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May 2007

May 2007, Issue 35

Your College and You

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In this Issue:

The College will recognize a portion of an initial teacher education program done via distance education.

College Recognizes Distance Education Delivery

The College has introduced new evaluation procedures that may enable applicants with a teacher education program earned through distance education to advance more quickly towards certification in Ontario.

Effective immediately, the College recognizes a portion of an initial teacher education program done via distance education, if the program includes a face-to-face practicum or if the applicant has one year of teaching experience outside Ontario.

Applicants for whom the College recognizes a portion of the teacher education program completed by distance education will still have to take two methodology courses in a face-to-face environment to be certified.

The College's change in procedure will have the greatest impact on internationally educated teachers.

"We're pleased to introduce a change that will enable internationally educated teachers to move more quickly towards certification in Ontario," said Registrar Brian McGowan.

The College is in the process of contacting all teachers who have been denied certification in the past because their program was completed through distance education to inform them of this initiative.

In the recently completed College-led teachers' qualification review, participants supported alternative delivery methods, including distance education, for initial teacher education. There was no support for delivering an initial teacher education program entirely via distance education.

"This change in procedures reflects a growing confidence in the education sector that distance education is a useful and valid method of teacher education delivery, especially when used in conjunction with more traditional methods," said Registrar Brian McGowan.

More information on the procedural changes is available on the College web site in a series of questions and answers.

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Calling Experienced Educators

The College is seeking a Manager, Intake and Hearings Services. An accomplished educational leader with excellent conflict resolution skills, you will lead a team of staff administer­ing the complaint intake and hearings functions of the Investigations and Hearings Department.

Your responsibilities will include support to the public and the profession on queries and complaints with respect to teacher conduct and fitness to practise, and identifying and dealing with complaints that are potentially resolvable through dispute resolution methods.

You will provide support to the College Council's Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees and to hearings panels.

Applications must arrive no later than May 11, 2007. The complete job posting is available on the College web site.

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Events Calendar Available Online 24/7

Looking for a workshop or conference to attend this year? As part of its member services, the library regularly posts an extensive list of conference/workshop listings on the College web site and in Professionally Speaking.

You can also reach thousands of teachers by e-mailing your conference/workshop listings to library@oct.ca. We are particularly interested in receiving listings for Ontario-based programs.

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