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June 2006 Issue 2

June 2006, Issue 28

Your College and You

Thank you for your interest in receiving breaking news and professional information from the College.

In this Issue:

Council members are key figures in how the College does its work. This is your opportunity to shape the teaching profession.

Start the Nominations!

Nominations for 23 positions on the College Council are open. Consider running or nominating a colleague.

Council members are key figures in how the College does its work. This is your opportunity to shape the teaching profession.

The nomination form and complete information about the nomination process are now available on the College web site at eVote 2006.

In filling out the form, you need to provide the signatures of at least 10 eligible nominators and biographical information about yourself. Now's the time to start the process of playing a role in the self-regulation of the profession.

The College must receive nomination forms by mail or delivery by 5 p.m., July 14. Faxed nomination forms cannot be accepted.

The College has set up an election hotline at 416-961-8800 or 1-800-534-2222, ext. 559 or via e-mail at evote2006@oct.ca to answer any questions you may have about the election in general or about nominating someone or running yourself.

eVote 2006 provides you with all you need to know about the positions that are open and the criteria you must meet to run or nominate someone. It also brings you completely up to date on the legislative and regulatory changes that affect this Council election.

You can also look for the special election edition of Professionally Speaking, which contains Registrar and Election Returning Officer Doug Wilson's official call for the election and call for nominations.

It will be arriving in your mailbox within a few days.

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Election and Qualifying Test Amendments Take Effect

With the passage of Bill 78, now the Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Student Performance), 2006, a number of regulatory changes have come into effect.

Regulation 270/06, amending the College's election regulation made under the Ontario College of Teachers Act, clarifies the employment and residential requirements to run in a Council election and other criteria that elected councillors must meet before they can take their seat on Council.

Regulation 269/06 amends the College's teacher's qualification Regulation 184/97, removing the Ontario Teacher Qualifying Test as a condition of certification and halts the issuance of provisional certificates.

Regulation 271/06amends Regulation 72/97 made under the College's Act to introduce an oath of office that all Council members must take acknowledging their duty to serve and protect the public interest.

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College Passes GST Cut On To Applicants and Members

The College is reducing service fees to reflect the one per cent reduction in the GST that the federal government is implementing on July 1.

The annual membership fee, which is not subject to GST, will not change.

The College charges fees on a cost-recovery basis for a number of services, including registration, reinstatement, duplicate documents and evaluation of credentials. The fees include GST and the College remits the tax to the federal government.

"Taxes are a sensitive issue with most people," says Registrar Doug Wilson. "The College believes our members should benefit directly from the tax reduction and we've lowered our fees accordingly."

For convenience of members, the revised fees have been rounded down to whole numbers.

The new fees come into effect July 1.

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New library services for members

Request books and videos from the College library online, check the status of your holds, renew materials you've checked out and create your own library lists. You can even e-mail book lists to colleagues and friends. Simply log into your Members' Area account and choose "Your Library" to access your new customized library page.

The library has a circulating collection of more than 4,800 books and videos, approximately 200 professional journals and many other resources. You can search the library database online from the College web site.

We will mail books and videos postage-free to your home or school address. Using a special-return mailing label, you can mail books back to the library free of charge.

You can also request a literature search by library staff, who will mail, fax or e-mail the journal articles.

More information regarding the library and its resources or e-mail library@oct.ca.

Olivia Hamilton
Ontario College of Teachers
Margaret Wilson Library
121 Bloor St. E.
Toronto ON M4W 3M5

Phone: 416-961-8800 ext. 679 or 1-888-534-2222 ext. 679
Fax: 416-961-9838

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Your College And You

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If you wish to reply to this message, please provide your name and registration number so that we can provide an accurate and detailed response.

Ontario College of Teachers © 2006

101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 0A1

Client Services:

Telephone: 416.961.8800

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.888.534.2222


All Other Inquiries:

Telephone: 437.880.3000

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.833.966.5588


© 2025 Ontario College of Teachers

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