July 2009
July 2009, Issue 47
Your College and You
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news and professional information from the Ontario College of Teachers.
In this Issue:
Council Chooses Chair, Vice-Chair
Liz Papadopoulos
Liz Papadopoulos has been selected by her peers to serve as Chair of the fifth Council of the Ontario College of Teachers.
"I am thrilled to have been chosen to represent our profession as the fifth Chair of the College Council. Teachers bring their heads and hearts to the noblest cause of all - helping students to realize their potential and reach their dreams," says Papadopoulos. "I am looking forward to continuing to enhance and promote the professionalism of our members."
Papadopoulos is a Grade 8 and Special Education teacher with the Toronto DSB.
She began teaching in 1991 and has taught students from kindergarten through Grade 8. She holds specialist qualifications in English as a Second Language and in Physical and Health Education.
Papadopoulos returns to the College after a three-year hiatus. From 2000 to 2006 she was a College Council member and served as Investigation Committee Chair, Accreditation Appeal Committee Chair, Finance Committee vice-chair, Election Committee vice-chair and as an Executive Committee member.
She has been actively involved in teacher federation activities locally, provincially and nationally and was vice-president of the ETFO Toronto local for several years.
She holds a BA from York University and an MSc in Education from Niagara University. Her College registration number is 187328.
Penny Is Vice-Chair
Ruth Ann Penny
Council also chose Ruth Ann Penny as their Vice-chair. Penny recently served as Director of Admissions at Branksome Hall, an independent girls' school in Toronto. She is currently teaching on an occasional basis.
This is Penny's second term on Council. She served as a member of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee and was vice-chair of the Accreditation Committee.
She began teaching in 1976 and has taught in both public and private schools across the province. She began as a kindergarten teacher and went on to teach French and middle school gifted students in English-language schools, and languages and social sciences in French Immersion schools.
She has served as an elementary vice-principal, principal and consultant, a collective bargaining representative for the FWTAO, a Ministry of Education trainer and a system-wide PD leader in the area of leadership development.
She has a BA from McMaster University, a BEd from Laurentian University and an MA from the University of Toronto. Her College registration number is 150717.
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Council Appoints Joe Jamieson as Deputy Registrar
Council has appointed the College's Director of Investigations and Hearings, Joe Jamieson, as Deputy Registrar effective September 14, 2009.
"I am delighted to be able to support our new Registrar, Michael Salvatori, and the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers in implementing a vision of a professional regulatory body that continues to inspire public confidence in the profession,” Jamieson said. "I'm really gratified at the confidence that Council members representing the whole spectrum of the profession have shown in me and I look forward to working with them in the public interest.”
During his eight years at the College, Jamieson has contributed in a wide variety of leadership roles in three departments. Before serving as Director of Investigations and Hearings, he was also Director of Standards of Practice and Accreditation, Manager of Intake and Hearings and a program administrator in the both the Professional Affairs and Executive departments.
You can find more information about the new Deputy Registrar on the College web site.
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College Introduces AQ Search Engine
If you're thinking about taking an additional qualification course to expand
your subject knowledge or sharpen your classroom skills, our new search engine Find
an AQ will help you find the AQ and the provider to suit your needs.
On the Find an AQ search page, enter the name of a subject area, course or
keyword and you will get a list of all AQs related to your search.
You can use AND or OR with multiple terms to refine your search, and you can search through one schedule of AQs or all of them at the same time.
Click on any course to follow the links to a list of providers who have been approved to offer the course, then you can click on the provider link, which will take you to a web site or contact information for more on what courses are on their schedule.
The search engine has a few other refinements. Try it yourself. You can access Find an AQ directly from our main page at www.oct.ca under Additional Qualifications.
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Your Library - Books, Videos...and Much, Much More
What's your interest? Curriculum development and assessment, pre-service and in-service training, standards of practice, learning styles, special education, mentoring?
We have extensive materials on all these topics and many more… and College members can access our full range of services from anywhere in Ontario.
To access services exclusive to members, sign in to the Members' Area. We're here to support your professional development.
Search our online catalogue of more than 7,000 items. After you're logged in, you can request books or videos from the search results page. They'll be in the mail to you within two business days, sent directly to your home or school address – free of charge. You can even mail books back to us postage-free.
E-mail library@oct.ca to request a literature search. We'll search full-text databases through ProQuest and e-mail you the articles.
Visit in person and you'll have in-house access to:
- full text databases, including Canadian Newsstand, CBCA Education, Proquest Education Journals and Research Library
- decisions of the Discipline Committee
- about 200 professional journals in paper copy
- government documents, including Ontario curriculum documents and Statistics Canada publications
- newspapers, both in print form and online several work stations with Internet access.
More information regarding the library and its resources or e-mail library@oct.ca.
Olivia Hamilton
Ontario College of Teachers
Margaret Wilson Library
121 Bloor St. E.
Toronto ON M4W 3M5
Phone: 416-961-8800 ext. 679 or 1-888-534-2222 ext. 679
Fax: 416-961-8822
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