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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, held on Wednesday, February 9, 2000 in Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto.

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda

3. Business

4. Adjournment

Wednesday, February 9, 2000

Present: Liz Barkley, Sandi Bell, Jackie Breithaupt, Bill Bryce, Sterling Campbell, Larry Capstick, Doug Carter, Ernie Checkeris, Wayne Cornack, John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair), Margaret Dempsey, Solette Gelberg, Jean Hanson, Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair), Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, Harry Mulvale, Allen Pearson, Ron Rambarran, Cecilia Reynolds, William Rogers, John Slade, Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs, Margaret Wilson (Registrar)

Speaker: Lise St-Eloi

Guest: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault)

Staff: Joe Atkinson, Margaret Aubé, Linda Grant, Myrtle Herzenberg, Genny Humby, Marie-France Le Fort, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Patrick O'Neill, Lynda Palazzi, Josie Peretti

Regrets: Paul Charron, Patrick Daly, David Somer

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed those present.

2. Agenda (GC20000209-05)

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That the Agenda for the February 9, 2000 Special Meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers be approved.

3. Business

3.1 Report of the Ad hoc Committee to Study and Report on the Issues Raised by the Minister of Education in her Letter to the Chair, dated November 10, 1999 (GC20000209 — 06, GC20000209 — 08, GC20000209 — 09)

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That Council move into an in-camera session for a period of one hour with members of Council, legal counsel and staff present.

Council moved into an in-camera session at 9:25 a.m.

Diane Leblovic requested a recorded vote.

Recorded Vote:

For: Against:

Liz Barkley

Solette Gelberg

Sandi Bell

Diane Leblovic

Jackie Breithaupt

John Slade

Bill Bryce


Sterling Campbell


Larry Capstick


Doug Carter


Ernie Checkeris


Wayne Cornack


John Cruickshank


Margaret Dempsey


Jean Hanson


Donna Marie Kennedy


Marilyn Laframboise


Kathleen McFadyen


George Merrett


Karen Mitchell


Larry Mongeon


Harry Mulvale


Allen Pearson


Ron Rambarran

Cecilia Reynolds  

William Rogers


Frances Thorne

Clarice West-Hobbs  
Total:  For, 25 Against, 3

(Absent, 3)

Council moved out of the In camera session at 1:00 p.m.

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and

CARRIED, (unanimous)

That Council approve the document entitled, “A Consultation Paper: Formulating a Response to the Letter of November 10, 1999 from the Minister of Education re a Teacher Testing Program”, for consultation to be initiated February 14, 2000 and to be completed March 3, 2000.

John Cruickshank, on behalf of Council, thanked the Ad hoc Committee members and staff for the effort and work in preparing the response to the Minister’s letter of November 10, 1999.

The Deputy Registrar, Joe Atkinson, informed Council members that the document, “A Consultation Paper: Formulating a Response to the Letter of November 10, 1999 from the Minister of Education re a Teacher Testing Program” would either be available at the end of the day or would be couriered to Council members as soon as possible.

The news release “Council of College of Teachers Releases Consultation Paper on Teacher Testing” was distributed to members of Council.

3.2 Correspondence from the Minister of Education re Election Regulation (GC20000209 — 07, GC20000209 — 10)

Richard Lewko provided an Election Regulation update to Council.

It was moved and seconded by Steering, “That Council inform the Minister of Education that it reaffirms its request that the Minister act on the election regulation approved by Council at its December 10-11, 1998 meeting and forwarded to the Minister on December 21, 1998.”

It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Larry Mongeon, and


That Council call the question on the above motion.

A vote was taken on the motion, and it was


That Council inform the Minister of Education that it reaffirms its request that the Minister act on the election regulation approved by Council at its December 10-11, 1998 meeting and forwarded to the Minister on December 21, 1998.

4. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.

Signed: Donna Marie Kennedy, Chair


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