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December 2009

December 2009, Issue 48

Your College and You

Thank you for your interest in receiving breaking news and professional information from the Ontario College of Teachers.

In this Issue:

Ontario Teachers on YouTube

Teachers across the province are starting to use the new professional designation, recently created by the College.

  • OCT, Ontario Certified Teacher
  • EAO, Enseignante agréée de l'Ontario / Enseignant agrée de l'Ontario

Watch the video and see what your colleagues think of their new designation.

The designation reminds parents and members of the public that you are a professional. It's a symbol of the respect, trust, care and integrity you demonstrate everyday.

The more you use it, the more its meaning will be recognized as a symbol of professionalism in teaching.

For more information on the new title and how to use it, please see the guide
OCT - Your Professional Designation, which is located in the Members' Area of the College web site.

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Tell Us What You Think Supervisory Officers Need to Know

Contribute your opinions and help us revise the Supervisory Officer's Qualification Program (SOQP) guideline.

The College is conducting a thorough review of the SOQP to ensure it reflects the needs of today's supervisory officers in Ontario. Your views are important to us. We are asking members to fill out an online questionnaire as part of this collaborative revision.

The results will provide relevant and valuable information to a provincial writing team that will draft the new program guideline.

We are also conducting sessions with providers, consultations with education partners, and provincial focus group sessions to generate information for the new guideline.

The questionnaire takes about five minutes to fill out. Please give us your input by January 8, 2010.

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Your membership card can provide you with discounts at stores and attractions throughout Ontario.

More Great Discounts for OCTs

The list of organizations offering free admission and discounts across Ontario keeps growing.

Recent examples include:

Your membership card provides proof that you are a professional teacher licensed to teach in Ontario's publicly funded schools.

Be sure to show your card when you're purchasing supplies or visiting major attractions. Many book sellers, museums, zoos and office supply stores provide discounts to teachers.

For a complete list of organizations that offer discounts to members, see www.oct.ca.

If you visit an attraction that's not on our discount list, you might ask them to consider participating in our discount program. Organizations can e-mail discounts@oct.ca for more information.

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Your Input is Welcome for Accreditation Reviews

You can now provide comments online about the quality of the programs of professional education that we review. It's simple and easy.

View the upcoming accreditation review schedule and submit comments about the quality of the programs under review via e-mail at accreditation@oct.ca.

Accreditation ensures teachers have the professional education and practical experience they need to become members of the College. The ultimate beneficiaries are Ontario students.

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Your College And You

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