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September 2011

September 2011, Issue 56

Your College and You

Thank you for your interest in receiving breaking news and professional information from the Ontario College of Teachers.

In this Issue:

Your Profession is Calling You

A new College Council will be elected in early 2012 and we'd like you to consider running for a seat.

Council decisions shape the teaching profession. You can bring your unique classroom and school-based experience to the Council table where policies and priorities are set and decisions are made to continually improve the teaching profession.

You will bring back to the classroom great experiences, knowledge, insights and the benefit of relationships that have helped expand your horizons in the interests of the teaching profession.

If you are a member in good standing with the College, you are eligible to serve on Council as a representative of the region or school system in which you are a member. Step forward. Serve your profession.

Run. Nominate a colleague.

Look for more information about the upcoming election and how you can get involved in the September issue of Professionally Speaking and on our eVote 2012 web site. For more nomination information you can also call the College election hotline at 416-961-8800 (toll-free in Ontario 1-888-534-2222), ext. 559.

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Ontario College of Teachers Commissions The Hon. Patrick LeSage to Review Regulatory Processes

The Honourable Patrick J. LeSage C.M., O.ONT., Q.C., has been commissioned by the Ontario College of Teachers to review the regulatory body's investigation and disciplinary procedures and outcomes and dispute resolution program.

You will find more information in our news release and backgrounder — which provides a background and objectives for this review.

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Facebook Updates Privacy Settings

The College's recent Professional Advisory on the Use of Electronic Communication and Social Media recommends that teachers understand privacy concerns and actively manage the privacy and security settings of their social media accounts. Facebook has recently made some big changes to its privacy controls, designed to help you more easily manage who sees information about you on the popular social media platform.

Here's a look at how these changes will affect you:

  • You are now able to stop someone from tagging you in a photo, whether it's their own photo or one you've posted yourself. This pre-approval process will also apply to written posts in which you're tagged
  • Your privacy controls will now be available on your profile page and not buried in the Account Settings area
  • You will more easily be able to view your profile as it looks to another Facebook user through the increased prominence of the "view profile as" feature
  • Posts you previously set to be viewable by "everyone" will be renamed "public".

You can see an in-depth overview of the changes in this Facebook blog post.

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Watch the 2011 Annual Meeting of Members Online

Didn't get a chance to attend the College's 2011 Annual Meeting of Members in person? You can now view it on YouTube! This year's guest speaker, Ontario Ombudsman André Marin, serves up enlightening case studies that illustrate how his office works in the public interest and that demonstrate the need for transparency.

You'll also hear from College Chair Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, who provides highlights from the College's annual report and discusses developments in the Teachers Qualification Review, and from Registrar Michael Salvatori, OCT, who reviews the College's research into teacher supply and demand and other 2010–11 initiatives.

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Your College And You

If you do not wish to continue receiving Your College And You, change your profile in the Members' Area.

If you wish to reply to this message, please provide your name and registration number so that we can provide an accurate and detailed response.

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