Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on June 3-4, 2010 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto
Table of Contents
1. Call to Order/Welcome
2. Agenda
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Minutes
5. Business Arising
6. Registrar’s Report
7. Committee Reports
8. Registrar’s Report (Continued)
9. Chair’s Report
10. Committee Reports (Continued)
11. New Business
12. Committee Reports (Continued)
13. Notices of Motion
14. Committee Reports (Continued)
15. Correspondence
16. Next Meeting of Council
17. Adjournment
Session 1: Thursday, June 3, 2010
Present: Danny Anckle, Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT, Gabrielle Blais,
Shabnum Budhwani, Carlo Cappello, OCT, Monique Châteauvert, Rebecca Coulter, OCT, Irene Dembek, OCT, Gale Dores, OCT,
Marc Dubois, OCT, Dean Favero, OCT, Nick Forte, OCT,
Dobi-Dawn Frenette, Clyde Glasgow, Mel Greif, Brent Hamelin, OCT, Garry Humphreys (via teleconference), Annilee Jarvis, OCT,
Bill Kirkwood, Clint Lovell, OCT, Bill Matheson, Darlene Mead, OCT, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, (Chair), Ruth Ann Penny, OCT, (Vice-Chair), Terry Price, OCT, Tanya Roberts, OCT, Susan Robertson, Robert Ryan, OCT, Mara Torcaso, OCT, Jacques Tremblay, OCT, John Tucker,
Henry Tyndorf, OCT, Hanno Weinberger, OCT, Sharon Young Kipp, OCT, Michael Salvatori OCT, (Registrar)
Regrets: Martha Dutrizac, OCT, Anne Marie Levesque, Pauline Smart
Presiding Officers: Douglas McCarthy, Peter Lipman
Guests: Terri McKinnon and Sarah Oates, PricewaterhouseCoopers
(from 3:30 p.m. to 3:55 p.m.)
Staff: Kim Bauer, Francine Dutrisac, OCT, Maryse Francella, OCT,
Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar),
Richard Lewko, Michelle Longlade, OCT, Iona Mitchell (in place of Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT) Charlie Morrison, Katherin Platt
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Presiding Officer, Douglas McCarthy, called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. and welcomed all present.
The Chair noted that Gabrielle Blais’ term of office would end on June 13, 2010. The Chair thanked Gabrielle Blais for her contributions to Council.
The Chair noted the recent deaths of former Council members, Lynne Mastin and
Brian Doubleday, and paid tribute to their contributions to the teaching profession and to Council.
The Chair reminded members of the Annual Meeting of Members that would take place that evening at 5:30 p.m.
The Presiding Officer noted the documents distributed at the meeting.
The Presiding Officer advised members that a roll call vote would not be taken during the meeting.
It was noted that Ruth Ann Penny and John Tucker comprised the Steering Committee.
It was agreed that Item 10.1 Council Member Travel Policy — Cyclical Review and Item 10.2 Compensation Policy for Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees - Cyclical Review, would be dealt with immediately following Item 7.1 Chair’s Report.
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Agenda for the June 3-4, 2010 Council meeting be approved as amended.
No conflicts were declared.
4.1 Meeting, March 25-26, 2010 (GC20100603-52)
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on
March 25-26, 2010 be approved.
5.1 Purchase of Future Growth Space at the College Facility at 101 Bloor Street West (GC20100603-54C, -55C)
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council move into an in camera session pursuant to section 8 (3)(d) of the College’s Act, with members of Council, the Presiding Officers and staff present.
Council moved into an in camera session at 1:30 p.m. and moved out of the in camera session at 2:00 p.m.
5.2 Disclosure of Information to Other Regulators and the Police (GC20100603-56, -57)
The issue sheet on the Disclosure of Information to Other Regulators and the Police was received. The Registrar reviewed the information contained in the report and noted that the recommendation regarding the two exceptions to be added to the OCTA would allow the disclosure of information that would otherwise be confidential to professional regulatory bodies and the police. He stated that both exceptions were consistent with public expectations that professional regulators carry out their regulatory activities subject to their obligation to serve and protect the public interest.
It was moved by Steering, “That Council recommend amending the Ontario College of Teachers Act (OCTA) to provide for the disclosure of information that would otherwise be confidential to the following entities/persons:
- a body that governs a profession inside or outside of Ontario
- a police officer to aid an investigation undertaken with a view to a law enforcement proceeding or from which a law enforcement proceeding is likely to result.”
It was moved by Terry Price, seconded by Monique Châteauvert, but
That Council recommend amending the motion to replace “inside or outside of Ontario” in the first point with “inside Canada”, to add “within Canada” after “police officer” in the second point, and to add a third point, “a body that governs the teaching profession”, to read:
That Council recommend amending the Ontario College of Teachers Act (OCTA) to provide for the disclosure of information that would otherwise be confidential to the following entities/persons:
- a body that governs a profession inside Canada
- a police officer within Canada to aid an investigation undertaken with a view to a law enforcement proceeding or from which a law enforcement proceeding is likely to result.
- a body that governs the teaching profession.
A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was
That Council recommend amending the Ontario College of Teachers Act (OCTA) to provide for the disclosure of information that would otherwise be confidential to the following entities/persons:
- a body that governs a profession inside or outside of Ontario
- a police officer to aid an investigation undertaken with a view to a law enforcement proceeding or from which a law enforcement proceeding is likely to result.
The Chair welcomed Rod Cameron, Tony Brenders, and Linda Jones from the Ontario College of Trades to the meeting.
5.3 Teachers’ Qualifications Review (GC20100603-58)
The Registrar provided an update on phase five, the final phase of the TQR, and noted the motions approved by Council from September 2006 to December 2009 and Council-identified policy directions from all TQR phases 1-4. The Registrar stated that he would be reporting out to Council through the Registrar’s Report about the progress on the final stage of the TQR.
Peter Lipman assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
6.1 Report (GC20100603-59)
The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar spoke to the five strategic operational priorities established for 2010:
- Enhanced College Systems and Technology Tools
- Labour Mobility Implementation
- Well-being in the Workplace
- Promoting and Enhancing Membership Relevancy
- Optimization of the New Facility
He provided an overview of statistics for the first three months of 2010. The Registrar provided information on the undertakings from the March 2010 meeting of Council.
7.1 Finance Committee
(Timed Item: June 3, 2010, 3:30 p.m.)
7.1.1 Report (GC20100603-73)
The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, John Tucker, spoke to the report.
John Tucker introduced Terri McKinnon and Sara Oates from PricewaterhouseCoopers. He noted that this was the last audit of the College’s finances for Terri McKinnon and that Sarah Oates would be assuming the audit responsibility in the future. Both Terri McKinnon and Sara Oates addressed Council. Terri McKinnon spoke to the Auditor’s Report and responded to questions about the audit.
The Chair thanked both Terri McKinnon and Sara Oates for their presentations to Council.
Terri McKinnon and Sara Oates left the meeting at this time.
It was moved by John Tucker, Chair, Finance Committee, and
That Council approve that the College set a new fee of $860 to be called the SOQP-PLAR application fee, that the full fee will be charged to all applicants and that $640 of the fee will be refunded in the case that an applicant does not qualify for PLAR after a preliminary evaluation.
7.1.2 Audited Financial Statements
December 31, 2009 (GC20100603-74, -75)
The Chair of Finance noted that there was no difference between the audited and unaudited versions of the December 31, 2009 Financial Statements.
It was moved by John Tucker, Chair, Finance Committee, and
That Council accept the December 31, 2009, Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the Ontario College of Teachers.
7.1.3 Appointment of Auditor (GC20100603-73, -75)
It was moved by John Tucker, Chair, Finance Committee, and
That Council reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditors for the 2010 fiscal year.
7.1.4 Mortgage Proposal for the Purchase of the College Facility at 101 Bloor Street West (GC20100603-76C)
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council move into an in camera session pursuant to section 8 (3)(d) of the College’s Act, with members of Council, the Presiding Officers and staff present.
Council moved into an in camera session at 4:00 p.m. and moved out of the in camera session at 4:05 p.m.
8.1 Report (GC20100603-59) (Continued)
The Registrar responded to additional questions to his report. He advised members that the discussions relating to the external rooftop signage of the new facility were on hold pending city approvals and that the matter would be brought before Council for a decision at a future meeting..
8.2 Financial Report — March 31, 2010 (GC20100603-60)
The Ontario College of Teachers Financial Report as at March 31, 2010 was received. The Deputy Registrar, Joe Jamieson, spoke to the report.
8.3 Status Report - LGBT Consultations(GC20100603-61, -62, -99)
The Deputy Registrar noted that at its meeting in November 2009, Council called for a consultation to gather recommendations from community and education stakeholders regarding the possible introduction of a Schedule C (one session, 125 hours) qualifications course outlining the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for teaching LGBT students.
He informed members that two consultations were conducted — one in Toronto (April 9) and a bilingual one in Ottawa (April 19). Representatives from 32 organizations attended the Toronto session. Representatives from 14 organizations attended the Ottawa session.
The report Additional Qualifications — Teaching LGBT Students was distributed to the members.
It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, Chair, Executive Committee, “That Council support the inclusion of a Schedule C Additional Qualification course “Teaching LGBT Students”.”
It was agreed to add the letter “Q” after LGBT as a friendly amendment.
It was agreed to table the above motion to the following day as the first item of business.
The meeting recessed at 4:50 p.m.
Session II: Friday, June 4, 2010
Present: Danny Anckle (from 9:15 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.), Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT, Gabrielle Blais (until 1:25 p.m.), Shabnum Budhwani,
Carlo Cappello, OCT, Monique Châteauvert, Rebecca Coulter, OCT (until 12:10 p.m.), Irene Dembek, OCT (until 1:25 p.m.), Gale Dores, OCT, Marc Dubois, OCT, Dean Favero, OCT (from 9:15 a.m. until 11:45 a.m.), Nick Forte, OCT (until 10:30 a.m.), Dobi-Dawn Frenette (until 10:30 a.m.), Clyde Glasgow, Mel Greif, Brent Hamelin, OCT (until 12:10 p.m.), Garry Humphreys (via teleconference — from 9:10 a.m.), Annilee Jarvis, OCT, Bill Kirkwood, Clint Lovell, OCT, Bill Matheson, Darlene Mead, OCT, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, (Chair) (until 10:00 a.m.),
Ruth Ann Penny, OCT, (Vice-Chair), Terry Price, OCT, Tanya Roberts, OCT (until 12 p.m.), Susan Robertson, Robert Ryan, OCT,
Mara Torcaso, OCT (until 1:25 p.m.), Jacques Tremblay, OCT,
John Tucker (until 1:30 p.m.), Henry Tyndorf, OCT, Hanno Weinberger, OCT (until 10:30 a.m.), Sharon Young Kipp, OCT, Michael Salvatori, OCT, (Registrar)
Regrets: Martha Dutrizac, OCT, Anne Marie Levesque, Pauline Smart
Presiding Officers: Douglas McCarthy, Peter Lipman
Staff: Kim Bauer, Tan Crombie, Francine Dutrisac, OCT, Maryse Francella, OCT, Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar), Richard Lewko,
Michelle Longlade, OCT, Iona Mitchell (in place of Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT) Charlie Morrison, Katherin Platt
The meeting resumed at 9:05 a.m.
Douglas McCarthy assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
The Chair welcomed Lois Mahon, President of the Council for Early Childhood Educators, to the meeting.
8.3 Status Report - LGBT Consultations (Continued)
(GC20100603-61, -62, -99)
A vote was taken on the motion, and it was
That Council support the inclusion of a Schedule C Additional Qualification course “Teaching LGBTQ Students”.
9. Chair’s Report
9.1 Report (GC20100603-63)
The Chair’s Report was received. The Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, spoke to her report and answered questions.
It was agreed to amend the agenda so that the Report of the Investigation Committee would immediately follow the Chair’s Report at this time.
10.1 Investigation Committee (GC20100603-66)
The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair, Nick Forte, spoke to the report.
11.1 Council Member Travel Policy — Cyclical Review (GC20100603-85, -86)
The Council Member Travel Policy — Cyclical Review was received. The Deputy Registrar, Joe Jamieson, reviewed the amendments to the Council Member Travel Policy. He noted that the Council Member Travel Policy had also been an item at the Council briefing session the previous day. A discussion ensued on the amendments to the Council Member Travel Policy.
It was moved by Steering, “That Council approve the Council Member Travel Policy as outlined in document GC20100603-85.”
Ruth Ann Penny assumed the role of Chair.
It was moved by Dean Favero, seconded by Darlene Mead, and
That Council approve that the Council Member Travel Policy (page 7) be amended by the deletion of options 1 and 2 in Air Travel, section 5.
It was moved by Gale Dores, seconded by Darlene Mead, and
That the principles of the Council Member Travel Policy be amended by the addition of the statement: Whenever and wherever possible, unionized travel suppliers will be utilized.
Peter Lipman assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
It was moved by Gabrielle Blais, seconded by Jacques Tremblay, and
That Council approve that the Council Member Travel Policy (page 5 — Objective) be amended by substituting “guidelines” for “limits” in the second line.
It was moved by Gabrielle Blais, seconded by Jacques Tremblay, and
That Council approve that the Council Member Travel Policy (page 5 — Principles) be amended by the deletion of the principle statements.
It was moved by John Tucker, seconded by Ruth Ann Penny, and
That Council approve that the Council Member Travel Policy (page 13 -Gratuities — Hotel) be amended by the deletion of sentence two.
It was moved by Annilee Jarvis, seconded by Marc Dubois, and
That Council approve that the remaining “principle” in the Council Member Travel Policy (Whenever and wherever possible, unionized travel suppliers will be utilized) be moved to the administration section.
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve the Council Member Travel Policy as outlined in document GC20100603-85 dated June 3, 2010, as amended.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the Intercontinental Hotel — Yorkville as the College’s designated hotel provider for overnight stays within the city of Toronto effective November 1, 2010.
11.2 Compensation Policy for Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees — Cyclical Review (GC20100603-87, -88)
TheCompensation Policy for Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees — Cyclical Review was received. The Registrar introduced the policy and the Director of Corporate and Council Services, Richard Lewko, reviewed the policy with the members and responded to questions including those related to the definition of “business”, panel attendance and per diems.
It was moved by Steering, “That Council approve the Guidelines for the Compensation of Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees as outlined in document GC20100603-87.”
It was moved by Jacques Tremblay, seconded by Terry Price, and
That Council approve that item 10.2 of the Guidelines for the Compensation of Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees be amended in sections 2.2 (page 1) and 3.1 (page 3) by substituting the words “committee meeting, panel meeting or other College business” for “committee or panel meetings”.
It was moved by Terry Price, seconded by Alexander (Sandy) Bass, and
That Council approve that item 10.2 of the Guidelines for the Compensation of Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees be amended by the addition of a new section 3.2 to read:
Where a meeting, panel or other Council business has been scheduled for a full day but is concluded within a half day window that those eligible for a per diem rate be provided with the full day per diem rate.
It was moved by Terry Price, seconded by Alexander (Sandy) Bass, and
That Council approve that item 10.2 of the Guidelines for the Compensation of Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees section 4.2, page 2 be amended by deleting “appointed” before member and adding “eligible for the per diem rate” after “Council”.
It was moved by Jacques Tremblay, seconded by Terry Price, but it was
That Council approve that item 10.2 of the Guidelines for the Compensation of Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees, section 5.5 be amended by the addition of “except for panel deliberations” after the word “reading”.
It was moved by Gale Dores, seconded by Darlene Mead, and
That Council approve that item 10.2 of the Guidelines for the Compensation of Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees be amended in sections 4.1 and 4.2 (page 2) by substituting the words “committee meeting, panel meeting or other College business” for “committee or panel meetings”.
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve the Guidelines for the Compensation of Council Members, Roster Members, Members at Large and Institutional Nominees as outlined in document GC20100603-87, as amended.
Douglas McCarthy assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
It was agreed to first review the committee reports containing motions.
12.1 Discipline Committee (GC20100603-67, -68)
The report of the Discipline Committee was received. The Chair,
Jacques Tremblay, spoke to the report.
It was moved by Jacques Tremblay, Chair, Discipline Committee, and
That Council recommend that s.33(9) of the Ontario College of Teachers Act be amended as follows:
Reinstatement or variation proceedings related to Discipline matters should be held publicly unless there are other compelling considerations that might dictate otherwise.
It was moved by Jacques Tremblay, Chair, Discipline Committee, and
That Council recommend that the Ontario College of Teachers Act be amended to provide the following:
An appeal from a decision and order of the Discipline Committee does not operate as an immediate and automatic stay of the order.
12.2 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20100603-69, -70)
The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Vice-Chair,
Bill Kirkwood, spoke to the report.
It was moved by Bill Kirkwood, Vice-Chair, Fitness to Practise Committee, and
That Council recommend that s.33(9) of the Ontario College of Teachers Act be amended as follows:
Where the original fitness to practise proceedings were held with the public excluded, the subsequent reinstatement or variation proceedings should also be held in camera unless the member requests that they be held publicly.
It was moved by Bill Kirkwood, Vice-Chair, Fitness to Practise Committee, and
That Council recommend that the Ontario College of Teachers Act be amended to provide the following:
An appeal from a decision and order of the Fitness to Practise Committee does not operate as an immediate and automatic stay of the order.
12.3 Election Committee (GC20100603-80, -81)
The report of the Election Committee was received. The Chair, Mel Greif, spoke to the report.
It was moved by Mel Greif, Chair, Election Committee, “That Council approve that the Election Committee be asked to investigate the possibility of designating one or more elected or appointed Council position(s) for a First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) and/or French-language Council member through legislative and/or regulatory means.”
It was moved by Henry Tyndorf, seconded by Ruth Ann Penny, and
That Council amend the motion by adding the following words “increasing the size of Council with a view to" after the words “possibility of”, to read:
That Council approve that the Election Committee be asked to investigate the possibility of increasing the size of Council with a view to designating one or more elected or appointed Council position(s) for a First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) and/or French-language Council member through legislative and/or regulatory means.
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve that the Election Committee be asked to investigate the possibility of increasing the size of Council with a view to designating one or more elected or appointed Council position(s) for a First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) and/or French-language Council member through legislative and/or regulatory means.
It was moved by Mel Greif, Chair, Election Committee, and
That Council approve an amendment to section 10 (3) of Regulation 293/00, Election of Council Members / Règlement de l’Ontario 293/00, Élection des membres du conseil to reduce the minimum number of nominators required for candidacy from 10 to “at least 2”.
12.4 Executive Committee (GC20100603-64, -65)
The Executive Committee reports were received. The Vice-Chair,
Ruth Ann Penny, spoke to the reports.
12.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20100603-71, -72)
The reports of the Registration Appeals Committee were received. The Vice-Chair, Bill Matheson, spoke to the reports.
12.6 Standards of Practice and Education Committee(GC20100603-77)
The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was received. The Chair, Sharon Young Kipp, spoke to the report.
12.7 Accreditation Committee (GC20100603-78)
The report of the Accreditation Committee was received. The Chair,
Ruth Ann Penny, spoke to the report.
12.8 Accreditation Appeal Committee
There was no report.
12.9 Human Resources Committee (GC20100603-93)
The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Chair,
Mel Greif, spoke to the report.
12.10 Editorial Board (GC20100603-79)
The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Annilee Jarvis, spoke to the report and answered questions. She thanked Gabrielle Blais for her contributions to the Editorial Board.
The following Notice of Motion was read into the Minutes for consideration at the October 7-8, 2010 Council Meeting:
Moved by Steering:
That Council approve that section 23 of the bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of section 23.15, to read as follows:
23.15 That the application fee for the Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program/Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (SOQP/PLAR ) application fee be $860, and that $640 of the fee be refunded in the case that an applicant does not qualify for PLAR after a preliminary evaluation.
14. Committee Reports (Continued)
14.1 Nomination Committee (GC20100603-82)
The report of the Nomination Committee was received. The Vice-Chair, Alexander (Sandy) Bass, spoke to the report.
14.2 Quality Assurance (GC20100603-83)
The report of the Quality Assurance Committee was received. The Chair, Clyde Glasgow, spoke to the report.
There were no items of correspondence.
It was noted that Council members had been raised $493 as a tribute to Lynne Mastin (Stephen Lewis Foundation) and Brian Doubleday (Heart and Stroke Foundation).
17. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 1:53 p.m.
Signed: Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT |
Signed: Registrar, Michael Salvatori, OCT |
Dated: |
Dated: |