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October 2006

October 2006, Issue 31

Your College and You

Thank you for your interest in receiving breaking news and professional information from the Ontario College of Teachers.

In this Issue:

Council Election Results

The College Registrar has announced the results of the 4th Council election, which are now available online. Voting ended at midnight (Eastern time) Tuesday, October 24. 

Independent auditor Deloitte & Touche verified the final count.

Results are presented according to category with the name of each candidate in alphabetical order and the number and percentage of votes they received in that category. The  winner is indicated by a check mark. Unmarked Ballots indicates the number of voters who submitted a ballot but did not vote for anyone in that category.

The new Council members will hold their inaugural meeting on November 9, 2006 at which time they will elect the Chair of the 4th Council, Vice-Chair and committee members. 

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College Seeks Changes to Proposed Legislation

The Council Chair and Registrar should actively seek changes in two bills now before the Ontario Legislature, College Council members decided at their October 19 meeting.

Chair Marilyn Laframboise and new Registrar Brian McGowan will appear before legislative committees considering Bill 52 Learning to Age 18 and Bill 124 Fair Access to Regulated Professions.

The College will present proposals for change to the Learning to Age 18 bill at Queen's Park tomorrow afternoon. Check the College web site www.oct.ca after 5 p.m. on October 26 for a copy of the College's submission.

In short, the College is concerned that, "Bill 52 offer(s) no guarantees that equivalent learning opportunities will be supervised by teachers who are members of the College with specialized knowledge and subject to our disciplinary oversight. Further, the Bill provides no mechanism by which to assess and monitor equivalent learning providers, or the learning opportunities they provide.

The College is also seeking an opportunity to make a submission on Bill 124, which would require all self-regulating professions to have registration processes for internationally educated applicants that are "transparent, objective, impartial and fair."

The College believes our credential-based registration process is very transparent, and requirements for internationally educated applicants have been designed to try to overcome systemic barriers they might otherwise face.

The College is concerned that definitions of "fair" in the bill are vague and that the College could face orders from a government-appointed Fairness Commissioner to license applicants or change registration processes with no ability to appeal to the courts.

The bill states that its provisions will override other legislative requirements like the College's duty to serve and protect the public interest.

Watch the College web site for more information and copy of the Bill 124 submission.

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New College Registrar and Acting Deputy Registrar Appointed

The College Council has appointed Brian McGowan as Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of the College.

Council has also appointed Lise Roy-Kolbusz as Acting Deputy Registrar of the College and has approved a process to recruit a permanent Deputy Registrar.

For more information, please see our recent news release.

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Library Services for Members

Request books and videos from the College library online, check the status of your holds, renew materials you've checked out and create your own library lists.

You can even e-mail book lists to colleagues and friends. Simply log into your Members' Area account and choose "Your Library" to access your new customized library page.

The library has a circulating collection of more than 4,800 books and videos, approximately 200 professional journals and many other resources. You can search the library database online from the College web site.

We will mail books and videos postage-free to your home or school address. Using a special-return mailing label, you can mail books back to the library free of charge.

You can also request a literature search by library staff, who will mail, fax or e-mail the journal articles.

More information regarding the library and its resources or e-mail library@oct.ca.

Olivia Hamilton
Ontario College of Teachers
Margaret Wilson Library
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Toronto ON M4W 3M5

Phone: 416-961-8800 ext. 679 or 1-888-534-2222 ext. 679
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