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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers, held on June 6-7, 2002 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto.

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda

3. Minutes

4. Business Arising

5. Registrar’s Report

6. Committee Reports

7. Correspondence

8. New Business

9. Notices of Motion

10. Next Meeting

11. New Business (continued)

12. Adjournment


June 6, 2002

Present: Bernard J. Adam, Guill Archambault, James Black, Jackie Breithaupt, Douglas Brown, Sterling Campbell (until 3:35 p.m.), Larry M. Capstick (Chair), Doug Carter, Ernie Checkeris, Janet Cornwall, Karl Dean, Jerry DeQuetteville (from 3:20 p.m.), Solette N. Gelberg, Audrey Hadfield, Nancy Hutcheson, Marilyn Laframboise (Vice-Chair), Diane Leblovic, Mark Lefebvre, Elayne McDermid, Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, Iain Munro, Janet Ouellette, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, David Somer, Frances Thorne, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson (Registrar)

Regrets: Pat Daly, Margaret Dempsey, Martin Kings, Harry Mulvale

Presiding Officer: George Merrett

Guests: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault)

Staff: Peter Alexander, Margaret Aubé, Kim Bauer, Rosemary Gannon, Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Lynda Palazzi, Susan Pelky, Kathryn Platt, W. Douglas Wilson

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, George Merrett, called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. and welcomed all present.

The Chair, Larry M. Capstick, welcomed new Council member Janet Ouellette. He advised Council members that details concerning the arrangements for the Annual Meeting of Members would be provided after the conclusion of the meeting that day.

It was noted that Steering was comprised of Solette N. Gelberg and Marilyn Laframboise.

2. Agenda (GC20020606-68)

Bernard Adam requested that the Agenda be amended so that an additional item “Council Member Travel Policy” be added under New Business.

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Revised Agenda for the June 6-7, 2002 Council meeting be approved as amended.

3. Minutes

3.1 Meeting, February 28-March 1, 2002 (GC20020606-69)

It was noted that Elizabeth Papadopoulos had attended the whole part of the first session and that the brochure distributed by the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was Exploring the Awareness and Understanding of the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession - Report of November 2001.

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on February 28-March 1, 2002 be approved as corrected.

3.2 Meeting, May 2, 2002 (GC20020606-71)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Teleconference Meeting of Council held on May 2, 2002 be approved.

4. Business Arising

There were no items under business arising.

5. Registrar’s Report (GC20020606-73, 107)

The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson, spoke to the report.

The Registrar welcomed newly appointed staff member, Rosemary Gannon, Co-ordinator, Investigations and Hearings. The Registrar advised that staff member, Laurent Joncas had been appointed Executive Director of Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO) effective August 16, 2002. The Registrar thanked Laurent Joncas for his contributions to the College.

The Registrar advised that in preparation of the 2003 budget and to initiate appropriate pre-budget planning steps, a series of pre-budget briefing sessions would be held for Council members and that members would be notified of these sessions. The sessions were intended to provide Council members with information on the College's fiscal situation in advance of the budget presentation in September 2002. The following dates were scheduled for presentations: June 20, June 28, July 17 and July 24.

A question and answer session followed the presentation of the Registrar's report.

Correspondence (GC20020606-108) that Kathy McVean, President, Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA) had circulated to various organizations that advertised in the College's magazine Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession was distributed.

6. Committee Reports

6.1 Executive Committee/Chair’s Report (GC20020606-74, 117)

The reports of the Executive Committee/Chair were received. The Chair, Larry M. Capstick spoke to the reports and answered questions.

The Chair reported on the College's presence at the May 2002 Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law in Education (CAPSLE) conference. He informed members that the College had made three presentations at the conference and that these presentations had been well received.

The Chair also announced that Audrey Hadfield had been elected to fill the vacancy on the Professional Learning Committee.

6.2 Investigation Committee (GC20020606-75, 76)

The reports of the Investigation Committee were received. The Vice-Chair, Karl Dean, spoke to the reports.

6.3 Discipline Committee (GC20020606-77, 78)

The reports of the Discipline Committee were received. The Chair, Mark Lefebvre, spoke to the report and answered questions.

6.4 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20020606-79)

The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Vice-Chair, Guill Archambault, spoke to the report.

6.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20020606-81, 82)

The reports of the Registration Appeals Committee were received. The Chair, Doug Carter, spoke to the reports. He advised that Samy Appadurai's council term had expired and that Doug Brown had replaced him.

6.6 Professional Learning Committee (GC20020606-83, 84)

The reports of the Professional Learning Committee were received. The Vice-Chair, Elayne McDermid, spoke to the reports.

6.7 Finance Committee (GC20020606-85, 86)

The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, Solette N. Gelberg, spoke to the report and answered questions.

6.8 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (GC20020606-87, 88)

The reports of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee were received. The Chair, Diane Leblovic, spoke to the reports and answered questions.

6.9 Accreditation Committee (GC20020606-113)

The report of the Accreditation Committee was received. The Chair, Frances Thorne, spoke to the report.

6.10 Human Resources Committee (GC20020606-89)

The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report.

6.11 Editorial Board (GC20020606-90)

The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report and answered questions.

6.12 Election Committee (GC20020606-80, 91)

The report of the Election Committee was received. The Chair, Doug Carter, spoke to the report and answered questions.

It was moved by Doug Carter, Chair, Election Committee, and


That Council approve the following recommendation contained in the Election Committee Report (GC20020606-91):

That the College consult the membership-at-large in seeking a decision as to the frequency of the College Council elections - once every three years or staggered terms.

6.13 Nomination Committee (GC20020606-92)

The report of the Nomination Committee was received. The Chair, Doug Brown spoke to the report.

6.14 Quality Assurance Committee (GC20020606-93, 94)

The reports of the Quality Assurance Committee were received. The Chair, Sterling Campbell, spoke to the reports.

7. Correspondence (GC20020606-95, 96,97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 114, 115, 116, 118)

The following correspondence was received for information:

  • Chair’s Letter to Dean Pearson at University of Western Ontario re Standards of Practice (GC20020606-95)
  • Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario Letter re Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession (GC20020606-96)
  • Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board Letter re Request for Information — Deceased Plan Members (GC20020606-97)
  • Chair’s Letter to Samy Appadurai (GC20020606-98)
  • Chair’s Letter to Guill Archambault (GC20020606-99)
  • Letter from Jerry DeQuetteville and Chair’s Response (GC20020606-100)
  • Registrar’s Letter to Margaret Dempsey (GC20020606-101)
  • Deputy Registrar’s Letter to Judith Wright, Assistant Deputy Minister, re Qualifying Test (GC20020606-102)
  • Minister’s Letter to the Chair re May 2, 2002 Meeting (GC20020606-114)
  • Premier’s Letter to the Chair re Qualifying Test (GC20020606-115)
  • Letter to the Chair from Harry Mulvale (GC20020606-116)
  • Letter from Minister of Education regarding the Implementation of the Professional Learning Program (GC20020606-118)

8. New Business

8.1 Establishment of Professional Learning Program Provider Appeals Committee (GC20020606-103, 104)

It was moved by Steering, and



1. Council direct the Registrar to request the Minister of Education to make a regulation establishing a Committee to review provider appeals of decisions made by the Professional Learning Committee, as soon as possible.

2. The Registrar advise the Minister of Education of the College’s recommendations for the composition, duties and responsibilities of the Professional Learning Provider Appeals Committee.

8.2 Professional Learning Program Extensions and Exemptions - Regulation 79/02 - Analysis (GC20020606-105)

The Registrar advised that the analysis of the Professional Learning Program Extensions and Exemptions, Regulation 79/02 had been provided for information.

It was agreed to provide Regulation 79/02 in French to the francophone Council members.

8.3 Qualifying Test Exemptions - Regulation 100/02 - Analysis (GC20020606-106)

The Registrar advised that the analysis of the Qualifying Test Exemptions, Regulation 100/02 had been provided for information.

8.4 Council Member Travel Policy

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council postpone consideration of Agenda item 8.4 Council Member Travel Policy to 9:00 a.m. on June 7, 2002.

It was agreed that staff would bring forward information that outlined the financial implications of conducting business with Corporate Traveller.

9. Notices of Motion

9.1 Allowable Costs - Travel and Living Expenses

The following notice of motion was read into the minutes:

Moved by Larry Mongeon, seconded by Sterling Campbell:

That the College explore with Revenue Canada and the relevant ministers a clarification regarding allowable costs for travel and living expenses for those teachers having to travel more than 50 km to attend courses required to fulfill licence requirements.

10. Next Meeting

It was agreed that Council members would discuss the following matters between 10:00 a.m. and 12 noon on June 7, 2002:

  • "Review of College’s Recognition Policy for Retirees"
  • "Conflict of Interest".

The next meeting is scheduled for September 27, 2002.

The meeting recessed at 4:50 p.m.


June 7, 2002

Present: Bernard J. Adam, Guill Archambault, James Black, Douglas Brown, Sterling Campbell (from 9:40 a.m.), Larry M. Capstick (Chair), Doug Carter, Ernie Checkeris, Janet Cornwall, Karl Dean, Jerry DeQuetteville (from 9:15 a.m.), Solette N. Gelberg, Audrey Hadfield, Nancy Hutcheson, Marilyn Laframboise (Vice-Chair), Diane Leblovic, Mark Lefebvre, Elayne McDermid, Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, Iain Munro, Janet Ouellette, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, David Somer, Frances Thorne, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson (Registrar)

Regrets: Jackie Breithaupt, Pat Daly, Margaret Dempsey, Martin Kings, Harry Mulvale

Presiding Officer: George Merrett

Guests: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault)

Staff: Peter Alexander, Margaret Aubé, Kim Bauer, Rosemary Gannon, Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Lynda Palazzi, Susan Pelky, Kathryn Platt, W. Douglas Wilson

The meeting resumed at 9:10 a.m.

11. New Business (continued)

11.1 Council Member Travel Policy (GC20020606-122) (continued)

It was moved by Bernard J. Adam and seconded by Marilyn Laframboise, "That the Council Member Travel Policy as outlined in GC20020502-59 be amended so that Council members may make airline bookings through Corporate Traveller."

It was moved by David Somer, seconded by Marilyn Laframboise, and


That the question be put.

A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was


That the Council Member Travel Policy as outlined in GC20020502-59 be amended so that Council members may make airline bookings through Corporate Traveller.

11.2 Editorial Board - Bylines Policy

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Agenda be amended to include a discussion on a bylines policy by the Editorial Board.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, seconded by Janet Cornwall, "That the Editorial Board consider a policy of including bylines for all articles published in Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession."

The Chair of the Editorial Board, Marilyn Laframboise, agreed to report back to Council at the December 12-13, 2002 meeting and provide an update on the Editorial Board's consideration of the motion.

It was moved by Larry Mongeon, seconded by Solette N. Gelberg, and


That the question be put.

A voted was taken on the main motion, and it was


That the Editorial Board consider a policy of including bylines for all articles published in Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession.

12. Adjournment

Copies of an excerpt from Education Law on Mandatory Teacher Re-Certification, Ontario Bar Association (GC20020606-120) were distributed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.

Signed: Chair, Larry M. Capstick

Signed: Registrar and Chief Executive Officer, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson



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