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Minutes of Council Meetings

Special Meeting of Council
Via Videoconference
August 11, 2020

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council of the Ontario College of Teachers held on August 11, 2020 via Videoconference


1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Conflict of Interest

3. Minutes

3.1 Meeting, August 7, 2020

4. Business Arising

4.1 In Camera Session (Personnel Matters)

5. Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council of the Ontario College of Teachers held on August 11, 2020 via Videoconference

Present: Charles Dimitry Abraham, OCT; Diane Ballantyne, OCT; Chantal Bélisle, OCT (Deputy Registrar); Paige Bennett, OCT; John Cammarata; Bob Cooper, OCT; Chantal Côté, OCT; Irene Dembek, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Richard Filion; Rebecca Forte, OCT; Melissa Gaffen, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT (Vice-Chair); Erin Glen, OCT; Mary Ellen Gucciardi, OCT; John Hamilton, OCT; Todd Lalonde; Colleen Landers; Marlène Marwah; Michelle Miner Seal; Mary-Anne Mouawad, OCT; Sara Nouini, OCT; Bonnie Oakes Charron; Wanda Percival; Tom Potter; Nicola Powadiuk, OCT; Jonathan Rose; Nancy Saunders, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT (Chair); Jennifer Wyatt, OCT

Regrets: Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Timothy Kwiatkowski, OCT; Élaine Legault; Gerry O’Reilly, OCT; Vincent Rinaldo, OCT; Stephen Zimmermann, OCT

Guest: Jennifer McAleer, Partner, Fasken Martineau

Staff: Tan Crombie; Roch Gallien, OCT; Linda Lacroix, OCT; Richard Lewko; Charlie Morrison; Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT; Kim Bauer

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Chair of Council called the meeting to order at 1 p.m.

It was noted that Tim Gernstein and Colleen Landers comprised the Steering Committee.

The Chair of Council opened the meeting by acknowledging that Council members were gathered from various lands that were the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Métis and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.

The Chair welcomed all Council members, staff and Council’s guest, Jennifer McAleer, to the meeting. She also provided a brief review of the preferred etiquette for conducting meetings effectively.

2. Conflict of Interest

No conflicts were declared.

3. Minutes

3.1 Meeting, August 7, 2020 (GC20200811-63)

It was moved by Steering, and by consensus


That the Minutes of the August 7, 2020 Special Meeting of Council be approved.

4. Business Arising

4.1 In Camera Session (Personnel Matters)

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council move in camera to discuss personnel matters, with only Council members, the Deputy Registrar, Independent Legal Counsel and the Council and Committees Officer present.

eScribe vote:

For: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Todd Lalonde, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Bonnie Oakes Charron, Wanda Percival, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt

Against: Tom Potter


For: 28

Against: 1

Abstain: 1

Absent: 6

Prior to moving in camera, the Chair of Council confirmed that no preparation time was required for the meeting. She also confirmed that all members were eligible to claim a per diem of one half-day.

Council moved in camera at 1:20 p.m. and moved out of the in camera session at 4:25 p.m.

5. Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, seconded by Diane Ballantyne, and by consensus


That Council move to fix the time to which to adjourn to a future meeting.

The meeting recessed at 4:30 p.m.

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