change
(b) the factors in a diverse and changing society that impact on learning
(c) provincial legislation, local policies and procedures, and community norms that guide the decisions they make.
Teaching Practice
1.The student
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers planning for instruction:
(a) collaborate with professional colleagues to support student learning
(b) apply knowledge of student backgrounds, experiences, and learning styles
(c) apply knowledge of how students develop and learn
(d) apply knowledge of a student's physical, social, and cognitive development
(e) respond to learning exceptionalities and special needs
(f) adapt teaching practice based on student achievement.
2. Curriculum
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) adapt the methods of inquiry, content knowledge, and skills required in the curriculum
(b) link content and skills to everyday life experiences
(c) integrate a variety of teaching and learning strategies, activities, and resources
(d) assist students to develop and use ways to access and critically assess information.
3. Teaching and the changing context of the learning environment
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) carry out their duties as outlined in legislation
(b) establish a safe and supportive learning environment
(c) establish and maintain standards for student behaviour
(d) enhance the learning environment with a variety of curriculum resources and available technologies
(e) organize time and space to enrich the learning environment
(f) develop student activities to promote social and group responsibilities
(g) use classroom management skills to enhance learning
(h) apply teaching strategies to meet student needs.
4.Assessment and evaluation of students
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) communicate clear, challenging, and achievable expectations for students
(b) gather data on student performance using a variety of assessment strategies
(c) keep a continuous and comprehensive record of group and individual achievement
(d) report and provide ongoing feedback of individual achievement to students and parents.
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) integrate curriculum expectations into current teaching practice
(b) reflect on current practice to determine if needs of individuals and groups of students are being met
(c) modify and refine teaching practice using a variety of sources and resources.
Leadership and Community
1.Responsibility and service
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) build trust with students, parents, and the community
(b) exercise professional integrity and judgement.
2. Creation of a learning community
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) learn with and from their students, colleagues, and others in communities of learners
(b) motivate and inspire through sharing their vision
(c) create opportunities for students to share their learning with their classmates, schoolmates, parents, and the community
(d) invite parents and members of the community to share their knowledge and skills in supporting classroom and school activities.
3.Sustaining learning through innovation and change
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) innovate and effect change through decision-making, initiating change, and evaluating and communicating results
(b) engage others through shared problem-solving and conflict resolution
(c) act both as team members and as team leaders
(d) acknowledge and celebrate effort and success
Ongoing Professional Learning
1.Teacher learning and student learning
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) understand that teacher learning is directly related to student learning
(b) act as role models who demonstrate lifelong learning
(c) engage in a variety of learning opportunities both individual and collaborative that are integrated into practice for the benefit of student learning.
2.Professional growth
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) recognize that continuous professional growth is an integral part of teaching
(b) recognize that teaching and professional growth are influenced by personal, social, and educational contexts
(c) understand that teaching practice is enhanced by many forms of knowledge, ways of knowing, and ways to access that knowledge
(d) anticipate and plan the kinds of learning they will need to respond to a variety of educational contexts.
3.Improving practice
Members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
(a) demonstrate a commitment to continued professional growth
(b) know that professional learning is most effective when it is job-embedded, relevant and supported by others within the educational community
(c) reflect on their practice and learn from experience
(d) draw on and contribute, where appropriate, to various forms of educational research
(e) collaborate with colleagues to improve practice.”
11.3 Moved by Cecilia Reynolds, Chair of the Accreditation Committee
That Council approve that section 5.03(e) of the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the removal of the words “French-speaking” and “French-language” in regard to Council members so that section 5.03(e) would read:
“5.03(e) .In the event that the Committee is unable to constitute a panel of Accreditation Committee members for the purpose of reviewing and making recommendations about the accreditation of a pre-service or in-service program or provider, at the request of the Accreditation Committee, up to three members of Council may be appointed by the Executive Committee to a panel and the panel shall meet as directed by the Accreditation Committee.”
11.4 Moved by Doug Carter
That the Bylaws be amended so that the annual fee for members for the year 2001 be $75.00, so that Section 21.04 shall read:
“21.04 The annual fee shall be:
(a) $90.00 for 1997, 1998 and 1999
(b) $75.00 for 2001 and for subsequent years, or as may be amended from time to time, by amendment of these bylaws.”
12. Next Meeting
February 24-25, 2000.
13. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.
Signed: Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy